Rep. Lauren Boebert’s mother and friend complain about all the “brown people” in the Rifle WalMart

In this cringeworthy December, 2010 “things we hate” YouTube video reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live skit, Colorado CD-3 House Rep. Lauren Boebert‘s mother, Shawna Bentz (on the left), and a friend who identifies herself as “Lauren,” (not Bentz’s daughter, House Representative Lauren Boebert) complain about Mexicans and all the “brown people” in the Rifle Walmart on Sundays.

Beneath the video, Bentz wrote, “In noway way Do we hate brown people, We love all of Gods People….This is just a Rant of the everyday life.”

  178 comments for “Rep. Lauren Boebert’s mother and friend complain about all the “brown people” in the Rifle WalMart

  1. The biggest threat America faces today is domestic terrorism propagated by angry white males. If you, dear reader, feel that there may be a very delusional, very unstable, very angry white male on here who openly argues that Black people are responsible for all his problems, when all his problems can’t possibly be attributed to race, may I make a suggestion? Send a link to this page to and ask them to keep an eye on him. A man who is so virulently dedicated to persuading dozens of strangers on a blog that Black people have ruined his life? A man who is so invested that he keeps arguing this point in dozens, even scores of posts over a several day period? That’s not exercising one’s First Amendment rights, that’s not “trolling,” that’s mental illness. Serious race-based delusions, claims of being highly educated, aggrieved ex-military, and angry as hell? Those characteristics fit a specific profile that an organization like the FBI should be watching. Especially now. Do America a favor and send it in. Do him a favor and send it in. Maybe someone will contact him in a way that persuades him to get the help he so desperately needs.

  2. Confidential to Anne Landman 😉

    I’m new to your blog, but I’ve run across this “Dave I” guy, or someone who sounds just like him, on local GJ forums. He insists on mansplaining his toothless points to death, and it’s such a spirit-sucking enterprise to have to wade through dozens of his responses to normal queries asking him to source his opinions. Like Trump, Dave I can never, ever admit defeat, or pose a rebuttal like a substantive debater without misusing ALL CAPS. I see that someone, hopefully you, turned off the comments to his comments, which was a wonderful blessing. Now can you just please delete the first 500 of them? Maybe even consider blocking him from the blog? I’m exhausted just scrolling through his arguments. Lively debate is a wonderful exercise of First Amendment rights, but there is nothing to be gained by reading Dave I’s endless campaign to convince everyone (or maybe just Charlie Adams) that DAVE I IS RIGHT ALL THE TIME. Trust me, from what I’ve seen on other forums, Dave I never ever gives up. Shout out to Charlie Adams from KY for trying, tho.

    • You’re exhausted scrolling through his arguments? Here’s a suggestion–Don’t read them. Maybe you could take a nap instead or catch up on Sponge Bob. There is a word for:
      “I’m all for….but….” Have a great day

  3. You’re all wasting your time trying to “be reasonable and rational” with Dave. It’s a professional troll; it’s not an “aggrieved veteran” – unless it would be a veteran of Putin’s troll-army. It’s not here to “discuss” anything, because it KNOWS it’s a liar. That’s its job, whether it’s posting from St. Petersburg, Proud Boys headquarters, or the RNC. Treat it as befits its miserable being.

  4. Lauren thinks Biden answers to her. Since she became a domestic terrorist by giving her fellow terrorists a tour of the Capitol to facilitate the January 6 murder spree and overthrow, all she has done is introduce legislation to undo all of biden’s executive orders.

    Boebert was never Obamas VP, nor is she married to doctor Jill Biden.

    Lauren truly thinks she is president. She needs assume her normal position, the one she knows best – the back seat. Where she mistook Jayson’s genitalia for an engagement.

  5. I commented and it sent me back saying I already commented. Guess I am who I am simmering away on some back burner. Thank you for sharing this, now we can have compassion for the bloodline of Lauren. Or we can stand up to her and suggest it’s not too late to get a few years of college or education in leadership within government.

  6. Look, I don’t agree with Lauren Boebert’s politics, and I don’t agree with the comments on here about race. However, I think that it is wrong to target two working class women who came by those ideas by ignorance and lack of experience. If they are anything like the people I know, they could be quickly educated out of their ideas if given the opportunity. I think the people you need to worry about are the billionaires manipulating people like this who have the real power, and know what they are doing. And these ladies are right- Walmart is a nightmare on Sunday no matter what your race is, everyone who shops there knows that.

    • My dearly departed momma was working class, born into poverty in an old mill city during the Depression that never quite recovered even despite WWII. My nana & great aunts quit school in the 8th grade to support the family. These women were strong, well-read (especially the newspaper), frugal & tough. And they weren’t as ignorant as these two dolts.

      I’ve met highly-educated people who are racists, and known a lot of uneducated people who weren’t. Mama was called a lot of names for being Irish & German, and had no tolerance for bullies. And that’s what Boeman’s mama is. An intolerant racist.

    • Are you recycling and shopping local? Are you repurposing items? What about found items? Billionaire shmillionaire, what are you doing, how are you living?

      • Even though I have M.S./B.S./B.S. degrees, I have been forced to work as a Substitute Teacher (which requires a B.S. degree) but pays minimum wage, and is only part-time, with NO benefits, resulting in an annual income of only $10,000. This is LOWER than the income earned by virtually ALL Black people in America without college degrees — some who were CHOSEN to receive their job solely because they were Black — and they might also enjoy a lifetime income and pension — because they received hiring preferences given ONLY to Minorities. I have NEVER received any ‘White Privilege’, which is a false charge ‘made up’ by Minorities in order to continue to demand their many advantages over Whites. I was repeatedly punished for being White, and will NOT get a pension. And I’m a VETERAN! Thank you, America, for allowing me to live the American Dream….!

        • I have a solution, dave 1 – Maybe you could be Lauren Boebert’s new Communications Director; I hear there’s an opening.

          • President Biden hired Kamala Harris as his VP choice BECAUSE she is a WOMAN. But Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act PROHIBITS hiring anyone based on GENDER. This means that 80,000,000 MEN were DENIED their legal right to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and were DISCRIMINATED against by Biden’s ILLEGAL VIOLATION of Federal Law. We are supposed to hire the BEST PERSON — NOT the BEST WOMAN! I am highly impressed with Kamala Harris’ extensive qualifications, and I like her a lot! But Biden publicly announced that she was selected BECAUSE of her GENDER — NOT because she was the BEST PERSON. Now do you see why Affirmative Action is so discriminatory, harmful, unethical, immoral, and illegal — to all the MEN who were NOT even CONSIDERED for the VP position?

