Tina Peters has filed to run for Colorado Secretary of State in 2026, but may be using it to defray her personal expenses of being a professional election denier

In the above interview posted on Rumble.com on 9/18/23 for the Clay Clark ReAwaken America tour, Tina Peters lies and tells viewers she won the 2020 election for Colorado Secretary of State.  “The Reawaken America tour is a series of controversial far-right conferences held across the United States featuring prominent QAnon influencers, anti-vaxx activists, election fraud conspiracy theorists, Christian pastors, political candidates and elected officials,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Indicted former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters has filed to run for Secretary of State in Colorado in 2026, and as of July 23, 2023 had almost $305,000 in the bank for her campaign, according to Colorado Tracer, the online campaign finance reporting system.

Tina has not publicly stated she has an active campaign for Colorado Secretary of State in 2026, but that has not stopped her from listing campaign expenses for it.

But filing to run for SOS in 2026 looks more like it may be a tactic Tina is using to defray her personal costs of being a darling of the election denier cult while she awaits her criminal trial next February.

Tina has been charging her campaign $100/month for a Verizon cellphone she lists as “Campaign Phone,” and charging numerous fees she’s paid to United Airlines in the amount of $35 — the amount it costs to check a bag — as she travels around the country to speak at election denier events. She’s also been charging her  campaign repeatedly for “miscellaneous in-flight fees” of $10, the cost of sandwiches on airplanes, and she’s been charging her campaign $33/month for web hosting even though she doesn’t have an active campaign website for a run for Secretary of State in 2026, and hasn’t publicly declared she’s running. She’s also been charging credit card processing fees to her 2026 campaign, which could be processing costs she incurs from donations people have been making to her two personal fundraising websites, TinaPeters.us, which she uses to raise money for her criminal defense, and GiveSendGo, which she’s using to raise money for her personal support. So far she’s pulled in over $21,000 in donations from GiveSendGo. Tina also literally passed a bucket around to collect cash at a talk on September 17 in Lake Havasu, while at the same time imploring people to send money to her two websites.






  4 comments for “Tina Peters has filed to run for Colorado Secretary of State in 2026, but may be using it to defray her personal expenses of being a professional election denier

  1. She is pathetic! (affecting and moving the feelings) How these candidates recycle Trumps steps, ways and lying means is beyond acceptable. Knowing another year, until next November, is going to be full of this kind of deceit and bad behavior is so wearing to anyone’s mind that cares about how our country and state are run. Something has to be done here in Colorado to put a cap on contributions and donations, and I am all for what a country did over in Europe, make campaigning six months ONLY before any election! Too much bribery, too little brains.

  2. These snake oil conferences feed her need for attention and of course feed her bank account. There truly is a sucker born every minute.

  3. It’s all too true. She is offering herself as a sacrificial lamb to protect us from wokeness, vaxxing, science and sanity. Lots of people are saying that The My Pillow Guy is hawking a line of inexpensive white vinyl wigs so we can all look just like Ms. Peters.

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