Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.), Trump’s pick to head the Department of Health and Human Services, is working with Aaron Siri to select candidates for top public health positions in Trump’s administration.
Aaron Siri petitioned the FDA in 2022 asking it to REVOKE approval of the POLIO VACCINE.
Polio is a highly contagious disease that mostly affects children under 5. It paralyzes muscles, including muscles used to breathe, and can cause irreversible paralysis and death. By 1950, Polio was the most serious communicable disease infecting children in the United States, paralyzing and killing thousands of children and causing widespread panic over the disease. The U.S. started a widespread vaccination program against Polio in 1955, which greatly reduced the number of cases in the U.S.
In 1988, the Global Health Assembly started a global polio vaccine initiative aimed at eliminating Polio that reduced polio cases by 99% globally, saving 1.5 million lives and allowing about 20 million people to walk today who would otherwise have been paralyzed.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is tasked with overseeing public health and promoting the well being of Americans. DHHS also provides essential human services and promotes vaccinations.
RFK Jr., has no formal training or experience in medicine, epidemiology, virology or public health, and has promoted a large number of wild health-related
conspiracy theories not supported by any data or proof, including that:
— WiFi causes “leaky brain,” autism, food allergies, asthma, eczema, or other chronic illnesses;
— Chemicals in water cause children to be transgender;
— Covid-19 vaccines were invented to control people via microchips;
— Covid-19 virus was intentionally manufactured to target caucasians and Black people and spare Chinese and Jewish people;
Kennedy is an environmental lawyer who founded an anti-vaccine nonprofit group that greatly increased its revenue by stoking unfounded fears about vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic. RFK, Jr. has never run a large government agency or a business of any kind, either in the public or private sector. The American Public Health Association (APHA) says Kennedy “fails on all fronts” as a candidate to lead the nation’s top health agency.
In December, 2024, seventy-seven Nobel Laureates in the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics and other sciences came together and wrote a letter to the U.S. Senate (pdf) urging them not to confirm RFK, Jr. as head of DHHS, saying he has been a “belligerent critic” of the agencies that would fall under his control at HHS, including the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health, and that he would jeopardize public health.
If confirmed, Kennedy, will head an agency with 13 subsidiaries, including Medicare and Medicaid Services, and oversee a budget of about $2 trillion.
Its high time start banning these congregating crazies, Anne. Mr. Hatter is literally now posting here more than you are…with ever lengthening diatribes of utter nonsense and under alt accounts as well. Ever the desperate contrarian he is also continues quixotically attacking everyone and anyone who dares express any supporting opinion/ Meanwhile also is dog-whistling to all the other locals trolls to come out from under their respective bridges to also come pollute this place with more of their mouth-breather rhetoric.
Free speech is not an absolute right and indulging crazy people is how we got where we are right now…trapped in a “a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs”, and that’s the positive side.
You have to be stupid to think Kennedy wants to get rid of the Polio vaccine. You have to really dig to find the truth, and that is something the left is not very good at. They just like to spread FAKE NEWS. Like all the lefty’s downplayed the apartment complexes being taken over by Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora, Colorado. It’s ok. People are just being tortured. Fingernails ripped out, stabbed, pistol whipped. That couple can thank Joe, and Kamala. What a travesty. Kennedy never petitioned the FDA to stop giving children the Polio vaccine. A lawyer that works with Kennedy petitioned the FDA on behalf of one of his clients to, not Kennedy. To stop one of 6 polio vaccines from being administered until it when through more testing, and trials. I believe they only studied it for 6 days and approved it if my memory serves, and they just wanted it to be tested, and studied longer. The left is trying to Brett Kavanaugh all of Trumps nominees. Just make shit up, and lie about them. Wait until he tells the truth at his confirmation hearing. Ask George Stephenopolis about FAKE NEWS. 16 million smackers. Was it worth defaming and lying??? Must have been
Anne doesn’t know microbiology..I do! 😉
Spike Proteins do not like the Platelet Factor 4.
I highly recommend research Anne.
Quit, your lies. Vaccines have been the greatest mutation of society.
But, most people spreading lies have not done their research.
Thank you! You know!
Ahh yes….the amazing compendium of medical/scientific knowledge, peer-reviewed research, and overall reputable source of information….a bible-thumping idiot whose only accredited education is graduating from hawking trinkets at the local Flea Market to selling this Varied Treasure/junk on Main Street.
