The verdict is in in Tina Peters’ criminal trial

Tina Peters at her trial in Mesa County

Following are the findings of the jury returned at 5:20 p.m. this afternoon in the criminal case of former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters:

Count 1 – Attempt to influence a public servant – Jesse Romero (employee of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office) – GUILTY
Count 2 – Attempt to influence a public servant – David Underwood (employee of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office) – GUILTY
Count 3 – Conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, April 23-May 18, 2021 – NOT GUILTY
Count 4 – Attempt to influence a public servant – Danny Casias (employee of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office) – GUILTY
Count 5 – Criminal impersonation May 23-27, 2021 – NOT GUILTY
Count 6 – Conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation – May 23-27, 2021 – GUILTY
Count 7 – Identity theft – NOT GUILTY
Count 8 – First degree official misconduct – guilty on all options on interrogatories
Count 9 – Violation of Duty – GUILTY
Count 10 – Failure to comply with requirements of the Secretary of State’s office – GUILTY with all interrogatories proven beyond a reasonable doubt

Peters’ sentencing is scheduled for October 3, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

  22 comments for “The verdict is in in Tina Peters’ criminal trial

  1. I must admit that I’m sorry about the verdict, although I see that Peters caused a lot of harm, therefore she must be punished.
    I’m still confused about the pre-trial orders. I wish I could find more information about that. Apparently, they were about not being able to introduce anything about election malfeasance…which happened to be Peters’ sole reason for doing what she did.
    She will probably spend time in jail but she won’t give up her belief that something was very wrong with the municipal election in Grand Junction.

    Everyone says charges about stolen elections are “unfounded and unproven”, despite the fact that democrats have been alleging these things for decades. At the end of the day, I don’t think we’ll ever know. People will cheat, no matter what and people in power will deny cheating occurs.
    Apparently, that’s what we’re stuck with.

    On another note…as recently as January 2024, Matthew Barrett had one if his trial results reversed due to an improper pre-trial instruction. Go figure.

    • I have not followed it close enough to say where I stand on this. Do I trust the election results? heck no, not since they went to electronic recording. As a computer programmer, I know how easy it is to put in a sub routine to change or add votes, then have the subroutine delete all evidence of it self. There was many inconsistencies with the last election, but things were covered up enough, and ballots destroyed soon enough that they could not be proven. Not proven does not mean it did not happen.Our courts have become too technical, and have lost the idea of seeking the truth. Funny how Barrett seems to get most of the cases that involve the county.

      I wonder how things would have changed if they were able to prove the computers were corrupted. Then Tina would be considered a hero in many circles.

      Our political system needs an overhaul, this having to chose the lessor of two evils, is just dragging all of us down.

    • The trial was about what she did, not why she did it. What she did was break the law, and was found guilty of doing so.

      • So true. Look back in history, and you will find many laws that were broken and overlooked when the goal was to expose corruption.

        • Not justifying or excusing her actions. Just wondering out loud how things might be different if her gut feelings were correct, and she was able to prove wrong doing.

          • The the Whistleblower exemption would have applied, and she wouldn’t have been charged. Her belief that there was something amiss does not justify her actions.

            Like I said before, your belief that you are a Jedi does not mean that hitting someone with a toy lightsaber does not constitute assault, even if you firmly believe that they are a Sithlord.

  2. Comeuppanc
    (come·up·pance) noun, informal
    Definition: a rebuke/penalty/punishment/fate someone well deserves.
    Example: “That ghastly old bag sure earned her comeuppanc”

    So bon voyage, Tina! Bold smiling strategy to show nothing but contempt for the justice system here among zero contrition for your actions…so expect to soon be in prison for whatever’s left of your nutjob natural life.


      • She’s been convicted by a 12-person jury of her peers, after seeing all of the evidence and hearing all of the testimony, of four felonies and three misdemeanors. Witnesses were people who people who worked with Tina or were friends with her, or both. The only conclusion they could come to was that Tina indisputably broke Colorado law.

    • Can the media interview the feloniously talented Peters and her cohorts about how they view the current heartfelt haywire/livewire statement issued by the cognizantly tipsy candidate the R(s) are determined to coach and coddle as their prez candidate?
      By now the world has heard, that he actually believes that the civilian Medal -o- Freedom is ‘much better’ than the military Medal of Honor ! …Ouch.
      Do tell—how you feel about this sorrowful comment that, as we know is one of several
      he has made denigrating the miltary.

  3. I’d love to hear from Gerald Wood. Is he going to pursue legal action? He was emphatic about not being involved. He should sue their pants off, especially that Sheronna Bishop who I believe outright lied on the stand. I’m surprised the jury bought that load of crap from her. Gerald Wood’s phone was searched and they found no evidence of him being involved in their three-way chat to hatch a plan for his badge to be used. Tina is definitely guilty of Identity theft. I hope Tina doesn’t just get house arrest. That will be an injustice for Mesa County.

  4. Darn! Slow wheels. Tell me Boebert wasn’t involved in any of this, lol. And yet still she walks! Maybe start at the top and work the way down the list. But hey, still happy some are getting their dues even if it’s not their complete dues. Thank you!

  5. They represent my verdict, open that Victim Playbook now and follow along!
    All for Orange Jesus, bow ur heads!

  6. Conspiracy usually has the longest sentences—she was convicted on one, acquitted on the other. There seems to be some inconsistency in the verdicts—not guilty on 3, but guilty on 5. The jury believed she conspired to commit criminal impersonation but it didn’t actually happen. It appears Sherronna Bishop was partly believed when she testified Gerald Wood was ok with someone else using his badge. How will this affect possible indictments of Bishop, et al.? She may serve time by the time is she is 70 or 71.

  7. 1 county crook down, about 50 more to go. The commissioners, The attorneys, the codes, The treasurers, the parks, Public works, and on and on. Will the state keep digging, or will we need to involve the national media again?

    • Jeff, I’d like to put in a good word for the majority of unelected public servants who care about doing a good job of serving the public. Please do not let today’s climate of suspicion and contempt poison all interactions. They receive a lot of abuse for just trying to do their jobs.

      • Ann, I can speak from working at the lower and mid levels, you are so right. The corruption starts at the top of each department, on up to the commissioners, and the state.

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