Many people have been asking when Tina Peters is scheduled to appear in court.
She has many cases ongoing at once, so it takes some effort to sort out all the cases and appearances and what they are all for.
The above chart has been checked for accuracy, lists Peters’ currently-scheduled court appearances the related cases as of August 29, 2022. These dates may change.
“Virtual” means the hearing will be conducted online. If the court date is a virtual hearing in Mesa County Court, you may be able to view the proceedings online using Mesa County Court’s WebEx system. To watch a virtual proceeding, note the Courtroom number and use the following chart listing each judge’s Courtroom number and WebEx link (pdf). Click on the appropriate link corresponding to the courtroom number and follow the instructions to view the proceedings at the appointed day and time. If you intend to watch the proceeding via the WebEx link, log on about 10 minutes early so you have enough time to go through the necessary steps of logging in, completing Captchas, etc. so you are admitted to the hearing as a virtual viewer by the time the proceeding starts.
For a county whose elected mis Representatives have been frettng about pennies forever while breaking the Federal Reserve with their freeloading spending at a national level , one would have thought the enormous cost of this wingnut to Mesa County is not terribly justifiable.
I wonder how far the Judge will allow this loon to go in respect to reasoning about election fraud without evidence and only hearsay?
While I agree with most of your comment, please don’t relate Peters to anything like a Loon, which is possibly one of the most beautiful and resilient creatures on the planet.
And please everyone, Google the Loon, it’s what we’re fighting Republicans for.
Lunatic, yes.
Holy Moly! I like that her lawsuit against Colorado and the criminal case against her are on the same day. What a despicable human being. Thanks for reporting!
Good work, yet again, Anne.
What a fun graphic!
Freshly popcorn and iced tea for the viewing taxpayers. I’d rather pay for her incarceration than pay her do-nothing wages.
Belinda Knisely’s plea agreement: