Yesterday morning I went to the U.S. Postal Service sorting annex on Patterson to drop off a postage-paid package. As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a red dumpster by the loading docks. When I went inside to drop the package off for scanning, I jokingly asked the clerk if that was their high-speed sorter outside in the dumpster, referring to reports that the mail is being hobbled before the election as Trump pushes baseless arguments against mail-in voting.
The clerk said “No, that’s our flats sorting machine. We had just gotten it. It took 2 months to set it up and they were just about to do a test run when the Postmaster General ordered us to take it out. Now we’re sorting flats by hand. We really could have used it. No wonder they say we’re losing money when they throw out expensive machines like that.” **
The Los Angeles Times reported August 20th that the slowdown in the mail has left postal warehouses in Los Angeles full of rotting packages of meat, fruit and dead animals, drawing gnats, flies, rats and mice. One California postal customer who saw the mess said it was “like Armageddon.”
A protest will be held at noon today at the Main Post Office on 4th Street between Rood and White Avenues to protest the changes that are hobbling the post office.
**Note: The clerk did not say this was a new machine, just that they had spent two months setting it up. The machine could have been a used one from somewhere else, for all I know.
The report about the USPS throwing away a sorting machine has a factual ERROR: The local GJ TV News reported that the machine that was thrown away was old and obsolete, and could NOT be refurbished. Writers need to have the FACTS before they report on an issue and make FALSE claims. Stories are VALID only if the FACTS are TRUE! Making FALSE statements is inappropriate…..
You won’t get any corrections from Anne, anything she can do to try and smear the right, and push her blue agenda is on the table- truth has no place in her world. I heard she “leaked” this to the sentinel- and they happily reported on it- without fact checking anything