Rep. Boebert embarrasses western Colorado again with shocking outburst at State of the Union

Colorado House Rep. Lauren Boebert once again roundly embarrassed her western Colorado constituents nationally with her continuing over-the-top bad behavior, this time by shouting at President Biden during his first State of the Union speech on March 1 as he began to talk about his deceased son, Beau, who died at age 46 from brain cancer in 2015. Biden raised the issue of members of the military who, like his son, had “ended up in flag-draped coffins” after being exposed to toxic burn pits in the military. As Biden mentioned the soldiers who had died, Boebert yelled out “You put them there. Thirteen of them!” apparently referencing the explosion carried out by an Isis bomber at the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan last August that killed 13 American service members.

The unidentified member of Congress at left reacts to Boebert’s outburst during the State of the Union by putting his head in his hands.

Beau was an Iraq War veteran who had been exposed to toxic burn pits during his service in Iraq and Kosovo. Biden attributes his son’s early death to exposure to the toxins these pits emit. The military uses such burn pits to dispose of large quantities of materials used on bases, like plastic, used batteries and car parts.

The day after the State of the Union speech, Boebert used the news coverage of her cringeworthy outburst in a fundraising appeal that she sent out to her constituents:

Boebert sent out this fundraising appeal after generating national news with her child-like outburst

Democratic analyst Mike Dino said Boebert’s bomb-throwing approach is not helpful to her constituents, suggesting it would be more helpful for Boebert to “transition away from this class clown, immature act that she’s putting on.”

Even members of the Republican Party agreed Boebert’s latest stunt crossed the line. Republican political consultant Dick Wadhams said Congresswoman Boebert’s behavior was “very inappropriate” and said extremists like her are “poisoning the atmosphere” and making it harder to get work done in Congress. Even far-right Republican Rep. Ken Buck said her behavior was overboard:

Ken Buck, himself a far-right extremist member of the Republican Party, reacted to Boebert’s shocking outburst

  15 comments for “Rep. Boebert embarrasses western Colorado again with shocking outburst at State of the Union

  1. She is disgrace to all Americans, regardless of party affiliation this behavior is totally unacceptable for a representative. It’s almost as if she’s trying to distract from something she did in the lead up to the insurrection on Jan. 6th

    • While Bidens son Beau was serving with honor in the Middle East, her now husband in his 20s was exposing himself to teenagers in a bowling alley in Rifle. Well I guess that’s Qanon’s idea of who best deserves our country’s respect.

  2. Mr. Biden’s continued rambling about events in the world that he could solve immediately if he really wanted to put a stop to Putin’s attacks on women and children of Ukraine. HOW!
    Stop the purchase of ( 27 million barrels in 2020) Russian. Take us back to the major exporter of oil to Europe during President Trumps Leadership.
    Illegal immigration hits all time high under Biden and he states it must be stopped. He is transporting illegals all throughout the U.S. in the dark of night. CLUE!
    Finish the wall !
    Have you noticed the rising cost of Fuel?
    Stop inflation he stated… by raising wages and cut costs of business?
    If you ever look at costs wages makes up the major cost of doing business.
    New Jobs?? They are counting the return of those lost because of his masking and vaccination mandates.
    As for flag draped coffins his actions filled 13!As for his pullout of Afghanistan, please enlighten me as to the success of that!
    $80 billion of the most sophisticated military weapons left to the Taliban,a known world enemy?

    You suggest Representative Lauren Boebert is a disgrace to Western Colorado. Wake up!

    Please enlighten us to how one might support the actions of this “president”?

    • For starters, when the world is on the brink of disaster, with the worst military invasion in Europe since WWII, we should all support our country and work to stop Putin – not keep fighting each other like a bunch of bratty kids. Sure, maybe much higher taxes on high corporate taxes if you want to reduce inflation, Let the unfettered free market determine all the costs of different energy sources instead of continuing to subsidize those that help Putin… but while working on those, work together, putting America before political points.

    • Hello Tom, Finish the wall ? ! ? The wall is an ineffective boondoggle.
      Rep Boebert chanted build the wall during the speech so is this why you support this boondoggle? Boebert is acting like a high school dropout. Oh, wait she is.

    • Tommy,

      Your lil’ strumpet, Boebert, voted against the Honoring Our PACT Act, saying no to providing around 3.5 million veterans with access to healthcare and disability benefits after they served their country overseas, soon after claiming her outburst was because she loooooved our troops soooo much.

      Because, just like so many Conservatives, (especially of the flag-wavin’ Western Slope variety) her regard for the military is purely performative.

    • You sir are an illiterate twat who barely knows how to string words together to create understandable or coherent sentences. Did you even go to school and stay awake during class? Do you not have a single original thing to say that can be proven by research? You are a fool, sir, and you prove it with the drivel you have posted here. And you don’t even have the guts to stand up to your comments by posting your last name. Pathetic.

  3. She is a huge embarrassment. Perhaps she needs some education and information to help her know what she is talking about. She is crass, uninformed and a liar. UGH

  4. Fundraising off her mean girl act then voting against the bill to aid victims of burn pits. Classless.

    • I would be interested in your take on Rep. Nancy Palosi’s tearing up of the State of the Union speech.

      • It was stupid and performative, just like Boebert’s outburst. Pelosi approved Trump’s gargantuan military budget (the largest in history until the next year, and the next, and the next…). Boebert voted against the bill to provide healthcare for veterans suffering from burn pit side effects. These are all just actors playing games – the corporations and military contractors win; you lose.

      • Ooh! Ooh! I can take this one:

        Pelosi’s tearing up a piece of paper was a simple, silent gesture of protest, made after the speech; whereas Qbert and her troglodyte bestie brayed at the President during the speech, pretending it was out of respect for dead soldiers. It wasn’t, as Qbert later proved by voting against the Honoring our PACT act.

        Clear enough?

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