          • What freaking tour are you talking about? The one GODES says she did? What a piece of work… never happened asswad… read past the comics and the crossword puzzles honey in that rag of a newspaper y’all have in GWS. Small minded politicians in small minded little towns breed incurable ignorance.

        • Interesting??? Based on WHAT KNOWLEDGE that these people were given their jobs BASED ON THE FACT THAT THEY ARE BLACK and NOT JUST MORE QUALIFIED THAN YOU ????? Don’t care HOW many “ degrees “ you have !!!! Your white privilege ? Is the fact that YOU don’t have to worry BECAUSE you are white !!!!! You are NOT a target BECAUSE you are WHITE !!! Let me guess! YOU are mad about affirmative action ( btw it’s mostly used BY WHITE WOMEN ) that had to be put in place BECAUSE WHITE SUPREMACY couldn’t HANDLE be on the SAME PLAYING FEILD as EVERYONE ELSE!!!! This is one of the most ignorant comments I’ve seen today !!!

          • Your rant makes no logical sense. You have NO evidence to support your wild claim — so you chose to hurl your own POOH at me, instead of supporting it with facts! President Biden hired Kamala Harris as his VP choice BECAUSE she is a WOMAN. But Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act PROHIBITS hiring anyone based on GENDER. This means that 80,000,000 MEN were DENIED their legal right to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and were DISCRIMINATED against by Biden’s ILLEGAL VIOLATION of Federal Law. We are supposed to hire the BEST PERSON — NOT the BEST WOMAN! I am highly impressed with Kamala Harris’ extensive qualifications, and I like her a lot! But Biden publicly announced that she was selected BECAUSE of her GENDER — NOT because she was the BEST PERSON. Now do you see why Affirmative Action is so discriminatory, harmful, unethical, immoral, and illegal — to all the MEN who were NOT even CONSIDERED for the VP position?

          • Not true. Equal opportunity TRUMP wanted to HANG PENCE. See white with power prestige and position mean nothing to Trump if ya don’t stay loyal. the DON wants action with no complaints. People find warped reasons to justify their position and jump thru hoops to defend it. I knew what trump was abut to do simply because I knew the man. I also know he tapped into the hate anger and found a scapegoat to blame for their own misfortune. Funny part is that the manipulators like TRUMP are survivors and thrive on their obedient loyalists.

            • Your comments above are NOT about the rampant systemic discrimination against Whites, today. I did NOT vote for Trump, and I left the GOP recently because of him and his crazy followers….

        • Dave 1,

          Something doesn’t make sense in your story here. First thank you for your service to our country! May I ask why were you “forced” to work as a Substitute Teacher? Why do you think you’re not given a chance before Minorities?
          I have plenty of friends that work as Substitute Teachers and none of them have ever complained of not having enough work. Most of the time they have to turn down assignments, because they are already working 40 hours/week. As a matter of fact they prefer subbing over full time teaching, because they have more freedom. In regards to benefits, have you explored all your resources on how to earn these benefits? Here’s a link that can help you start somewhere.

          It sounds to me like you’re limiting yourself. Not sure whether you’re lacking the interview skills, or soft skills, or the desire to put in the work. I can only assume based on your complaints, same way that you are assuming that President Biden denied the right to 80,000,000 men to be the VP. Not sure where you got that number from. Didn’t even know that there were 80,000,000 men that applied for the position. Did you actually apply for the VP position? Were you called for an interview and then were denied the position because you were a white man?
          I sense that you are holding an unresolved past grudge toward the wrong people here. I hope I am wrong, because as a white citizen I fully disagree with everything you are saying.

          • I appreciate your response (the MOST intelligent one here), but you still completely MISSED the point. I was “forced” to accept a substitute position because I did not get chosen by any other employer (300-500 applicants per vacancy) and schools hire ‘EVERY’ sub that applies, because they want a HUGE pool to choose from to cover their daily needs. It does NOT cost them more to put more subs on their “sub-list”. Subbing pays only $10,000 per year (NO benefits) vs. contracted Teaching which pays $55,000 avg (CO) PLUS benefits!

        • What language are you using in your reply? Second Grade?
          I am sorry that you are unable to refute my truthful facts…….

    • You must be kidding me. Ignorance? Take a good look at them.They don’t look dumb and sheltered to me. They’re racists and bigots. Keep making excuses.

    • Your comment is kind. Thank you for giving them the benefit of the doubt. Do you think 40 is too late to return to college? Now we see where Lauren’s bloodline has taken her. Do we show her compassion and acceptance, or do we stand up to her? Can’t help but feel sorry for them, being so narrow minded. Having a video about what they hate and mainly anti brown people. Don’t have to get further educated to change that way of thinking. Who knows. I went back to college at age 40 and it opened my eyes and heart. These two ladies need a fix! Easier to work with our locals than confront the large corporations.

      • Nice to hear about the schooling and the effect the experience had on you.

        Education puts the church out of business. And foreclosing Jesus is the first step toward national healing.

    • “Targeted”? This was their video. “Ignorance and lack of experience?” Why? Public education is FREE and required through high school. So “quickly educated” does not fit their psyche and these folk can be manipulated by any “medicine salesman” not just billionaires. With an offspring in Congress, God the USA!

    • Your quote that “these women could quickly be educated out of their ignorance” is the epitome of white privilege. Clearly you know nothing about the roots of racism, and frankly if you think it’s easy to fix, you’ve got a problem, too. Try reading “Caste” by Isabel Wilkerson and “Hillbilly Elegy” (the book, not the film) by J.D. Vance to understand the deep roots of white racism before you make a fool of yourself again. Oh, and try making some “real” friendships with Black people before you go attributing the racism of ignorant idiots like Boebert’s mother to her “working class” roots. Your privilege is shining through, dear.

  7. Your argument and rant are moot, my friend. Statistically, there are over 200 million Caucasians to 42 million blacks/23 million Asians/62 million Hispanics, Latinos. Just from that prognosis, there are more whites employed than minorities. Your opinion is based more on a cultural perception than a fundamental reality. I don’t know Colorado’s labor laws, but I do not you could have sued for racial discrimination while seeking employment. If you didn’t, then your rant is firmly based on a biased, personal objective.

    • I DID consult a LAWYER: The LAWYER said that WHITE MEN are the ONLY demographic group that CAN’T sue for discrimination. But the law is discriminatory in itself! The privilege of suing is reserved for MINORITIES and women ONLY. That’s NOT white privilege — that’s MINORITY privilege!

      • Please choose another profession, Dave. We need educators who instill hope, not resentment.

        Your Master’s degree should have familiarized you w/supply & demand. Hone a skill w/higher demand than supply.

        Also, applaud progressives, whose policies help all poor, including Whites like you: you’ll soon be earning $15/hr. How will that impact your annual income?

