Rep. Lauren Boebert’s eldest son, Tyler, who impregnated his girlfriend at age 17. His mother praised the situation. The baby is due this month. Tyler caused a rollover car crash in his father’s 2021 Ford Expedition on 9/17/22 that left his passenger with serious injuries. (Photo: Instagram)
Westword, Newsweek, the U.K. Independent, Daily Mail and other news outlets are reporting that Colorado House Rep. Lauren Boebert’s eldest son, Tyler, caused a serious car crash on September 17, 2022 that gave his passenger life-changing injuries, and the injured passenger is saying since then Rep. Boebert has been covering up the incident and minimizing the severity of his injuries.
Tyler Boebert, 18, was driving his father’s black Ford Expedition SUV at 11:30 p.m. on a Saturday night on Garfield County Road 100, going to a party with a friend, Noble D’Amato, 19, when he failed to negotiate a curve and flipped the vehicle 180 degrees. It landed on its roof in Cattle Creek, leaving the driver and passenger upside down. D’Amato was taken to the hospital with concussions and a severely lacerated hand, an injury D’Amato says has kept him from being able to hold a torch for welding, and forced him to change vocations. He is now a personal caregiver. D’Amato says the injury will probably affect him for the rest of his life.
D’Amato was found to be carrying unprescribed Xanax pills, marijuana and grinder and was charged with possessing drug paraphernalia while Boebert got a careless driving charge that was later dropped down to a defective vehicle charge for headlights. Tyler Boebert was ordered to attend court-ordered driving school and take a driver awareness program.
Lauren Boebert issued a statement about the incident on April 4 in which she minimized D’Amato’s injuries, calling them “superficial at best” and saying they “were addressed by medical professionals out of caution.”
D’Amato said Lauren Boebert’s statement is “bullshit” and she’s just trying to sweep the whole incident under the rug.
D’Amato said he resents Lauren Boebert’s efforts to try to cover up the crash and minimize the severity of his injuries. D’Amato said, “They just don’t give a fuck. It’s the entire family.”
He said Tyler was sober at the time of the crash, but driving far too fast.
“Just because he’s Lauren Boebert’s kid doesn’t mean he’s a god,” D’Amato said.

Law enforcement sketch of the accident scene
I sell newspapers, to get the truth
Anne, Please don’t link to the Daily Mail — it’s a tabloid site well known for making stuff up.