Do you have an elderly parent who needs help around the house cooking, cleaning, shopping and taking medications? Are you struggling to keep a disabled friend in his or her own home? Are you an older person yourself in need of help around the house so you can stay out of a nursing home or institution?
If so, you’re in luck, because the best freelance home health provider in Grand Junction is now available to help.
Sharon Schultz is the freelance home health care giver I hired to take care of my elderly mom full time in 2012. She came highly recommended to me by a friend who employed her for three years to take care of her own mom. I was so lucky Sharon was available just at the time when my Mom started needing extra help. Sharon was Mom’s caregiver and companion for three years, until she died last June 10. Sharon is truly the best caregiver you could ever find, and we were endlessly impressed with her.
Sharon is a skilled and patient memory care specialist who worked for many years in institutional settings locally, but who wanted to provide better care to her charges than she was able to do in an institution. The best way she could do that, she found, was to work on a freelance basis, so that is what she does.
Exemplary Caregiver
Sharon does it all: in addition to her medical skills, she is a down-home country cook, a master gardener and a housekeeper with a detailed eye. She tended to my Mom like she was royalty. Here are some examples of some things she did for my mom:
She planted a vegetable garden in Mom’s back yard and raised tomatoes, corn, cucumbers and eggplant. She took Mom to the greenhouse so Mom could pick out the veggies she wanted to have herself. Later in the summer, when the veggies were ready to pick, Sharon made Mom home-made dishes from the proceeds of the garden. Sharon would get recipe books from the library, let my mom pick out the dishes she’d like to try, and then make them for her — whatever she wanted. Under her watchful eye, Sharon managed to get my Mom’s diabetes under excellent control — no easy feat. (Sharon can administer medications and insulin.) She cleaned Mom’s house beautifully, did all the grocery shopping and kept Mom’s house neat as a pin and her lawn neatly mowed. My mom loved elephants, so Sharon took Mom on a trip to the Denver Zoo to see the elephants. Sharon would make delicious, multiple-course holiday meals and invite the whole family over to Mom’s house, so she could enjoy family get-togethers in her own home at times like the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. Sharon helped Mom do jigsaw puzzles and took her on rides to the fruit stands on Orchard Mesa in summer.
Sharon does it all, with love and caring. She is a true professional. We couldn’t have been more pleased with the skilled, incredibly attentive and detail-oriented care Sharon gave my Mom. Sharon truly made the last three years of my mom’s life her happiest ever.
If you are interesting in hiring this wonderful caregiver, either full or part time, for yourself or an elderly friend or relative who needs assistance, call her right away at 255-0028, before someone else snaps her up. Tell her Anne Landman sent you.
Thanks, Suzi. Whoever snaps Sharon up will be incredibly lucky.
As a Home Health RN, I can say that Sharon sounds wonderful. I will keep her in mind as I frequently have clients in need of services.