        • Your answer seems to have MISSED everything I said, and supports the idea that it is OK to discriminate against White people. If true, then your moral values need re-alignment….

          • Strange of all years to present this argument we have BLM movement and the stark reminder how color is perceived. From schooling to jobs to advancement opportunities to pay. Without taking my word for it the solution is simple, let your fingers do the walking. Use a search engine of your choice and key in USA Race Discrimination. Have fun. Determine the source and if credited or credible organization read them. ALL OF THEM. there is a unifying theme in all. Hint: you don’t want to be BLACK!

            • No, I actually DO want to be Black! Blacks get points ADDED to their college admission scores (Whites do NOT!). Blacks get College Scholarships that are RESERVED ONLY for Blacks. (CMU has 28 scholarships for Minorities ONLY. CMU has NO scholarships at all for Whites!) Blacks get AWARDED government contracts BECAUSE they are Black and then get PAID MORE than the REJECTED lower-bid contracts submitted by Whites. Blacks get JOB-HIRING ADVANTAGES and PREFERENCES from A.A. QUOTAS that EXCLUDE Whites from consideration! The CO legislature recently gave Covid TAX MONEY to MINORITY-Owned businesses (White Businesses got NOTHING!) There is NO “White Privilege”, but there IS a LOT of Black Privilege – – as I clearly proved with FACTS! Now do you see why I truly do WANT to be Black! Being Black is like being ROYALTY!

      • Disparity between whites and minorities is stark. Police discrimination is even starker. To actually declare Blacks have it easier is laughable in ever statistical category. During the Civil War conscription was introduced and many whites were rich enough to pay out of serving. Riot in new York broke out over the unjust rule. They picked the easy target and HUNG a dozen Blacks. problem solved!

  8. Okay, I think I have this figured out; dave l / David L / whatever is a clever troll, putting on this facade of being a complete tortured white supremacist lunatic, in order to make Lauren Boebert and her Mom look not quite so crazy racist in comparison!

    C’mon, it makes sense. No one can be this crazy.

    • “Intelligent people KNOW that those who can’t provide FACTS to refute FACTS often resort to INSULTING the people who state FACTS…” (You CAN’T refute my FACTS, so you resorted to INSULTING me! Therefore, my FACTS remain TRUE!….)
      I have a Master’s Degree and TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, so it makes NO sense to attack me on content. No one has presented any scientific evidence to prove their point — they just make up ‘subjective opinions’ and ‘false claims’ and insults. That’s NOT how scientific inquiry and discussion works!

      • You’re never gonna get hired. Ever. Your ignorance and arrogance is your problem. And that has no skin color.

        • You provided NO EVIDENCE that I am ignorant or arrogant. This makes your false claim invalid. “THOSE WHO CAN’T REFUTE FACTS with FACTS INSULT THOSE WHO STATE FACTS…” (That’s WHY you hurled baseless INSULTS at me!) My FACTS remain TRUE — because they have NOT been refuted with FACTS! I have a Master’s Degree and TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, so it makes NO sense to attack me on content. You just made up ‘false claims’ and ‘insults’. That’s NOT how professional discussion works…!

      • You were told the facts many many many times. You made the choice to refuse to hear.

        Here, again, is the fact: you are absolutely delusional.

        • Claiming that I am “absolutely delusional” without providing EVIDENCE, is simply throwing insults at me for no reason. Your claim is baseless–because it was just a subjective “opinion”. When you throw “pooh” at others, some of it will end up on you…Please note that NO ONE has been able to provide ANY EVIDENCE to back up what you have falsely claimed! NONE! ZERO! ZILCH!

    • “THOSE WHO CAN’T REFUTE FACTS with FACTS INSULT THOSE WHO STATE FACTS…” (That’s WHY you hurled baseless INSULTS at me!) My FACTS remain TRUE — because they have NOT been refuted with FACTS! I have a Master’s Degree and TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, so it makes NO sense to attack me on content. You presented NO evidence to prove your point — you just made up ‘false claims’ and ‘insults’. That’s NOT how professional discussion works…!

      • You could have a master’s degree in P.E., and 2 Bachelors in non-sensical areas of education like “Environmental music” or something totally useless as “library and information science” So throwing out education degrees with no clarification is another moot point.

        • My degrees are NOT “moot”. My Master’s is in Human Resource Management, but I discovered AFTER graduation that MOST of those jobs are RESERVED for minorities and women, to enforce Affirmative Action ‘quotas and set-asides’. (HR employees have told me that companies who hire WHITE MEN for their HR jobs are “viewed as racist” — so they AVOID hiring White Men for their HR jobs! Just look at any HR Department: You will see almost NO WHITE MEN!) My BS Degrees are in General Math/Science and Education, but 45 public schools (financed with public tax money) have told me they DON’T hire White people! All of the other schools told me they get 12-80 applicants per Math/Science vacancy (usually 30-40), which makes my odds of getting hired about 1% to 8% in each situation. (That’s almost equal to 0%.) In the recent Democratic Primary, 28 applicants applied for the Presidential Nomination, but only ONE got it: 27 applicants were rejected! The SAME thing happens to me every time I apply! A HUGE SURPLUS of Math/Science Teachers, combined with DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WHITES, has CAUSED my 31 years of UN-employment. Now do you get it? It should be clear to see.

          • Masterbation. That doesn’t require approval from someone elders. And all races equally do it. And you wont get rejected.

            Oh, let me guess, your hands just got amputated now, and you are speech-texting, and the automated voice is black because that too only goes to blacks.

      • dave 1, Let’s say you’re telling the truth….You have a Master’s and two Bachelor’s degrees, and still can’t get a job?

        Do you have a criminal record?

        • The reason WHY I don’t have a job is because 126 employers told me, “We DON’T hire WHITE people.” When that happens, those employers WON’T hire me, even if I am the MOST qualified applicant! I am therefore forced to accept a 0% chance of getting hired by those employers. 0% is NOT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY! That’s why Affirmative Action is such a horrible and discriminatory race-based policy that ruins the lives of innocent WHITE people who did NOTHING WRONG!). (But Minorities LOVE Affirmative Action, because it allows ALL MINORITIES to go to the FRONT of the line, and at the same time, forces ALL WHITE applicants to get OUT of the line — leaving MINORITIES as the ONLY candidates! This GUARANTEES that a MINORITY will get the job — solely because they have DARK skin! (Who wouldn’t LOVE that?) That’s WHY they fight so hard for that ADVANTAGE. They don’t want “equality”. They WANT the ADVANTAGES and PRIVILEGES that Affirmative Action automatically gives them!) All of the other 2,000 employers told me they received 12-500 applicants per vacancy. When 12 people apply, each applicant has only an 8% chance of getting hired. So 8% is the HIGHEST chance of getting hired that I have ever experienced, and 8% is close to ZERO (0%). Because of direct DISCRIMINATION from Affirmative Action, I have had 31 years of unemployment. When employers see my 31-year history of unemployment — CAUSED by AFFIRMATIVE ACTION — they “assume” that something is wrong with me — and then “choose” NOT to hire me — continuing my HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE! But they CAN’T SEE that 31 years of DISCRIMINATION against my WHITE skin color directly CAUSED my unemployment! So I am forced to live the HORRIBLE legacy of racial DISCRIMINATION against WHITES, every day. I CAN’T make it go away. That’s WHY I don’t have a job. It’s that simple….Now do you understand why A.A. is so HORRIBLE and RUINS innocent lives?

          • No, the truthful explanation is that I was told 126 times, “We DON’T hire White people”. What part of DON’T do you NOT understand?

            • I understand that you’re a lying-ass sonofab***h. Now shut the f*** up, Klanner-boy. Krawl back into the Klavern sewer you Krawled out of.

    • There is absolutely NO evidence anywhere that I am a ‘White Supremacist’, as you falsely claimed. The FACTS clearly show that I am asking for White EQUALITY. But for Whites to achieve EQUALITY, society has to STOP treating Whites as LOW, 3rd-class trash. Affirmative Action TREATS minorities like ROYALTY, giving them preferences, privileges, advantages, and many benefits! That’s why 92% of minorities approve of A.A. — because it GIVES them PRIVILEGES — like KINGS! I DON’T get any of those advantages, because I am White. My legal rights are taken away!

  9. This shows how really dumb Shawna is. She talks about what she hates, well….I hate liners and cheats! Shawna did both to us as our tenant, and I can legally state this because we have a case in the Rifle Courthouse to prove it. She stiffed us on 2 months rent on a commercial space we leased to her and her partner. Unfortunately her partner got stuck with making payments on this because “Snooky” has nothing. Shawna screwed her partner over too. She is a loser. She spilled red paint on the carpet and complained that I’m not a Christian because I did not refund her the (discounted) security deposit that we fell for allowing her. She was full of promises and plans that she would use this other half of the security deposit on improvements that never happened. Shawna is full of excuses and lies. It appears that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

  10. Delusions of white persecution abound..Rage-aholics will always find a way to rage under a fear mongering Racist Demagogue. If anyone qualifies for the chant; LOCK HIM UP

    • There seems to be a lot of “subjective opinions” in your rant against my FACTS? I will be happy to discuss your “opinions” with you, but only if you provide FACTS that support your subjective allegations….

        • Is “zealot” a bad thing to you? I was taught that being a zealot is a good thing. If you think that being a zealot is BAD, then aren’t you guilty of mudslinging?

      • ANGRY WHITE MAN. Are you a Trump supporter? if you are that tell me everything i need to know. I was an application programmer/analyst, System analyst, IT director, Operations manager. it required sharp analytical skills and common sense. The ability to design whole systems required a complete understanding of all components and determining the significance of each component. Called balanced interpretation. There is no such thing as rich/poor, educated/non-educated when talking about bias, hate, and bigotry. We LEARN that and hopefully get guidance along the way. Lynching Black men for warped sense of inequality or justice has plagued us for centuries. Tired of the illogical looped around itself arguments. Selective thinking as opposed to open minded learning.

        • You wrote a great collection of rambling words above, about a subject which has nothing to do with the widespread systemic discrimination against WHITES……???

            • Here is just SOME of the widespread SYSTEMIC racism against WHITES: Blacks get points ADDED to their college admission scores (Whites do NOT!) Blacks get College Scholarships that are RESERVED ONLY for Blacks. (CMU has 28 scholarships for Minorities ONLY, and NO scholarships for Whites!) Blacks get AWARDED government contracts BECAUSE they are Black and then get PAID MORE than Whites who have their lower-bid contracts REJECTED because they are WHITE! Blacks get JOB-HIRING PREFERENCES from A.A./QUOTAS that EXCLUDE Whites from even being considered! The CO legislature recently gave COVID TAX MONEY to MINORITY-Owned businesses (White Businesses got NOTHING!) Black Privilege is rampant and growing! There is NO “White Privilege”. I’ve asked hundreds of Blacks to give me ONE example of SYSTEMIC White Privilege, but NO Black person has ever been able to come up with a single example! NOT ONE! But they keep making this FALSE claim about Whites. But there IS a LOT of Black Privilege – – as I clearly proved with FACTS above! I WISH that I was Black so that I could get all of their advantages and privileges. Blacks are treated like ROYALTY — as I PROVED above with FACTS!

            • You “proved” only that you’re a lying-ass sonofab***h. Now shut the f*** up.

    • Yes…by all means, cover up the black hole of observation and truth by saying “God bless” you to the known racist from Rifle Co.
      That will hide the sheer ugliness of it.

      No, it really doesn’t. It only adds more ugliness to it. Grace doesn’t flow to hate, or racism.

  11. These people are loathsome. Also, I grew up in Western Colorado, and I have to ask…where the hell are those accents from? They are definitely not Colorado accents. Make them leave please.

  12. These two women remind me of the 9th grade girl I had in class who stated “I don’t need to learn this English. I am going to get married.”

  13. Pretty sure it’s the lady with the pink hat on the microphone in all the videos directing people where to go. These people are nuts. She has the same sunglasses and the voice is spot on.

  14. I understand “why” they are concerned about all the brown people. I am WHITE and have been told by 126 employers, “We DON’T hire WHITE people.” When I ask minorities if discrimination against WHITE people is OK, all of them say that they see nothing wrong with discriminating against WHITE people. They all approve of it! America will become mostly minority soon, and WHITE people will suffer even more discrimination because of Affirmative Action.

    • It’s probably more than being “white.” It’s probably because they speak “Español” and you probably don’t. A friend of mine that lives in California runs into that quite often. He says it’s happened to black people he knows. No Habla Espanol, no hire-o you-o.

      • President Biden hired Kamala Harris as his VP choice BECAUSE she is a WOMAN. But Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act PROHIBITS hiring based on GENDER. So 80,000,000 MEN were DENIED their legal right to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and were DISCRIMINATED against by Biden’s ILLEGAL VIOLATION of Federal Law. We are supposed to hire the BEST PERSON — NOT the BEST WOMAN! I am highly impressed with Kamala Harris’ extensive qualifications! But Biden publicly announced that she was selected BECAUSE of her GENDER — NOT because she was the BEST PERSON. Affirmative Action is discriminatory, harmful, unethical, immoral, and illegal — to the 80,000,000 MEN who were NOT even CONSIDERED for the VP position!

