The $64,000 plaza in front of Grand Junction City Hall, installed for the purposes of circumventing laws regarding separation of church and state and keeping the Ten Commandments tablet on public land.
If you’ve ever wanted to serve on Grand Junction City Council but didn’t want to have to endure a campaign and election to do it, now is your chance.
City Councilor Duncan McArthur is stepping down from his seat on Council because of health problems, and City Council will be choosing his replacement.
Mr. McArthur represents District E (map). To be eligible to fill this vacant seat and if you want to obey the law, you must have lived within the boundaries of District E for a minimum of 12 months. The boundaries include all of the green area represented on this map, and comprise a strip of land between 7th and 12th Streets running south from Orchard Ave., all City land south of D Road/Riverside Parkway, and all City land on Orchard Mesa. The eastern boundary extends to 32 Road, but the City is a hopscotch of parcels to the east, so if you’re interested in the seat, consult the map to see if your residence is within City boundaries or not.
No qualifications other than minimum age:
The only qualification to sit on Council is that you must be a minimum of 18 years old. It doesn’t matter if you have a degree or not, or whether you have any experience in local government or not, or whether you are employed or unemployed. It doesn’t even matter if you’ve ever been arrested or convicted of a crime, you are STILL eligible to sit on Grand Junction City Council. Age is the only qualification. (It would be helpful to be able to read, however.)
How to apply:
To be considered for the District E City Council seat, email your contact information including your phone number and email address to the Grand Junction City Clerk at CityClerk@GJCity.org, or bring or mail the information to the City Clerk’s office at Grand Junction City Hall, 250 N. 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501.

Now’s your chance to sit on City Council without having to go through an election!
The deadline to apply is June 21, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
After that, Council will take 30 days to consider all the applicants and schedule interviews.
What’s involved in serving on City Council?
Members of City Council are paid $500/month, and a couple hundred more if you are ever appointed mayor. Expect to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on the job. Duties include attending City Council workshops and public meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays and Wednesdays of the month, and attending executive sessions as needed. You may also be called upon to serve on one or more City boards and committees, like the Airport Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning Boards, etc. You can serve on as many boards as you like, however, if you really want to be involved.
This is your chance to represent your neighbors on Council!
One should note that when Bristol Palin was 18, she was already mother of at least one kid, with multiple others on the way from multiple other guys.
Since I don’t live inside the city, I was not aware Mr. Duncan McArthur was ill. MY best wishes to a rapid and sustained recovery to Duncan. Thank you for serving your community. Benita
He was coming to city council meetings with a portable oxygen concentrator and was having coughing fits. He might have COPD.