A wet, snowy early October changed the planned date for the western slope flyover of Mad Dog PAC’s “Impeachment Now” banner. It was originally scheduled to fly here on Saturday, 10/13 and then over Denver on 10/14, but due to bad weather, the 100 foot by 30 foot banner flew over Denver on 10/13 and will appear over the western slope this coming Wednesday, October 17. The weather is expected to be clear and dry. The pilot needs two consecutive days of clear weather to fly here and back safely over the Rockies. The plane has a top speed of 105 m.p.h. The banner-flying company, Drag ‘n’ Fly, is based in Ft. Lupton, CO, about 30 miles east of Boulder.
Western slope liberal progressives frustrated with the GOP’s offensive, misogynistic, bullying, chaotic, lying, Kremlin-backed, tax-cheating President Trump easily crowd-funded the cost of the flights over both slopes of the Rockies. Mad Dog PAC supplied the banner and the cost of shipping it here for the flight.
Denver first, then the western slope
The banner flew over Denver yesterday — Saturday, October 13 — on what turned out to be a crystal clear day. It flew over I-25, I-70, Coors Field, Mile High Stadium and over soccer fields and other attractions for over three hours, and was seen far and wide all over the Denver Metro area. Talk of the banner raged on Reddit and people posted pictures of it on Twitter and Facebook.
Drag ‘N’ Fly’s pilot, Tom Mace, will take off with the banner from an airstrip in Delta on Wednesday morning at approximately 10:00 a.m. and will fly the banner over Delta first, then to Montrose, then over Delta again to the Grand Valley, where it will fly for approximately 110 minutes.
If all goes as planned, this will be the first time a banner of any kind has been flown over the Grand Junction area. Please tell us in the comments section below this article if you have seen a banner flown on the western slope before!

The banner, taking off on Saturday, 10/13/ from Ft. Lupton

Close up of the banner

The banner over slow traffic on I-25

The banner as seen from the ground at a soccer game in Denver on Saturday, 10/13

Mile HIgh Stadium and I-25, as seen from the tow plane
Our Republic is in trouble. He needs to go.
Love this statement. Our Republic is in trouble. He needs to go.
Thanks for the last minute election reminder to vote Republican…Priceless!
Cute gag.
Thanks for the flights contributing to global warming.
Your president is arguably a far worse contributor to global warming. Flying Air Force One to golf every weekend? Care to mention that?
There are innumerable things to add to that example. And yes I heard you.
Looking at what the neighbors are doing doesn’t keep our side of the street clean.