    • This had nothing to do with employment. It was about music. I don’t think you screamed the word white enough in your rant about Affirmative Action ‍♀️

    • Are you sure it’s because you were white (Sorry, I mean, “WHITE”)? Maybe that was just the excuse they used; I mean, what employer wants a giant, screaming manbaby on their payroll?

    • As a white colored Latina, I assure you, I will confront this ignorance head on. I dont care who you are. Big, hugely big, mistake around me. You won’t see me coming, racist pigs of any color.

      • Compassion. That is what always heals. It may not be instantaneous, but it is the only true thing that heals. Be patient, embody compassion (through word, creed, and deed), walk forward and away.

      • When people CAN’T refute the factual TRUTH told by others, they resort to slinging their own POOH at others….!

      • On the day I left the Air Force (as a VETERAN) I was told that ALL Federal jobs nationwide were for MINORITIES ONLY (1991). I could NOT even apply for a job as a bagboy at the base commissary! 45 public school districts (Seattle, Spokane, Sacramento, etc) told me they “reserved” all or most of their jobs for MINORITIES ONLY! Jacksonville FL told me their BUS DRIVER jobs were for MINORITIES ONLY! Same story at the US Forest Service, Park Service, BLM, etc etc etc etc etc…….

        • As another Air Force Veteran (Who doesn’t need to capitalize every other word), I can say without reservatoin that you are a straight-up liar. Period. End of story. DD214’s don’t include your race, and Federal Jobs actually give you points for being a veteran, depending on your status.

          You’re a liar, dave 1, a straight-up liar.

          • Let me correct the errors (LIES) you printed about me with FACTS:
            “As an Air Force Veteran I can say that you are a liar. DD214’s don’t include your race, and Federal Jobs actually give you points for being a veteran, depending on your status.”
            TRUTH: When I left the Air Force in 1990, I applied for civilian jobs at Vandenberg AFB and MANY other bases. However they said that ALL DoD jobs nationwide were OFF-LIMITS to WHITES, because of their new Affirmative Action policy designed to correct ‘perceived racial inequalities’. They said I could NOT even apply for a job as a bag boy at the commissary! This BAN on WHITES continued for many years, at many bases I visited. I did NOT need to show them my DD-214 because they told me, “If you submit an application, and we find out that you are WHITE, we will throw your application in the TRASH immediately!”
            And you are wrong about the “points” issue, too. Veterans who serve on U.S. soil (I was in California) do NOT receive any points! So please see the extreme injustice that I had to endure: I served 4 years in the military, and was therefore a VETERAN. But the US Gov’t gave me NO points for my service to America (because I was stationed in California) AND they also BANNED me from employment on ALL military bases because I had LIGHT skin, even though I was a VETERAN! To add insult to my injury, they HIRED MINORITIES solely because they had DARK skin, even if they were NOT veterans! How FAIR is that “HUGE SLAP in MY FACE” after I voluntarily served to defend America!
            Thank you, America, for your continued mistreatment of WHITES!

      • In January 2021, I received letters in my mailbox from the CEOs of WALMART and KROGER-CITY MARKET announcing that their companies will HIRE MORE MINORITIES this year, due to the death of George Floyd. That “sounds good”, BUT when companies hire “MORE MINORITIES”, they discriminate against Whites. Companies are ALWAYS supposed to hire the BEST APPLICANT — not the BEST MINORITY. When the BEST APPLICANT is White, but the company hires a Minority (instead of the BEST APPLICANT), then the BEST APPLICANT (who will ALWAYS be WHITE in such cases) is discriminated against. When a company hires a Minority for their dark skin, it also commits a Federal hiring CRIME, by selecting a person based on skin COLOR — in VIOLATION of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Right Act.

    • dave 1,
      You don’t speak in hyperbole , do you? Really,126 employers. Would you care to list any of those? Did you know that any educated human resources person that cares about their companies growth, doesn’t see color? They hire the best applicant. Perhaps that is the problem!

      • US Forest Service told me “WE DON’T hire White men”. My military base said ALL civilian jobs were off-limits for WHITES. 45 school district told me that they reserved all or most of their vacancies for MINORITIES only! Etc, etc,etc,etc etc etc etc…..

        • @Dave I, you need to get out more (perhaps while filing for unemployment). My own personal experience with the USFS would indicate that the white male is fully represented (if not overly) in their ranks. A review of the history of this Nation and its war against indigenous people as well as widespread, systemic racism might help for you to understand the basis of affirmative action and the request by some for reparations. Since you still seem to be harboring a long-standing, deep-seated resentment from your inability to become part of the American economic system, you may want to look at the mirror and see what it is that keeps you from being hired and why others, victims of the crimes of the past, still feel their pain. A good start would be to listen (if you can’t read) to the book, An Indigenous People’s History of the United States. Get back to us if you find it enlightening. Progressives recognize that people can and DO change.

          • You completely missed the point! A recent report printed by the US Forest Service shows that 55% of their EMPLOYEES are FEMALE, but only 20% of their APPLICANTS are FEMALE. This PROVES they give widespread preference (discrimination “for”) to women. When an employer discriminates “FOR” a group, that automatically discriminates “AGAINST” the opposite group. I don’t need to get out more. I need employers to do LESS discrimination against WHITE men!

          • I fully understand the PAST history of mistreatment of Indigenous people. But ALL PAST mistreatment of Indigenous people was done by people who were NOT me! I had NOTHING to do with those horrible PAST transgressions! But society TODAY is hell-bent on punishing ALL WHITE PEOPLE today, even though we had NOTHING to do with PAST events in 1840. The U.S. has a firm legal ideology that CAN’T be violated: When Person X commits a crime, we punish ONLY Person X. We do NOT punish Group X, or Person Y. But many people WRONGLY think that it is OK to punish ALL WHITE people TODAY for the sins of some white people 160 years ago! The chronic wrong mis-treatment of innocent WHITES has to stop! I have NO moral or legal obligation to pay for the horrible transgressions committed by OTHER people, whether their transgression occurred today, yesterday or in 1800’s. I am ONLY obligated to pay for the sins committed by ME!
            Being WHITE today is NOT a crime. STOP punishing me!

      • I talked to a 17-year old boy in Grand Junction last week who said that TWO employers told him in 2020 (NOT 1960) “We DON’T hire WHITE people!” This is because of their company’s Affirmative Action policy, which discriminates against white people. In a recent poll, a majority of WHITE people said that they experience MORE job discrimination than Black people, who are given many systemic advantages and privileges that Whites DON’T get….

