HD-55 candidate Cindy Ficklin (R) now blames taxpayers and a Daily Sentinel reporter for her getting Covid, and is taking unproven treatments for the disease

Ficklin says she “went underground” to get Ivermectin to treat her Covid-19 infection, and displays the bottle in a Facebook post. There is no evidence Ivermectin cures Covid-19, and the FDA urges people not to use it.

Republican House District 55 candidate Cindy Ficklin is using non-medically approved treatments for Covid-19, including the animal de-worming medication Ivermectin. She also says she is inhaling “silver and Glutathione” with a nebulizer to “prevent conjestion [sic] from hardening in my lungs.”

Ficklin, who has frequently stated her disdain for medical doctors, has been posting blow-by-blow updates on Facebook about her attempts to treat herself for Covid-19. She said she had to “go underground” to get the unproven treatments, and even posted a photo of a prescription pill bottle purportedly containing Ivermectin, with her name on it. The name of the pharmacy on the label starts with the words “Western Colorado,” and a search for a pharmacy with those words in its name shows it is most likely the “Western Colorado Compounding Pharmacy” at 2478 Patterson Road.

None of the treatments Ficklin is using are approved by either the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the medical establishment to treat Covid-19.

Use of Ivermectin caused a spike in calls to poison control centers nationally in 2021 as people take dangerous substances purported to cure Covid-19, like bleach, supplements and Ivermectin. Despite a lack of any proof of efficacy, use of Ivermectin has been promoted by fringe doctors groups as “a quack cure” for Covid. The FDA even has a page its website titled “Why you should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19.”

Ficklin blames her Covid on the federal government, on taxpayers, and on a Daily Sentinel reporter

Ficklin is well known as an avid anti-masker and anti-vaxxer who frequently disregards public health behavioral recommendations to avoid getting Covid. As such, her contracting Covid-19 at some point was practically a foregone conclusion. Yet in an earlier post, Ficklin first blamed the federal government for her infection, even though the government has made highly effective Covid-19 vaccines widely available  to all U.S. residents for the last year for free. In her recent posts, Ficklin is blaming  the existence of the disease on taxpayers, writing that “the taxpayers funded this monstrosity [Covid-19] into existence and “F*cking with nature this way is NOT okay.” Ficklin also blames her getting Covid on Daily Sentinel political reporter Charles Ashby, who recently wrote an article about the anti-semitic tropes Ficklin has used in the past and how Ficklin now denies having any anti-semitic leanings.

Ficklin called Ashby’s article a “hit job,” and wrote that it stressed her out so much that she became “exhausted,” “drained” and inferring that the stress of the article “wore her down” until she got Covid.




  9 comments for “HD-55 candidate Cindy Ficklin (R) now blames taxpayers and a Daily Sentinel reporter for her getting Covid, and is taking unproven treatments for the disease

  1. So, I was at the Vets office with my dog this morning, and they gave another client a prescription and it was in a blue plastic bottle, like the one Cindy was holding in her post. I asked the Vet if they know if that type of blue prescription bottle is used for pets and they told me yes. I asked if they thought a blue Rx bottle would be used for humans, and they said no. Makes me wonder if Cindy was taking her puppy dewormer.

  2. Oh for pity’s sake.

    Info and updates on FDA approved COVID19 treatments currently available in the grand valley @ medschool.cuanschutz.edu/mab-colorado

  3. Sam’s comments are spot on.

    So many things that I want to say about (and to) Ms Fricklin……. easily summarized by “ain’t karma a bitch”

  4. The short answer is, no. No experience whatsoever. She has no idea. She has no research.

    She has spite and anger.

    If she had the research in her hands, she couldn’t read it and if she could, she couldn’t understand it.

    Her university of choice is an unaccredited degree factory and presumably she attends there because no where else would accept her.

