Are you wondering how to vote in the Grand Junction Regular Municipal Election on Tuesday, April 6, 2021? Are you sweating over where you’ll find the time to research the eight City Council candidates and the ballot measures?
We’ve done the work for you.
AnneLandmanBlog has done substantial research into all of the candidates for City Council, and read the ballot measures. To see what we found out, scroll down anneLandmanBlog’s front page and have a look at the recent blogs about the election prior to this one.
Based on what we found, here are our recommended votes:
City Council District A: Rick Taggart
City Council District D: Dennis Simpson
City Council District E: Abe Herman
City Council At-Large: Randall Reitz
City of G.J. Referred Measure 2A: YES
This measure proposes to tax retail marijuana between 3.25% and 8.25%, with potential further increases in the future, within certain limits, if the City legalizes the retail sale of marijuana inside City limits. It would put the money towards enforcing laws regulating the marijuana industry, and funding the highest priority elements of the City’s parks, trails and open space plan. All expenditures would be subject to annual audit.
City of G.J. Referred Measure 2B: YES
This measure would legalize the sale of retail marijuana within the City.
City of G.J. Referred Measure 2C: YES
This measure attempts to fix to the boondoggle caused by the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce back in 2013, when it urged people to vote for Referred Measure A — the Brady Trucking Rezone. The Chamber urged people to uphold the light industrial zoning for a piece of land next to the Colorado River at C 1/2 and 27 1/2 Roads, so the Brady Trucking company could expand its operations there. The Chamber promised voters that if they approved the measure, it would bring high paying “jobs and trails” to the area. Voters approved the measure, but none of those promises were ever fulfilled. Brady never expanded their operations, and no jobs or trails ever materialized.
Now the City wants to at least partially fix the mess by moving ahead with building the promised section of Riverfront Trail along that land, but first they have to amend the current zoning so they can extend the Riverfront Trail along the property. That means they need a public trail easement along the property. This measure provides that easement.
AnneLandmanBlog thinks it’s about time something beneficial was finally done with this property, hence the recommended “YES” vote.