In case you haven’t had a chance to tour Grand Junction High School prior to the November 5 election, the following photos were taken inside the school on a tour on Saturday morning, October 19, 2019. What the photos cannot relate are the odors in some of these areas, which were quite objectionable. Ventilation was lacking in many areas. Measure 4A on the Mesa County Ballot will fund construction of a new Grand Junction High School. The current building was constructed in 1956. AnneLandmanBlog urges a “YES” vote on Measure 4A for fund a new school:
Classroom on the east side of campus
Cracking brick in gym
Cracking floors and stairs in main building
Floor in boys’ locker room
Boys’ locker room area
Boys’ locker room showers
Urinal from Hell in the floor in the boys’ locker room
Walking into boys’ locker room
Missing concrete block in classroom wall
Tattered covering over broken ventilation unit in glass brick
Teacher’s office
Restroom between classrooms in “temporary” buildings on west side of campus
Floor in a classroom
Offset radiator covers on uneven floor in main building
Restroom in classroom on west side of campus. There is no women’s bathroom. Women must go several buildings away to access a restroom.
Broken drinking fountain in a classroom
Sewer cover in the floor of a small classroom that used to be outside and is now enclosed.
Uneven floor /broken tile near cafeteria entrance due to uplift in ground below
Damaged floor in main hallway
Shattered glass block in glass block wall in gym area
Hallway between classrooms
Electrical cords going to lighting wrapped around rafters in weightlifting gym
Ventilation in weightlifting gym. Note orange power cords strung across rafters for lighting.
School library
The school cafeteria. It can hold serve about 250 students at a time. School has 1,500 students. If all students ate on campus, the school would have to start serving lunch at 9:30 a.m. to feed them all.
Classroom. The GJHS principal says in the past disgruntled students have confessed they thought of attacking the school by ramming a car into these classrooms that abut the parking lot.
Botany Classroom
Old radiator in hallway. The boilers are next to the electrical systems in the school basement. Twice in recent years, flooding in the basement resulted in failure of electrical systems at the school requiring repairs.
Whoa, Sandy, sounds like you need a hot chocolate and a foot rub.
Reach out directly to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to pay for it. They are raping the world of itself, we are turning to them to be raped. The least they can do is give a school to the kids. The whole world is made an impotent wasteland thanks to technology, capitalizing on every ignorant STRUNG OUT person that clicks and buys, just like a hamster taking a dependent syrupy sip of drug in the cage. Why not have them give every kid a car and a house, of course, as they implant chips into everyones forehead in return.