Country singer John Rich is hosting a high-dollar fundraiser tomorrow evening, October 20, for CD-3 Rep. Lauren Boebert at his 17,000+ sq. ft. mansion in Nashville, Tennessee. The fundraiser also features former NRA spokesperson and writer for Breitbart News, Dana Loesch.
Tickets start at $2,000 and go up to $12,900 for “gold sponsors,” who for that price get admission to a cocktail reception and a chance to take a photo with Boebert.
That toffee can’t be that hard to make at home. Does anybody have access to the recipe?
Google had it:
John Rich owns a really nice winery/tasting room place between Murfreesboro and Franklin (near Nashville). I wonder if that’s where this is happening….
It was at his 17,000 sq ft mansion in Nashville
LoBo – I love it! Thanks!
An enlightened nation would have public financing of elections, plus strict enforcement of anti-bribery laws, so officials could not accept “donations.” And while we’re on the subject, people with unlimited money for their legal defense would have the same public defenders as did the penny-less.
I completely agree, Bill! A good start will be if we can ever get Citizens United repealed.
Those of us from the Rifle/Silt area — where LoBo lives about 4 miles from my home — are aware of her COMPLETE LACK of education, couth, class, empathy, and brains. If only other areas in our district could see her in her “natural element” they wouldn’t vote for her either.
Agree 100% Bill. Citizens United is a fatal cut to the bloodflow which defines open & fair elections. We recently learned that an extremely wealthy 90 year old Chicago businessman ‘donated’ $1.6 BILLION to the Federalist Society.
How many more far right & questionably qualified judicial appointments will be rubber stamped by money-hungry Republican members of Congress? What is the going rate for a federal judge appointment???
I saw on the news last night and confirms that Enstrom Candies donated $12,100 to Lauren Boebert’s campaign. I guess my family and friends aren’t getting toffee this holiday season.
Good decision Randy. We’ve passed up Enstrom’s GOP candy for multiple election cycles. T-4 Tree Service, whose owner chose to have signs supporting The Former Guy. Centennial RV on 6 and 50 declares itself “Boebert country.” If a business owner has the bad judgement to support such anti-American views they won’t get our business.
Any way her complete list of big donors can be published where the general public sees it? I, for one, am glad to know about these 3. They will NEVER get any business from me now. And we love toffee, have trees that need trimming, and are almost ready for a new toyhauler. Oh, well. There are plenty of other businesses who spend their money on important things for their employees and customers, donating only to deserving charities. I only hope ALL of corporate America hasn’t lost its soul.
I also enjoy Enstrom’s Toffee and have gifted it in the past but no more. I would also like to see a list of her donors which will become a “do not patronize” list for me.
We’ve stopped supporting Enstroms though they are 2 blocks from our house. T-4 Tree Service was recommended to us, but we won’t be calling them now, which is too bad because we have tons of trees on our property. Last year we saw our former real estate agent (Dave Woodward, United Country) at the Boebert/Jim Jordan fundraiser. When we bought a small condo for mum this year, we went with another agent that is an ally of the lgbtq+ community. We don’t do business with insurrectionist-supporters.
and that’s just what I cannot understand-
driving around San Luis Valley, rural farmland around Alamosa on out to Monte Vista- definitely NOT affluent nor the land of McMansions: maybe a few shiny pickup trucks which show signs of labor sans the confusing display of US & confederate flags etc.
These folk work the land- hard, unforgiving toil & travail often with little to show for their effort aside from pride & food on the table- often with federal ag $$$ assistance.
Yet in these same front yards & fence lines, they display Boebert signs- her $$$$ dental work blinding anyone who dares to look at the CO Hydra. While these folk work hard, LoBlo hardly works. What possibly drives them to support such a welcher?
Regarding the the flamboyant, pistol-packing Colo. rep’s dental work, a friend of mine, a lifelong resident of Rifle remarked about Mrs. Boebert: “she lost all her teeth from doing meth.”
As long as any of us is alive, we have the potential to overcome addictions and destructive practices. Let us hope the representative is able to overcome her destructive words and practices, and is able to live a sane, productive life.
Notice that it is NOT in Colorado, less than 3 weeks from the election, she’s still on her “Hatred and Irresponsibility Tour” of the entire USA.
I hope that the rich and Republican Party faithful enjoy the irony of her lack of couth and education there in Nashville!
Campaign money should be restricted to only in-state donors!
And isn’t there a limit of some sort on how much any one person or company can donate?
Again,,,,,, let’s work to repeal Citizens United!!! Its title contradicts what it actually does. It further divides us.