          • You have NO facts to support your false allegations against my TRUTHFUL FACTS, so you resorted to the ONLY thing you could: INSULTS and MUD-SLINGING! That’s what children do…!
            I’ll discuss your concerns if you state facts — not “opinions”.

      • NO, you are WRONG! California’s Governor recently selected a highly-qualified HISPANIC to fill the Senate vacancy left by VP Kamala Harris. But Black ‘Civic Leaders’ OBJECTED to the Governor’s decision (He hired the BEST applicant), demanding instead that the position be filled by a BLACK person! So DON’T claim that people DON’T see color: Blacks are constantly asking that society give them advantages and preferences! That’s WHY they fight for Affirmative Action so hard — because it gives them advantages and privileges that WHITES DON’T get. “Black Privilege” is rampant and growing out of control! I wish that Blacks would fight for equality, instead of supremacy over Whites and others…

      • NO, they DON’T always hire the best APPLICANT: President Biden hired Kamala Harris as his VP choice BECAUSE she is a WOMAN. But Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act PROHIBITS hiring anyone based on GENDER. This means that 80,000,000 MEN were DENIED their legal right to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and were DISCRIMINATED against by Biden’s ILLEGAL VIOLATION of Federal Law. We are supposed to hire the BEST PERSON — NOT the BEST WOMAN! I am highly impressed with Kamala Harris’ extensive qualifications, and I like her a lot! But Biden publicly announced that she was selected BECAUSE of her GENDER — NOT because she was the BEST PERSON. Now do you see why Affirmative Action is so discriminatory, harmful, unethical, immoral, and illegal — to all the MEN who were NOT even CONSIDERED for the VP position?

        • Did you watch the suffocation of a Black man as the Black crowd begged them to get off YOU ARE KILLING HIM! Selective pigeonhole responses is what I always get. Poor me, i was wronged. Never by your own kind. No it is always because they are taking MY job away from me. The immigration surge in the late 1800’s resulted in Italians hating Irish Chinese Jew Catholics hating hating hating. they also found excuses to SUPPORT their claims. to dismiss what Blacks have gone thru is insulting. ARE GOING THRU! We wipe out culture, families, education, sense of pride and legacy. Supreme Court declared them furniture. At what point do we stop justifying our own selfishness? At what point do we stop passing on blame for an imperfect world? Always the cheap way out, the lazy way.
          Trump is no better than a DON in a powerful Mafia family. He is transparent and evil to the core. Dismisses the most loyal subject because they never go far enough to please him. ALL OF THEM! His VP, Barr, Sessions to name three. yet the same mindset sees trump one way and places blinders on refusing to see just how much of a monster he really is.

          We live in our own world, own perceptions and the unbiased, open minded of us readjust our perceptions as needed and demanded by reality.

          • Again, you MISQUOTED me: I NEVER said, “They are taking MY job from me.” I DID say REPEATEDLY, however, that they said that “I could NOT APPLY”. That means that I was given ZERO OPPORTUNITY (A 0% chance of being CONSIDERED!) and was DENIED the LEGAL OPPORTUNITY to APPLY. I NEVER said I had the “right to be hired”! Please RE-READ my words. Don’t claim that I said things that I did NOT say! Of the two of us, you are the one who is being unethical. So again, I rest your case…

    • That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, You’ve been declined 126 times, it sounds like you’re the problem.

      • No, they declined me WHEN I applied, after looking at my skin color, and BEFORE they looked at my resume. They did this 126 times!
        (45 school districts, US Forest Service/Park Service, BLM, Defense Dept., etc, etc etc….)

          • In order to refute my FACTS, you have to supply FACTS that disprove my FACTS. However, you just supplied subjective “opinions”, which are NOT facts, and do NOT support your empty frivolous allegations. I will be glad to listen to you when you have FACTS that support your position…..

          • When people read a TRUTH that they don’t like, but have NO facts to support their opposition to the TRUTH, they resort to INSULTS.
            If you can support your position with facts (not insults, mud-slinging, or empty opinions) I will be glad to listen. Sound fair?

      • Where are the FACTS to support your subjective “opinions”?
        You are just spouting random words that have no meaning….

    • What a liar. If 126 employers told you that they don’t hire whites, you would be a millionaire with EOE lawsuits. You are clearly racist trash that likely can’t get a job because you are racist trash. Or you are Boebert’s husband and can’t get a job because you exposed yourself to young girls.

      • I DID consult a lawyer, but the LAWYER said that WHITE MEN are the ONLY demographic group that have NO LEGAL PROTECTIONS from discrimination! When will people STOP claiming that WHITES have privileges, when the FACTUAL evidence consistently shows that MINORITIES actually receive all the systemic privileges? Anyone who examines the evidence from an unbiased viewpoint will see that my claim is TRUE!

        • You are actually telling me an educated white person can’t find a job but an unqualified black can? Pick the state of your choice. Look up state employment by race. look up percentage of unemployed in that state by race. get more precise if you want to the district level. the stats are there. Insane argument you make. Poor whites now have a disadvantage. You do know that TODAY 77% of all Republicans think Blacks cheated in the vote. Based on??? hmm. tough one considering we already had a microscope on all the black districts reexamining over and over the ballots yet they STILL believe so. irrational behavior even attacking republican states, even when TRUMP demands they FIX the vote Republicans STILL say 77% of Blacks cheat period! Get my point.

          • Your statement makes no sense. The unemployment rate for Blacks and Whites has very little to do with Affirmative Action. But MY unemployment has A LOT to do with A.A.! You also MISQUOTED the 77% statistic above. The CORRECT statistic broadcast THIS WEEK on TV is that 40% of Republicans believe that the ELECTION was “rigged”. They did NOT state that they believed “Blacks committed fraud”. You are revealing your very irrational bias against Whites, which is causing you to make MANY false statements. You’ve made SO MANY false statements, I think you might actually believe what you are claiming? (“Don’t believe everything you think”). Again, I rest your case…..

    • You poor mistreated white man. The world is against you. You poor aggrieved victim.

      I believe they told you, they won’t hire you…specifically.

      From one Caucasian to another, let me let you in on a secret. You are responsible for your actions and your course of life. Other people who have more melanin than you, are not the reason for your troubles. You are the reason, and only reason, you are held back.

      A lot of wasted energy is going into “playing” the victim and shoving people off the hill, you think you are king of. Invest in helping everyone up instead. You will enjoy the view with clarity and more appreciation. The time of selfish entitlement is over.

