People’s March unites locals who oppose oligarchy, loss of rights & right wing extremism

The People’s March on Saturday, January 18, provided a chance for a large group of Mesa County’s growing number of liberal residents to get together, enjoy  camaraderie, speeches, free hot coffee, chai and cookies provided by Octopus Coffee. People were bundled up as the temperature was just below freezing.

The crowd numbered around 300 people.

On Wednesday, January 15, President Biden gave a farewell address to the public in which he warned Americans of a coming “dangerous concentration of power in the hands of very few ultra-wealthy people, and the dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked.” Biden said,

“Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.” 

Trump nominated about a dozen billionaires to fill his cabinet, many of whom, if approved by Congress, will oversee the very agencies that regulate their own businesses — a clear conflict of interest. Tech billionaire Elon Musk, the richest man on Earth, who spent over $250 million to get Trump elected, is now cashing in on his investment in Trump. Word is Trump plans to give Musk, whose companies hold billions of dollars in federal contracts and who now refers to himself as Trump’s “First Buddy”, his own office adjacent to the White House.

Following are some scenes and signs from the day’s event:

A definition/description of oligarchy is here.


  13 comments for “People’s March unites locals who oppose oligarchy, loss of rights & right wing extremism

  1. I can remember when American Presidents spoke in somewhat “presidential” terms, whether in press conferences, or when visiting disaster areas, etc. Those speeches projected a somewhat intelligent, informed, and a nuanced approach to trying to solve problems both here and abroad. Not so much these days . . . might we please hope to clean up the language from our new President-elect? I’m thinkin’ not, but maybe???

  2. Looks more like a freak show of confused people..why the ? Hmm?
    Can’t show their faces? Hiding? Running scared?
    We all have inalienable does an unborn child. 300 out of 155,000 + doesn’t speak volumes, Anne. That’s, 0.00193548387 % of our population in Mesa county..basically ZERO belief in the demons..

    • The unborn only have rights according to hypocrites who ignore the millions of unborn that their god kills every year. Legally, the rights of the mother outweigh those of the unborn. This is a fact, whether you agree or not.

    • I don’t want to offend you, and I certainly don’t want to invite wraith and retributions at judgment day. However, I must question your math. I do, however, like your thoughts on the demons.

      Actually, I think 300 attendees is a good start.

  3. It’s hard to keep up with the list of complaints and dire warnings against/about Donald Trump.
    In the good old days (before the election), he was a bigoted, racist, convicted felon intent on coalescing his fascist, white supremicist, Christian nationalist allies to take over the government and destroy democracy.

    Now, we are being warned about a corporate oligarchy consisting of the same people who used to support the democrats…Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk.
    I guess Biden didn’t mind so much when they were bending the knee to him and Obama.
    Go figure.

    • “It’s hard to keep up with the list of complaints and dire warnings against/about Donald Trump.
      In the good old days (before the election), he was a bigoted, racist, convicted felon intent on coalescing his fascist, white supremicist, Christian nationalist allies to take over the government and destroy democracy.”

      That’s still true, maybe you’ve not been paying attention.
      And, it’s white “supremacist”.

      • So, Badhat, are you arguing that if one party did something wrong, and it most certainly was wrong, that makes it okay for the other party to do the same? Perhaps even more intensely? If Obama and Biden met with and consulted with Elon, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and others, does that in any way make it okay for Trump to do the same? And honestly, do you believe Trump will just do what Obama and Biden did? Or do you think he’ll ratchet it up to 11?

    • Trump threatened to annex other countries while his oligarchy settles in.

      Musk never moved in to the White House under Biden or Obama.

      Keep up, bub.

      • Yes, I do admit that it’s quite a challenge to keep up with the firehose of speculation Anne has to offer about dastardly Don.

        But what you say about annexing countries seems perfectly plausible now that he has all those oligarchs (former democrat donors) in his thrall.

        BTW…do you know if Musk is going to be keeping his pj’s and a toothbrush at the white house?
        inquiring minds…

          • If nothing else, we can take heart in the distinct possibility that a lot of Trump’s loudest, most belligerent supporters are a lot like lil’ Harry, here – Love to talk tough, beat their sunken chests, and crow about how Trump is “triggering” people, but turn into sniveling, backpedaling, “Oh, I don’t like the guy” simps as soon as anyone pushes back.

            Just like their leader.

  4. The natural environment was happy with our March. It was cold and cloudy. There were hand-warming packets and warm drinks available. Then, when people started talking, the sun pushed the clouds away and shined brightly on those who spoke and the words they delivered. Hooray!
    Read the news, do research to confirm what declarations are true, check out all sides of the proposals, and PLEASE,
    Two years will be more than enough to teach us who and what to vote for. Darkening the oval is the best use of your voice!

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