Highlights of Wyoming Republican primary debate. Note, this is not a Saturday Night Live episode.

The above is a 2 minute video synopsis of a Republican primary debate among candidates running for Wyoming’s at-large seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, currently held by Liz Cheney. These are actual answers from actual Republicans to questions the moderator posed during a “lightning round.” The debate was broadcast on Wyoming PBS and can be viewed on CSPAN.

This is only one state away.

If you can stomach it, you can watch the full debate here.

  13 comments for “Highlights of Wyoming Republican primary debate. Note, this is not a Saturday Night Live episode.

  1. I have a neighbor who is from Wyoming. She talks in complete sentences and conveys a complete thought. It appears these challengers took public speaking lessons from former President Trump. This has to be a ruse.

    These challengers are acting incoherent to chase away sensible people trying to reside in Wyoming. However this ruse could backfire as conman who see how successful former President Trump is at fleecing money from current Wyoming residents may try to sell Wyoming a state border wall.

  2. Hell that looks like the Boebert team and our own special Tina when it comes to idiot theatre. Who coaches them out from under the rock and aren’t your embearassed!

    • I am very concerned about the state of our two states! This is becoming much more than embarrassing.

    • yes please talk to Him everyday JoAnn, you will hear the answer if you listen.
      best wishes on your journey.

  3. Stay in school , kids.

    God help us: Liz Cheney is the reasonable, intelligent one…..

    • Thanks. A couple of weeks ago, YouTube changed its default setting for uploaded videos to private. I’m still getting used to having to change it for every video!

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