      • I don’t know why you are attacking me for telling the truth? It looks like you didn’t read my words correctly? I just want to be able to pursue the American Dream, just like everyone else. But when 126 employers tell me (to my face) “We DON’T hire WHITE people”, they are DENYING me the LEGAL RIGHT to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY — which is the RIGHT to the SAME mathematical chance of being hired. But when an employer says I CAN’T apply because I am WHITE, 100% of my “opportunity” is TAKEN AWAY — while minorities then enjoy a HUGE INCREASE in their chance of being hired, because ALL WHITES (70% of applicants) have been ELIMINATED from consideration!. That’s NOT “EQUAL” opportunity! Nowhere in my comments did I demand to be hired. You made up that false claim. I am just asking that I NOT be DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY because I am WHITE! You seem to have intentionally “overlooked” that FACT because you don’t want to acknowledge that being white today comes with inherent disadvantages from Affirmative Action discrimination against WHITES. I have correctly identified, as fact, one of the many disadvantages that WHITES face. If you disagree with facts, they are still facts…..

      • You are missing an important point: Job applicants can NEVER choose to be hired. ALL hiring decisions are ALWAYS made by the employer! I have applied for over 2,000 jobs in my lifetime, but never got a job, because ALL 2,000 employers made the choice to choose someone else. A whopping 126 employers chose NOT to hire me because I am WHITE. (I can’t overrule their racist decision). I am only responsible for applying — NOT getting hired. It will NEVER be MY decision to hire myself to work for someone else!

          • “Intelligent people KNOW that those who can’t provide FACTS to refute FACTS often resort to INSULTING the people who state FACTS…” (You CAN’T refute my FACTS, so you resorted to INSULTING me! Therefore, my FACTS remain TRUE!….)

          • I noticed that you have provided NO EVIDENCE to refute my FACTS. Do you even have any FACTS that refute my statements?

        • You do understand what an interview is. if you get rejected repeatedly the odds that it is because all jobs go to minorities can be proven. Perhaps there might be other reasons? has it ever occurred to you? You can’t find any work anywhere all because of minority preference? that means the current employment in your area has to show city statistics to bear this out. You have an irrational assumption and seem to reinforce that assumption to placate your anger. Illogical for an employee to tell you they are discriminating against you. no one does that and it is illegal. the circular closed loop thesis. round and round you go. All jobs that you can apply for discriminates. All Blacks cheat!

          • Please don’t misquote me. Your unwarranted and baseless hostility is causing you to claim things I did NOT say. Nowhere in my comments did I say “ALL jobs go to Minorities”. I DID say that I was told 126 times, “We DON’T hire Whites.” In those 126 cases, the jobs DID go to Minorities! In the 1,200 teaching jobs I applied for, the employer TOLD ME that they got at least 12+ applicants for EACH of their Math/Science vacancies, usually 30-50, and sometimes over 100+. Simple MATH ( I am a math major) shows the probability of being hired in ALL such cases to be ONLY 1% to 8% — which is essentially ZERO! I applied for 300 teaching jobs in COLORADO during the last three years and got a grand total of ONE interview! In ALL of the 1,000 corporate positions I applied for since 1990, the employers said they typically got 250-500 applications per vacancy! I know this to be a nationwide fact, because I have seen this stat many times, and have talked to hundreds of employers at job fairs who all tell me the same thing! I have a MS in HR Management — so I KNOW what I am talking about. Please quit trying to “disprove” me. I’m sorry if my unfortunate plight somehow offends you. As a citizen, you are supposed to help me — not tear me down. I did nothing wrong…..

          • You said, “It’s illogical for an employer to tell you they are discriminating against you. No one does that, and it is illegal.”
            While your claim seems to be “true”, I DID consult a LAWYER. The LAWYER said that under EEOC Employment Law (1990’s) it was LEGAL for an employer to discriminate against WHITES (only Whites) IF the company had 50+ employees AND the company ANNOUNCED to the public that they had an Affirmative Action Policy that gave “preference” to Minorities (they were not allowed to keep it a “secret”). So, once again, your false claims are proven wrong. I rest your case….

          • I did NOT say, “Blacks cheat”. I said, “EMPLOYERS DISCRIMINATE AGAINST WHITES.” That’s NOT the same thing! Don’t MIS-quote me. Please READ carefully before making FALSE statements. You have a moral obligation to quote others correctly.

      • Allow me to CORRECT your NUMEROUS ERRORS & LIES:
        “You are responsible for your actions and your course of life.”
        NOT TRUE: Employers (NOT applicants) make hiring decisions.
        “Other people who have more melanin than you, are not the reason for your troubles.”
        NOT TRUE: MOST Minorities love to receive Affirmative Action benefits and advantages, and actively try to restrict whites!
        Many have said so to me, in person, and without shame…!
        “You are the reason, and only reason, you are held back.”
        NOT TRUE: When 126 employers tell me that I CAN’T APPLY because I am WHITE, then THEY are the specific reason why I am held back. It’s an obvious fact that any 5th grader can see!
        “A lot of wasted energy is going into playing the victim and shoving people off the hill that you think you are king of”
        NOT TRUE: I am not playing victim or shoving people off the hill. Instead, I have clearly stated that 126 employers have shoved ME off the hill! If that makes me a victim, then I am guilty — and that IS my point! I should NOT be a victim — I should receive EQUALITY!
        “Invest in helping everyone up instead. Selfish entitlement is over.”
        NOT TRUE: By asking for EQUALITY, I AM helping everyone up equally. There is NO evidence that I ever asked for entitlement!

        The facts and evidence clearly show that EVERYTHING you said about me is FALSE! STOP lying about me! You are biased, and bias is not allowed in intelligent discussions about facts……

      • “THOSE WHO CAN’T REFUTE FACTS with FACTS INSULT THOSE WHO STATE FACTS…” (That’s WHY you hurled baseless INSULTS at me!) My FACTS remain TRUE — because they have NOT been refuted with FACTS! I have a Master’s Degree and TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, so it makes NO sense to attack me on content. You presented NO evidence to prove your point — you just made up ‘false claims’ and ‘insults’. That’s NOT how professional discussion works…!

      • People who are UNABLE to refute FACTS that they don’t want to accept as TRUTH are forced to hurl their own POOH at others, like you just did……

        • Give me FACTS! I will use the search engine and try to verify the statistics. the more specific the claim the better. I always use the world references and tools easily available to reinforce my beliefs or find holes in the argument. ALWAYS start with a premise and see if it can hold up. Specific facts. Places (state, city, district), job position, organization or company name.

