Ray Scott’s tweet lamenting planning for the future, and indicating he can’t wait for such folly to end
Is Republican State Senator Ray Scott concerned about Colorado’s economy and workforce?
It sure doesn’t look like it, judging from his twitter feed.
On September 4, Scott posted a tweet that said “2022 an’t come fast enough.” It was his response to an announcement that Governor Polis had just created a new government office to deal with pressing new problems facing Colorado’s workforce. Scott’s tweet referred to the year when Governor Polis’s first term in office will be over.
Sen. Scott tweeted his disdain Governor Polis’ newly-created “Office for the Future of Work,” announced September 4.
Sen. Scott either 1) failed to investigate the need for this office, or he 2) doesn’t care what’s going to happen to Colorado workers in the near future if we fail to plan for coming trends.
We need to address changes like the Gig Economy, Automation and Changes in the Energy Market

NO planning for YOU! Colorado State Senator Ray Scott
The new office is part of the state’s Office of Workforce Development. Its purpose is to address the needs Colorado’s workforce faces amid the rapidly changing nature of work. Challenges include the growing gig economy, in which people increasingly work as independent contractors instead of employees in full and part time jobs. The gig economy is leading to the rapid disappearance of employer-employee relationships that gave workers benefits like health insurance, vacation time, retirement accounts that often include matching funds and paid sick time off. The gig economy has left many workers without the crucial economic safety net that Coloradans have depended on for generations. What’s more, innovations like artificial intelligence, automation in manufacturing, self-driving vehicles and society’s turn away from costly, inefficient fossil fuels toward renewables, like solar and wind power will soon leave existing workers out of jobs unless we plan for the future and help retrain workers to help them adapt to new fields and technology.
Until now, the state has lacked a coordinated way to address all of these pressing issues facing workers.
Seems pretty forward-thinking to do so, then, doesn’t it? One would think it is a good idea to look at what’s coming in the near future and start preparing for it.
Planning for the future absolutely makes sense, and it’s something we ought to be doing to assure Colorado transitions into a successful, prosperous future.
For Ray Scott, though, planning for the future is just pure folly.
Medicaid buy-in (Sen. Schatz and Rep. Lujan) : The Schatz proposal would give the states leeway to decide how they want to set premiums, copayments, and deductibles. They would cap premiums at 9.5 percent of a family’s income (a provision that already exists for those covered under Affordable Care Act plans) or the per-enrollee cost of Medicaid buy-in, whichever is less.