Unaffiliated Black Nigerian immigrant elected Mayor of Colorado Springs, defeating Republican Wayne Williams

Yemi Mobolade, the new mayor of Colorado Springs, defeated long time Republican political figure Wayne Williams.

In a seismic political shift for Colorado Springs, Yemi Mobolade, a Nigerian immigrant with no political experience, defeated Republican Wayne Williams in the city’s mayoral race.

Mobolade describes himself as a “progressive political newcomer,” according to Axios,

Mobolade won by a wide margin.

The unofficial results reported as of 9:40 p.m. last night show Mobolade ahead with 57.47% of the vote to Wayne Williams’ 42.53%. Wayne Williams has conceded the race to Mobolade.

Wayne Williams was a veteran Republican political figure on the front range and state wide.

Colorado Springs has long arguably been the most politically conservative city in the state, home to Focus on the Family and the Crystal Cathedral on the U.S. Air Force Base.

Mobolade moved to Colorado Springs in 2010, founded two restaurants and was an advocate for small businesses.

Upon winning, Mobolade said, “We are Colorado Springs. It’s a new day in our beloved city. Do you believe that? Colorado Springs will be become an inclusive, culturally rich, economically prosperous, safe and vibrant city.”



  4 comments for “Unaffiliated Black Nigerian immigrant elected Mayor of Colorado Springs, defeating Republican Wayne Williams

  1. I absolutely love this story; any time some one defies the former “odds” outside of typical political parties (not to mention white power structures) is potentially a good time for all of us.

  2. Wasn’t Wayne the fellow who, w/ Sheila Reiner, was selected to help dig us out of the Tina morass? He seemed fairly moderate to me – but maybe a Republican tag got him to the ballot.

  3. Williams is a Brigham Young U. graduate, has served in numerous gov’t positions for the last 20 years including Sec. of State (defeated for 2nd term), Colorado Springs City Council, etc.

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