          • I’m not sure I understand your incomplete sentences and fragments? The discrimination I encountered 126 times began in 1990 and continued thru 2010 — but the horrible legacy continues today because employers see 30 years of unemployment, and “assume” that something is wrong with me. They DON’T “SEE” all of the horrible past discrimination I have been forced to endure — which still punishes me. I have listed MANY of the 126 employers who told me “We DON’T hire White people”, in this blog. One of them was the Spokane School District (1991). They said they had 12 Math Teacher vacancies, but RESERVED 10 of those positions for MINORITIES ONLY. They had 30 applicants on file (all white) but REFUSED to hire any of the 30 White people for the 10 MINORITY-ONLY positions. Instead, they actively searched for 10 Minorities (who had NOT applied), then hired ALL 10 Minorities — SOLELY BECAUSE they had DARK skin! The HR Director told me that they would NOT hire any of the WHITE applicants for those 10 positions, even if we were MORE qualified than any of the minorities hired! She also said that the qualifications of the Minorities were NOT even considered (except they had to have a teaching certificate). As a result of this DISCRIMINATION, I was forced to compete with the 30 White applicants for the two remaining vacancies. But 28 of the 30 White applicants were REJECTED like TRASH, solely because we were White! I was not one of the TWO white applicants hired. Now do you understand?

    • I’m sure your appearance and resume had nothing to do with you not getting the job . Also , if what you say is true why didn’t you take 10 minutes and file a discrimination .

      • I DID try to file a discrimination lawsuit. However, the attorney told me that under U.S. Law (1990’s) WHITE MEN were the ONLY demographic group that did NOT have the LEGAL RIGHT to file a discrimination lawsuit! (White women, however, could file a lawsuit as females, because their female status was protected by law.) Now do you see why WHITE MEN have NO privileges, as falsely alleged by others? Being WHITE is a horrible curse! I wish I was a minority so that I could get all of their BENEFITS, PRIVILEGES, and ADVANTAGES!

          • “THOSE WHO CAN’T REFUTE FACTS with FACTS INSULT THOSE WHO STATE FACTS…” (That’s WHY you hurled baseless INSULTS at me!) My FACTS remain TRUE — because they have NOT been refuted with FACTS! I have a Master’s Degree and TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, so it makes NO sense to attack me on content. You presented NO evidence to prove your point — you just made up ‘false claims’ and ‘insults’. That’s NOT how professional discussion works…!

    • Your argument and rant are moot, my friend. Statistically, there are over 200 million Caucasians to 42 million blacks/23 million Asians/62 million Hispanics, Latinos. Just from that prognosis, there are more whites employed than minorities. Your opinion is based more on a cultural perception than a fundamental reality. I don’t know Colorado’s labor laws, but I do not you could have sued for racial discrimination while seeking employment. If you didn’t, then your rant is firmly based on a biased, personal objective.

      • You mis-read my discourse: My point is NOT about the NUMBER of each race that is employed. It’s about the horrible discrimination that WHITE people face by Affirmative Action, which DENIES WHITE people the legal right to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, which is defined as the EQUAL CHANCE to be considered for hiring. But when WHITE people are eliminated from consideration due to Affirmative Action, they receive a 0% chance of getting hired — even though they did NOTHING wrong. As a MATH major, I KNOW with certainty that 0% does NOT equal 100%. It’s baby math….

        • NOT BASED ON FACT. I can PROVE IT! Give me specifics. Sate, City, job classification.
          Asking the right question in a search engine gets you far. Sock it to me.

      • There’s NO need for insults and mud-slinging! The KKK demanded superiority over Blacks, and that was wrong. Today’s Blacks demand superior treatment over Whites (via Affirmative Action and to ‘make up’ for the KKK/Slavery in 1860) and that is also wrong (because today’s Whites had NOTHING to do with anything in 1860). Affirmative Action repeatedly treats Whites as 3rd-Class citizens, LOWER than Blacks, and LOWER than Rosa Parks in 1956, who correctly refused to give up her seat on the bus and rightfully began the civil rights movement towards equality. Affirmative Action gives Blacks many advantages and privileges, which results in Blacks being treated like ROYALTY — and BETTER than Whites. (Better treatment is NOT EQUAL!) I am merely asking to be treated EQUAL to minorities — not LOWER than Minorities, as is the unfortunate situation for Whites today….

        • You’re a liar, Klanner-boy. Now crawl back into whatever sewer you crawled out of. I’m “white”, and I wouldn’t tolerate your kind of trash in my company OR my neighborhood, either. In fact, I’d take immediate steps to remove you from either. Permanently.

          • People who are UNABLE to refute FACTS that they don’t want to accept as TRUTH are forced to hurl their own POOH at others, like you just did……

            • Klanner-boy, I’ve scraped dog shit from my shoes that had a better grasp of “FACTS” and “TRUTH” than you and your entire degenerate breed of so-called humanity. Come to that, the dog shit would be more socially acceptable than you. Nazis, Klanners, Freepers, Threepers, Oath Keepers, so-called “patriot” militia groups, every one of you needs to be evicted from society, immediately and permanently. If y’all have a problem with that, well, we got plenty of rope for all of you.

          • Your data contains a huge false bias and much irrational thinking: You claim that Black income is lower than White income BECAUSE WHITES are somehow “mistreating” Blacks. Please note that your stats completely IGNORE the FACT that ASIAN MEN make MORE than WHITE People! WHY? Because they work harder and longer hours, study harder, complete more difficult college degrees (engineering, etc.) and commit fewer crimes than Whites! And they fully DESERVE to have a higher “average” income than Whites! The OPPOSITE is true for Blacks: They work less, study less, drop out more, have more kids, and commit FAR MORE crimes (FOUR times more than Whites!) Thus, their average wage is LESS. DON’T falsely blame WHITE people for Black’s LOWER average income. They make less because they do fewer things that make people successful. There are many successful Blacks in society because they DO the things that make people successful. Their is NO “white racism” in your stats, as you falsely claim. I rest your case.

            • You’re all wasting your time trying to “discuss” anything with this Klanner POS. He’s not here to “discuss” ANYTHING – he’s only here to be a lying-ass sonofabitch, and he needs to be treated like it.

            • You are just ’embarrassed’ because I exposed and DISPROVED your FALSE claims with correct FACTS. You should have apologized to me (and the other readers) for making FALSE claims. But you decided to fling your own POOH at me, instead!

    • New movie pitch: Ms. Deplorable Comes to Washington. “From her roots as an ungrateful welfare recipient, to the groundswell of support from radical gun-toting low-information and racist voters, she’s coming to Washington with a Glock on her hip and a lot of empty space in her head.” Coming to a theater (no masks permitted) near you. Sponsored by the NRA and The Club for Growth.

  15. Just wow. These women are ignorant pieces of sh#t. They’re not “putting on a show for the camera”. Take their ignorance as systemic, and as literal. Apologies to all non-whites, there’s so many whites who do not share their b.s.

    • We, the black delegation, thank you for trying to make this world a better place.

      Hopefully you and your family are doing well.

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