    Her subject matter of choice is mostly about her ex husband, whom she diagnosed herself as a Cluster B blah/blah/blah and only then collected evidence in order to support her diagnosis. This is mostly based on spite. Everything she finds wrong with anyone–including Karl Marx, whom she has not read and could not possibly begin to understand–she consigns to a Cluster B diagnosis. Painfully, Cindy attends an online university because she would get laughed out of an actual one, including a community college.

    Her choice of office-District 55–is based on spite. The D51 school board wouldn’t give her application for Pittons spot the time of day and so she is running (as she pronounced in her removed video) out of spite.

    Her choice of medication is based on spite. Even though that very day Donald Trump pronounced the vaccines both safe and effective(and was booed for yelling his audience he took the booster), Cindy believes that Anthony Fauci caused the pandemic and that the vaccine contains plastic or magnets radio transponders. She takes ivermectin out of spite and takes her (literal? metaphorical?) tin foil hat off for the cameras.

    Everything that motivates this woman is negative and bad. She smiles a lot, but so did that young Instagram couple that had multiple domestic violence incidents just before he killed her. My point being, there’s a lot going on under the surface with Cindy that we aren’t privy to and don’t know about nobody bounces jobs that frequently without some kind of serious issue. Sure, she’ll smile and say it’s because of money or God told her to it some nonsense. Notice, though, that she keeps coming back to education–which she left “to build her real estate business”, but in truth, she wants Sirkos job as superintendent BAD, and it’s motivated by spite. The district somehow slighted her, and she wants revenge. You heard it here first, folks.

    Still, I have no doubt she’ll win the office she’s looking for. And she’ll screw it up. But somebody will write her speeches for her just like someone writes Lauren Bouberts speeches. She’ll spend every ounce of it, and the people of Mesa County that don’t have a good education won’t understand the difference that will vote for her anyways because guns and makeup and Facebook and that little R next to her name.

    • Cluster B, with its characteristics of histrionic behavior and narcissism, is the true nature of the Banana Republican Party, with its gaslighting cheerleaders such as “The Former Guy,” Lauren Q-bert, Cindy F, and Rep. Madison Cawthorn. Historic and literary figures who shared this disorder include Hitler, The Wizard of Oz, and Mr. Toad from The Wind and the Willows.

      Somebody get a net.

    • Hi Samuel:
      I am working on the needed documentation to prove not only that Ms. Ficklin purchased watermarked, false degrees; I am also working to obtain proof that she stole her current (supposed) thesis idea and research. I am in discussions with a woman (master psychology graduate and current PhD student), who has evidence and proof the topic and research is in fact hers, which she shared with Ms. Ficklin in, what she thought was, friendly banter and conversation. I am hopeful this will all come to light and she will tuck tail and vamoose!!

  5. I’m waiting for a clinical trial conducted in the US showing the effectiveness of ivermectin with a 95% confidence interval. When that occurs, I’m a believer. Dr. Edward Mills of McMasters University in Canada supervised the Together Trial in Brazil that tested repurposed drugs, including ivermectin, for their effectiveness against Covid-19. HCQ was previous tested in April and didn’t achieve a CI of 95% and the same occurred for ivermectin in the Together Trial. The only repurposed drug showing a p<.05 was fluvoxamine. Any change with patients who used Ivermectin was due to random chance. Does she even have the experience in private industry or as a research consultant to even analyze data from a study?

    • The short answer is, no. No experience whatsoever. She has no idea. She has no research.

      She has spite and anger.

      If she had the research in her hands, she couldn’t read it and if she could, she couldn’t understand it.

      Her university of choice is an unaccredited degree factory and presumably she attends there because no where else would accept her.

      Her subject matter of choice is mostly about her ex husband, whom she diagnosed herself as a Cluster B blah/blah/blah and only then collected evidence in order to support her diagnosis. This is mostly based on spite. Everything she finds wrong with anyone–including Karl Marx, whom she has not read and could not possibly begin to understand–she consigns to a Cluster B diagnosis. Painfully, