Rep. Scott Tipton votes to let Trump’s family and senior officials benefit financially from changes to federal banking rules

Chart from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, 3/19/2-18

Western slope Congressional Representative Scott Tipton on March 14 voted against a motion to prohibit President Trump and his family from benefitting personally from a bill currently under consideration by the federal legislature to change federal banking rules.

The motion would have altered a bill Tipton himself introduced, the TAILOR Act (HR 1116), which loosens federal requirements on some banks and credit unions.

The motion, “Bar to Trump Financial Gain,” would have prohibited the tailoring of any banking rules proposed under HR 1116 to financially benefit President Trump, his family members or any of his senior administration officials. White House senior advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are President Trump’s close family members.

Colorado House Rep. Scott Tipton

So far no staff members in Rep. Tipton’s Washington, D.C. office have been able to explain why Rep. Tipton would want to preserve the ability of the Trump family to benefit personally from changes made to federal banking laws. I’ve been unable to get any answer to this question over the last two days. As of the last call, Tipton’s staffer Olivia was going to present the question to Tipton’s “financial aid services person,” Evan Williams, with a request for him to call me back with a response. She thought I might get a call from him within two weeks.

The phone number for Scott Tipton’s D.C. office is (202) 225-4761. If you call and ask this question and manage to get an explanation of Tipton’s thinking behind his vote on this motion, please post the information in the comments section for this article. But we should all definitely ask the question.


  1 comment for “Rep. Scott Tipton votes to let Trump’s family and senior officials benefit financially from changes to federal banking rules

  1. And what exactly was it you expected from a “pot” shop owner who won his seat with a “manufactured” Tea Party endorsement?

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