UPDATE 1-24-23: Tina Peters’ obstruction trial has been delayed due to a prosecutor being exposed to Covid-19.
A short video reminder from last February of what Trial #1 starting 1/25/23 is all about
Get out the popcorn!
Tina Peters’ jury trial on charges of obstructing a police officer and government operations and kicking a cop (Case No. C392022M364) is coming up on January 25-26, 2023. The trial will start at 8:30 a.m. each day at the Mesa County Justice Center in Courtroom 2, before Judge Bruce Raaum.
People may be able to watch the trial from home using the WebEx video conferencing link to the judge’s courtroom. Here’s how:
- Download the WebEx installer by going to the Colorado Judicial Branch WebEx judge information page at this link and clicking on “WebEx Information.”
- When the next window opens, click on the link for Division 2, Judge Raaum’s courtroom, and follow the instructions to install WebEx. Once it’s installed, you’ll be asked to identify yourself and be given the option to join the proceeding.
If you forgot exactly which episode this is in the long Tina Peters saga, the above segment from Kyle Clark’s show Next on 9News broadcast in Denver February 8, 2022, should bring you up to speed.
Tina’s felony election tampering trial:

Tina Peters (L), and Belinda Knisely (R). Knisely, Peters’ former deputy clerk, is expected to testify against Tina at the trial in March, over Tina’s felony charges related to election tampering
— Tina’s criminal trial over her multiple felony charges related to election tampering (Case No. D392022CR371) starts March 9 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 9, before Judge Matthew Barrett, and is scheduled to run through March 14. To watch this trial online, visit the same page as noted above, with the link to the Colorado Judicial Branch WebEx judge information, choose Courtroom 9, Judge Barrett’s Courtroom. Follow the prompts to join the proceeding as a guest.
Tina’s House-stealing trial:
— The civil case against Tina brought by her ex-husband for allegedly stealing his house (pdf text of lawsuit), Case No. 21CV30321, is set for a jury trial starting Monday, October 23 and running through Friday, October 27, 2023. Due to the Judge’s schedule, On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of that week, the trial is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m., and on Wednesday and Friday it will start at 10:30 a.m. You can join this trail online the same way as the others, but pick Courtroom 12, Judge Gretchen Larsen.
Allegations against Tina in this case include “theft by conversion” (defined as “unauthorized possession of personal property causing curtailment of the owner’s possession,” in this case residential property), “breach of fiduciary duty” and “theft by deception.” Again, you can read the full text of the case here. (pdf)
The Valley needs this kind of responsible reporting now more than ever!
Thank you, Ann!
— Your new fan
Her husband filed his lawsuit regarding the theft of the house in Dec 2021, so it’s going to be almost two years before this gets in front of a judge. Unbelievable.
I wholeheartedly agree with Bill! Could not have said it better myself.
Our nation’s ingrained practices of whites harming the poor, who are often dark-skinned minorities, are in play every day, If Tina Peters had been poor, or non-white, her struggle with police on Main Street more likely would have resulted in her being tased, struck, taken down, charged with multiple felonies, held in jail, tried, sentenced, and incarcerated.
Many of today’s Republicans, whose policies enshrine the Jim Crow Days, anti-immigrant and women as second class citizens, have their feelings hurt when we tell it like it is.
Tina will probably walk.
True. She’s got enough friends in the right places that she’ll be able to cut some deals.
Welcome to Mesa County, where politics is basically just a game of musical chairs, but the number never decreases.
Thank you for the information!
Thank you!