See a real doctor, Susan…not one those d!psh!ts, quacks, and/or snake oil salesmen like Jordan Petersen. You might stand to actually learn something factually correct, instead of stupidly repeating buzzword nonsense! Or don’t and look forward to collecting your Herman Cain Award after a customer rocking the next mutated strain of COVID or Bird Flu comes coughing through your shop. As clearly are staunchly/stupidly unvaxed, and neither prayers nor all the Ivermectin in the world will save someone from their own delusional Dunning-Kruger ignorance….or brainworms for that matter.
Anne….you might be approaching the time to put an end to the nonsense that shows up routinely in these comments. No one wants to censor legitimate debate and discussion…well, almost no one….but so much of what certain folks utter hear is complete nonsense. Insults, conspiracies, unwavering fealty to the Orange God King….ah, such garbage!! Many of us have dumped our Sentinel subscriptions for this reason. And many of us will give up on your blog if something doesn’t change.
Wow…first the Sentinel…now Anne Landman. Your echo chamber is shrinking by the day.
Just in case you don’t know, it’s not mandatory to read
the comments.
Just in case you don’t know, it’s not mandatory to post contrarian commentary here nor troll everyone with insane commentary nobody asked for in the first place either. But you’ll be banned here soon enough and then can go back to writing those unhinged Op-Eds in the Sentinel you supposedly also don’t read; yet compulsively write even if won’t be printed.
Nevermind your laughable idea of a shrinking echo chamber. Tad, you’ve merely proven that will staunchly and spitefully subsist on a daily diet of turds so long as can come here to force the libs to smell your breath.
Wow, you are very threatening…you probably believe in sex changes.
Wow, those that can’t hear, learn or speak truth..I will pray for the uneducated.
That seems a bit self-serving, doesn’t it?
Education is the enemy of blind, mindless faith.
No, not at all.Just pure facts. Why don’t you try it.
No, you can’t just claim something is a “fact”, and expect people to be gullible enough to believe it. That only works on Trump fans and American Christians.
Two of the most life-enhancing health advances of the 20th Century were cataract surgery and the polio vaccines.
Go to the Health and Nutrition Roundtable put on by Jorden Peterson and RFK, Jr. It’s 4 hours. The ignorant libs need to wake up. Look at the general health of America it is quite disgusting looking at most people, obese, sick, can’ walk, don’t know that there is literally two sexes..Male and Female and they are the only ones that can reproduce.
Some of us are very aware because we have done our homework.
Jordan Peterson and BrainWorm Von BearKiller.
Truly, the greatest “minds”.
Look at the actual truth behind the Polio Vaccine…it was just like the Covid. A population control agenda that has always been on the books to do. Why don’t you read the population control letters all of our President’s have written. The two you find mainly on line is Obummers and Bush’s.
So Kennedy stands on a stage and makes claims without any data or proof???
You know that can’t be true.
I’m pretty sure he has loads of data and proof…whether it would satisfy you is a different question. I doubt you know what his proof is.
Siri has petitioned the FDA to
put a hold on one (of many) polio vaccines developed in 1990, until it has been tested more rigorously.
PS. Kathleen Sibelius had no experience in medicine or public health when Obama nominated her for HHS Secretary. She was governor of Kansas and a loyal democrat.
I wonder if Anne was so incensed about that nomination as she is now.
That’s a trick question.
A “trick question” to your own idiotic rhetorical one? So who exactly are you speaking to or trying to confuse; uhhh yourself? Get help, Tad….before you get banned from the Elks Lodge too.
Holy —-!
What cave has this creature crawled out from? She must speak in tongues as well..Demon views and Satanic reference, medications do help delusions dear.
That’s right this is a Biblical war…Wake up with your delusions that the Government is our friend along with False religion, greed and pride. It’s not political, that is the smoking gun.
So stay under your rock.
Again Anne all you are doing is picking and choosing nonsense..this is a demon view. Why don’t you actually learn about Polio and how the government was behind it. Quit!
Vaccines have eradiated nothing. It’s Herd immunity. Maybe learn about GOD and HIStory and how Satan is here to destroy. You really need to check actual stats. But, of course I can not attach a file here.
What the #%&you 88@!! At first, I sensed a case of someone with too much time on his/her hands. And then, I sensed the tip of the iceberg of the massive tangle of nonsense which ferments in the bible of religious babble, wherein reigns superstition, contradiction, and acceptance of the most vile practices. What facts can you relate in your character assassination of Satan? Stats, please.