The Elections Division of Colorado’s Secretary of State’s office filed a lawsuit (pdf) November 5 against Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters for Peters’ ongoing efforts to raise funds for a re-election campaign that so far doesn’t exist.
The lawsuit says Peters also accepted illegal illegal contributions “in the form of travel expenses, including a flight on a private jet and lodging, contributed by Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of MyPillow, in connection with Ms. Peters’ appearance at a Cyber Symposium on or about August 10-12, 2021 and thereafter.”
Peters operates a website that solicits funds for a re-election campaign, but while she has made public statements indicating she is running for re-election as Mesa County Clerk, she hasn’t yet filed with the Secretary of State to run. Peters is also operating a website,, in which she portrays herself as “the courageous County Clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, in charge of the county’s elections,” and solicits donations to help pay legal fees she has been incurring in the three separate criminal investigations of actions she allegedly took that compromised the security of Mesa County’s election equipment to the extent that it had to be replaced. The site also seeks funds to help pay the legal fees of several of Peters’ colleagues in the Clerk’s office who allegedly aided her illegal actions.
So far citizens have been unable to find out how much money Peters has raised or from whom, because she isn’t following campaign finance laws and hasn’t disclosed the information anywhere.
The lawsuit says the value of the gifts Peters has accepted so far exceed legally allowable limits for an elected official under Colorado law. The law says elected officials cannot accept anything valued at over $65, and cannot accept gifts or donations from lobbyists.
Peters issued the following statement in response to the November 5 lawsuit:
“This is very simple. A huge number of my constituents believe the election of 2020 needs to be investigated. We began investigating the election. Jenna (sic.) Griswold, a Soros-funded Democratic activist turned office holder, teamed up with Lincoln Project Republicans and is using everything she can to intimidate me or anyone else out of investigating the election. Period.”
A search of TRACER for donations to Secretary of State Jena Griswold from anyone named Soros turned up a single July 9, 2018 donation of $575 from Jennifer Allen Soros, the wife of George Soros’ son Jonathan.
Peters submitted no proof that SOS Griswold has “teamed up” with the Lincoln Project for the purpose of “intimidating” her, and we are awaiting a response to an email to the Lincoln Project inquiring about such activities.
And now the FBI has raided her home! It’s about time, is all I have to say.
How mature to attack the looks of the messenger but crickets about the message.
Tina’s “message” is unsubstantiated bullshit. It doesn’t warrant a response without actual evidence to back up her wild claims.
I don’t understand why Tina Peters feels Mesa County voting machines were compromised during the last presidential election. From what I understand, the incumbent candidate–who claims the election was stolen from him–won in Mesa County.
Further, if she feels there foul play, why not present her evidence legally? Her illegal actions may be brave in her eyes, but she’s lost all credibility with me.
Read the report and educate yourself then you might understand exactly what happened.
What “report”? The one that even Mike Lindell, crackhead pillow vendor, and his QAnon buddy disavowed publicly?