Momentum is growing for Grand Junction City Council candidate Jesse Daniels, the youngest and most modern-thinking city council candidate we’ve ever had. He’s fighting for some long-needed beneficial change in Grand Junction, and it’s about time.
Jesse is different kind of candidate. He has special appeal to the younger set who’ve long felt completely unrepresented on city council and longed for a change. Jesse knows how to roll…He has a logo, a Facebook page, understands social media and the importance of the Internet, and like most hard-working city residents, Jesse is a working person himself, not a retiree. He’s been involved in the goings-on in downtown Grand Junction for over 20 years.
A Hometown Guy
Jesse was born in Grand Junction, CO in 1981, and grew up here. He’s also lived in Denver, Salt Lake, San Diego, Riverside (CA) Phoenix, Arizona and then he finally came back to the city he loves — ours!
After graduating from Central High School in 1999, Jesse was classically trained as a Theater Lighting & Rigging Technician by Theatrics in Denver Colorado. Jesse then became immersed in the Nightlife & Entertainment Industry, spending over 20 years in the field. He’s been a bartender for 17 years, managed ten different entertainment venues ranging from theaters to restaurants to nightclubs. He has been a co-owner of two nightclubs, and opened five different venues. He was a professional chauffeur for more than 11 years, has consulted on several business openings and has been a human rights activist for more than a decade.
Yes, you read that right. A human rights activist is running for city council!

Jesse Daniels is running for City Council. All City residents can vote for him, and if you want Grand Junction to finally come into the 21st century, you should vote for him!
Jesse managed the Avalon Theater from 1995-2000. He was Assistant Stage Manager for the Grand Junction Symphony from 2002-2005; he was nominated “Bartender of The Year” in Salt Lake City (runner up–2006). He owned and operated a Grand Junction limousine service (2007-2010) and was Marketing Director of Naggy McGee’s from 2010 – 2012. Jesse is also the Founder, President, & Event Director of Colorado West Pride N.P.O., from 2012 – present.
What Jesse Supports
Jesse cares about issues that really matter to average city residents, and would be responsive to the needs of average city residents, not just business owners who have a lot of political clout. Here’s what Jesse stands for:
• Community:
Support Community Centers.
Support recreation opportunities for the community.
Support cultural events in our community.
Support live music in our community.
Support the arts in our community.
Support equality for all citizens.
• Connectivity:
Develop a public transportation system that supports the businesses, nightlife, and entertainment in our community.
Support the development of broadband.
• Prosperity:
Support economic development that brings good paying jobs to our community.
Support attractive store fronts in our community.
Support development of industrial parks.
Invest in renewable energy.
The Grand Junction municipal election is Tuesday, April 4. The ballots are mail-in only, and should be coming out in the middle of March.
If you want to get in touch with Jesse, read more about him or support his run for Council, his Facebook page is here. His candidate website is, and if you want to donate to his campaign to help him WIN, click on this link.
Very well written article in regards to Jesse Daniels candidate for GJ City Council. Im a close friend of his and appreciate all positive support for him.
Thank you Anne!