Colorado State House District 55 is represented by the dark gray area in this map. The candidates for state House Rep. in District 55 are Scott Bielfuss and Janice Rich.
In the November 3 general election, Mesa County residents will vote for who will represent us in Colorado’s state House of Representatives in Denver.
Mesa County’s two state House districts are Districts 54 and 55.
Which district do you live in, and who is running for state House Representative in those districts?
Colorado State House District 55:
State House District 55 is the darkest gray area in the above map of central Grand Junction.
House District 55 is surrounded by state House District 54. Think of District 54 as a doughnut. District 55 is the hole in the doughnut.
House District 55 contains the most heavily populated areas close to downtown Grand Junction. It includes close-in Redlands and Orchard Mesa, the area of north Grand Junction out to the airport, and some of western Fruitvale and Clifton.
The candidates running for state House Representative in District 55 in November are Scott Bielfuss (D) and Janice Rich (R-Incumbent.)
To find out more about Scott Bielfuss and where he stands on issues that affect quality of life for people in our area, go to his candidate Facebook page. On that page, Bielfuss talks about where he stands on issues including affordable housing, workers’ pay and job benefits, access to affordable quality child care, workers rights, how we can better fund public schools, etc.
To find out more about Janice Rich go to her candidate Facebook page.
Her page lists who has endorsed her, but contains little information about where she stands on quality of life issues like those mentioned above, but you can use the “message” button on her Facebook to ask her questions.
Colorado House District 54:
House District 54 is the “doughnut” district that surrounds House District 55. In the map below, House District 54 is all of the dark gray areas surrounding CO-55. District 54 is the outlying areas of Mesa County from about 20 Road to the Utah State line, much of the area north of H Road to the northern boundary of Mesa County, Fruita, Loma, Mack, Collbran, DeBeque, Glade Park, Whitewater, Gateway and the western part of Delta County:

Colorado House District 54 is all the dark gray area surrounding CO HD 55. It is the outlying areas of Mesa County from about 20 Road to the Utah state line, much of the area north of H Road, and includes Fruita, Loma, Mack, Collbran DeBeque, Whitewater, Gateway, Glade Park, and the western part of Delta County.

AliceMarie Slaven-Emond (D), a nurse practitioner in Delta, is running for HD 54 seat against incumbent Republican Matt Soper
The candidates running for Colorado House Representative in District 54 are AliceMarie Slaven-Emond (D), and Matt Soper (R-Incumbent).
Soper, the incumbent, has been dogged by questions about whether he actually lives in the district he represents. In 2018, he was alleged to have fraudulently represented his residential address in order to run for the House seat he currently occupies. Soper claimed that he lived at a house at 10 Hartig Drive in Delta, but the tenants living at that address told the media that Soper was not actually an occupant of the house. The house is owned by Soper’s mother, who quickly evicted the tenants — two of whom are disabled — after they told a Daily Sentinel reporter that Matt Soper did not live with them. Soper also <ahref=”https://annelandmanblog.com/2020/05/rep-matt-soper-lies-to-delta-citizens-faces-and-delta-applauds/”>either out-and-out lied last May 16 while giving a public talk to his supporters, or revealed that he was deeply misinformed about the U.S. Constitution and the way the state health department counts cases of Coronavirus.

Republican Matt Soper at the GOP rally in Delta on Saturday, May 16, 2020, where he told numerous, verifiable lies to a crowd of his supporters.(Photo: YouTube)
Slaven-Emond is a family nurse practitioner at the Delta Health and Wellness Center. Here is a good article from the Delta Independent about Slaven-Emond and where she stands on issues. Here is her candidate Facebook page, where you can learn more about her.
Anne, thank you for your commitment to the truth and your dedication to getting the challenges out to ALL. Journalism in blog style is my description for your system and it is valuable. Please keep the untruths in the forefront. We need all the TRUTH we can garner these days! The lies are choking us and killing our democracy.
Hey milennials. Vote. Get off your tweeter an vote. This involves using your flesh, which is that stuff that you spend 21 hours a day taking selfies and applying makeup. Give the world a break milennials, get off your ***, stop being so passive aggressive, and use your voice. Your THOUGHTS are not what tangibly performs the vote, your FLESH does. See above if you are in denial or confused about what flesh is.