10 comments for “Visual depiction of equality, equity and social justice

  1. This illustration is precisely what Jesus told the rich young man to do. “ If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor”

    Fake MAGA Christians don’t bother to read the Bible. Anybody defending a persons right to hoard, and stand upon, a giant pile of boxes, to make their position, superior – he’s clearly not pay much attention to Matthew 19.

    “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

  2. By all means…tear down the wall. I’m sure all of those extremely talented players (the majority of whom are people of color) will be willing to train and work out for years so that everyone can see what they have accomplished for free.

    The little guy on the right very probably has access to myriad community groups who will comp him a ticket.
    But people who offer up these inane illustrations never acknowledge that there are literally hundreds of organizations dedicated to giving access to the poor and disadvantaged.

    Instead they default to how unfair and racist our country is.

    • So do you think the fact that those “myriad community groups” exist means we shouldn’t try to change how unfair and racist our country is? I don’t think I have ever seen anyone miss the point as thoroughly and completely as you have.

      • I apologize. We tried to raise him right, really we did. But he got to watching FOX News, and that was the end of logic, reason, and empathy for him.

    • The Reality for badhatharry, esp by peddling such a laughably clueless view among an incredibly racist attitude about these talented bootstrap-pulling peoples of color….is he’s got far more in common with the Little Guy than cares to admit. A victim of limited education, poor mental health, lacking of self-care, and therefore soon than later destined to be placed in a shallow hole then completely forgotten about. Something to look forward to, perhaps..

  3. This depiction of Reality (Box 1) is the source of most of the anger and unrest in the world all through history and today. It seems so simple and yet the powerful and moneyed capitalists manipulate the message so we turn our anger upon the other poorer serfs (immigrants) allowing the mighty to stay in control. See Hitler,1930s Robber Barons, Trump,Murdock(Faux news).How do we not see it? Do people actually believe this carnival barker will do anything but serve himself. He and Fox are a real looming threat to our waning democracy,and if it can happen in Germany…We truly need the youth and women to vote this Fall. I am not a Dem or Republican but it is well depicted in the little cartoon picture Anne sent..thanks

  4. Thanks, Anne, for bringing us information which allows us to see problems in our community, that we might try to help our fellow citizens; regardless of income, political party, race, and, yes, even gender and identities.

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