Tina Peters on the judge in her criminal case: “This is a dirty, dirty player”

NOTE: YouTube removed this video of Tina Peters’ appearance on Steve Bannon’s show because in it, Peters persistently tells a raft of blatant lies about election fraud in Colorado. I am trying to explain to YouTube that the video is being used for purposes of commentary and criticism, and this has worked for YouTube’s removal of other video clips of Tina’s talks, but so far they have not agreed to restore this particular one. Fortunately I transcribed some passages of her talking in this video here:

In the video she made in Pitkin County the night she bonded out of jail in Aspen on 7/22, Republican Tina Peters called Mesa County Court Judge Matthew Barrett, the judge overseeing her criminal case, “partisan” and “malicious,” and claimed “his goal is to incarcerate an innocent woman.” She further accused Judge Barrett of “legislating from the bench,” and urged her followers to “file a lot of ethics complaints” against him.

Just two days later, on 7/25, while appearing on Steve Bannon’s internet talk show “War Room,” in a segment titled “Deep Dive of a Few Bad Men,” Peters continued assailing Judge Barrett:

Tina tells Bannon “This was a setup from the beginning,” adding,

“…but when they saw that I had such a following and that I was going to win this, they front-loaded the ballots…You will see that this is exactly what they did. This time they had to take me out, and why would a judge, a judge appointed by our radical, baby-killing-laws Jared Polis, why would a judge appointed by him, issue two arrest warrants in one week, this past week? They want to take me out because they know that I know what’s going on in the machines, Steve.”

Tina completely ignores her own responsibility for violating the terms of her bond twice in the last week, and instead blames the judge.

“I’m the only one that can stop them.”

A few minutes deeper into the interview she tells Bannon,

“That’s why they want to put me in prison. This dear Polis-appointed judge withdrew my bond while I was traveling, I had to run back home. He issued a warrant. I mean, nobody even knew that it was out there. He didn’t even contact my bail bondsman. This is a dirty, dirty player. And your Polis, and Jena Griswold. They cannot be allowed to get back into power and I’m the only one that can stop them.”

Judge’s lenience with Peters gets noticed by Denver media

Judge Barrett has, in fact, has been so lenient with Tina Peters in giving her the benefit of the doubts and opting not to strictly enforce the terms of her bond that Denver-area major media has taken notice of it. On July 22, 2022, Marsrhall Zelinger of 9News in Denver ran a segment on Next with Kyle Clark questioning the extraordinary amount of privilege the Court has granted Tina, and whether others in her situation would be likely to get similar treatment:

  2 comments for “Tina Peters on the judge in her criminal case: “This is a dirty, dirty player”

  1. The My Pillow Gal knows her audience. Tina/Trump fans have to have fuel for their ignorant, impotent rage…they basically waddle through their lives 24/7 with the CapsLock key on.

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