Mesa County resident Claudette Konola ran against Ray Scott for the State Senate District 7 seat in 2014, to keep him from running unopposed. We’ve already seen some of Scott’s contemptuous Facebook and email responses to citizens who disagree with his views. Following are tweets Claudette Konola received from Ray Scott between 2014 and 2016, starting around the time she announced she would be running against him, and ending just after the 2016 election. The tweets are all verbatim. All spelling and grammatical errors are in the originals.
This should help readers gain further insight into Scott’s character:
Ray Scott @SCOTTFORCOLO May 13
Replying to @Konola4Colorado
Just announce your running against me so the laughter can begin already. Your so obvious. #junctionjoke
Ray Scott @SCOTTFORCOLO Apr 16
Replying to @Konola4Colorado
No idea what you mean, but nobody else does either.
Replying to @Konola4Colorado [AL NOTE: This tweet was in reference to a 1/30/2016 Denver Post article saying Scott was considering running for the office of Governor]:
Your party is lost and no doubt your losses over the years prove your silly rants.Who saiid I wanted to be Governor? #uninformed
Replying to @Konola4Colorado
Acceptance is a difficult part of mourning your loss #byebyedems
Holy Hale Bop Anne, am I wrong or isn’t that Ray Scott’s original campaign page;(RayScott@SCOTTFORCOLO), you know like Konala4Colorado; and not Ray Scott’s current official facebook page?
Or is it different because Claudette is between jobs right now? Should I leave my purple bumper sticker on?
They are Twitter posts, AP.
And so you’re what, trying to dodge my question about the purple Konala4Colorado bumper sticker? Where’s your empathy woman?? Slap a Ray Scott bumper sticker on your car and then intermingle with your friends for the next couple of years. And I’ll just bet my bottom dollar that you’d be asking right now if you could take it off?
If you’re going to be that way, it will be a cold day in hell when I make another wager with you.
The picture is more “explanatory” to the character then the words. Deeds appear on the face. MUG SHOT!!!!
Right on, Benita–his face is a transcript of his character, I’m afraid…