7/25/24 @ 3:39 p.m. – Note: an earlier version of this blog attributed the quotes criticizing the finance director’s use of the word “decimate” to Engineering and Transportation Director Trent Prall. I’ve been informed that was incorrect. They were actually said by City Councilman Cody Kennedy. I have corrected the blog.
In a Grand Junction City Council workshop discussion July 15 about the proposed 29 Road interchange on I-70, City Finance Director Jennifer Tomaszewski, a Certified Public Accountant, told Council members that given the amount of revenue the City takes in from sales taxes, and the City’s current expenses and financial obligations, including its existing transportation debt and maintenance of parks and facilities, the proposed $2.5 million/year in debt service over 30 years that the City would take on to build the project would “decimate our city capital, basically.” [Tomaszewski made this statement is at 1:12:46 in the above-linked video.]
Later in the conversation [at 1:19], City Councilman Cody Kennedy called out Tomaszewski about her use of the word “decimate,” and urged her to use more caution in her language, saying “words like ‘decimate’ concern me.” Kennedy added, if we don’t get this done now, I don’t think it will ever happen…I’m not in any way angry…” he said, but he urged her to use caution in “the language you’re using to help us make decisions.”
Tomaszewski responded by saying,
“I do want to say my job is to make sure you understand the impact of the decisions you make. I have a fiduciary responsibility, and I feel it’s important that you understand the numbers, so I’m sorry if my verbiage wasn’t correct, but I just hope that you understand my intent is to give you the information.”
The project is projected to cost $80 million, which would include changes made to 29 Road, with the debt to be split 50/50 by City and County taxpayers. So far there is a possibility of getting state and federal help for the project, but Kennedy says, “We just don’t know” about that.
The plan is to put the question of funding construction of a 29 Road interchange to voters on the November 5, 2024 general election ballot.
The full discussion about the project starts at 50:41 in the video of the workshop.
I finally got a chance to listen to the offensive comment by the city finance director. How silly to berate her… she was doing her job!
However. It would have been much better if she’d presented better evidence. I bet she won’t make that mistake again.
What was really offensive is that council member, Cody Kennedy wagging his finger at staff, while at the same time claiming to be gentle and assuring everyone he’s not mad…as if anyone cares.
But I’m glad I listened because now I know that this project is useless. The only rationale I heard was that it will keep Patterson safe for bicycles and mopeds. For the money they are projecting, they could keep Patterson between 24 Road and Clifton pothole free for the next three centuries.
I love the guy who said building this interchange was like prioritizing landscaping over fixing the roof. Perfect!
This is a completely unnecessary infrastructure expense, esp one to be burning the GJ and Mesa County taxpayers with. As behind the scenes its commercial operators (trucking, etc) that are lobbying for this; as they otherwise continue to improperly saturate smaller streets and local roads not otherwise designed for commerce-related traffic simply to save on their transpo costs. It’s also absolutely insane to be claiming funds from the fed/state gov they’ve not even secured yet, and irresponsibly puts us all on the hook for if falls through. What is the CC thinking exactly?
But you really know the fix is in when a dingbat city cop turned council member also starts pretending to be the word police. As for someone who claims to have apparently solved “complex financial crime”, you’d think he’d appreciate (basic) accounting and not get hung up on verbiage
“We the people”. I remind the word police to tell the community the truth whether they personally or politically like it or not. Anyone here who agrees should make their voice heard?
Hey Kody. We pay her for her expert opinion. You’re not the expert. We the taxpayers want to hear the unblemished truth-
instead of your version of “almost the truth” and maybe you should list to the experts when they talk isn’t that why we pay them – to take their wise intelligent advise.
We the people can handle the truth!
Let’s be real. Even if it’s only 80 million now in 7 to 12 years this same project will likely cost 160 to 220 million. Have seen this many times over the last 40 plus years with infrastructure projects 8n many states. Either way if it is not done now it likely will never happen.
As to the alleged developers, have no fear. They will find different ways, including new roads from other existing roads. The chance for profits and or greed usually doesnt fail.
The 29 Road Interchange is too close to the Horizon Drive Interchange and the Clifton Interchange and is not needed. Interchanges are never intended to solve local infrastructure issues like traffic on Patterson Road. And the true cost will be more than 80 million if you include local improvements that are needed. Developers are pushing for 29 Road Interchange to open up development north of I70.
Just where would developers get water?
Why in the world would the city and county undertake such an expensive project without first seeking and securing federal and state matching funds? A proposed interstate exit should at least trigger a DOT and CDOT review. As the proposed exit will increase access to local businesses, I think we have a good shot at matching funds. That will improve once we have someone in CD3 who actually gives a damn about representing the district instead of angling for a job at Fox News.
I’m thankful Tomaszewski spoke up. Thanks for keeping us informed of the city’s continued bad planning.
“Decimate” is such an imprecise term that one would hope Thomaszewski would have presented a more exact accounting of how this project will affect the city’s budget unless she actually means 1/10th.
Fun fact…Janet Rowland doesn’t think the county should pay any amount.
Tomaszewski did present a fuller accounting of the city’s income and expenditures. You can hear the whole breakdown if you watch the video. (I provided a link to a video of the whole workshop).
The 29 Road Interchange is too close to the Horizon Drive Interchange and the Clifton Interchange and is not needed. Interchanges are never intended to solve local infrastructure issues like traffic on Patterson Road. And the true cost will be more than 80 million if you include local improvements that are needed. Developers are pushing for 29 Road Interchange to open up development north of I70.
I agree with Janet.
To be up front, Annie Landman is an atheist crackpot. Any verbiage from her should not be deemed as credible.
Don’t be a dick.
Who cares if she’s an atheist! What does that have to do with anything? She works hard to uncover important issues happening in our area and has been doing this for a very long time. I’d say you’re the crackpot.
Not believing in a made-up deity is a sign of rational thinking.
Seamus. Deflecting a issue towards a made up problem does not solve it
To be upfront, this commenter, JF Smith, is a ward mission leader (WML) in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). I have done two blogs involving Mormonism. One is about Mitt Romney’s Mormon underwear (August 19, 2012): https://annelandmanblog.com/2012/08/about-mitt-romneys-underwear/, and the other is about six particularly interesting Mormon beliefs, like the Garden of Eden is located in Jackson County, MO, God has his own planet, Kolob, and the Mormon church bans women from the priesthood. From Nov. 5, 2012: https://annelandmanblog.com/2012/11/six-mormon-beliefs-romney-would-probably-rather-your-didnt-know-about/
To be fair. I think decimating is a very clear word. We use it in the military to describe what we did to the enemy who is no longer able to walk or fire an weapon or to be of any use to his comrades- What part of the word decimate do you find
“ imprecise “ ? I hope you understand it enough to know it’s a very bad thing.
… thank you, Anne, for keeping us informed !!!
How typical Mr. Prall. Ignore the message and deflect to the verbage.
Just to let you know, I had the wrong speaker who criticized the director of finance over use of the word “decimated.” It was actually Councilman Cody Kennedy who said all the quotes in the article. The workshop video was taken at a distance and none of the speakers had nameplates, so it was hard to tell who was speaking. I thought I had the right speaker, but the City corrected me so I corrected the error.
Too much noise imposed on property owners on designated route. I heard that from someone else and adopted it 100%, in total agreement.
I have lived off of a major freeway and the noise got so bad you had to turn up noises to drown it out …ie: t.v. music etc. Imposed unnecessary noise!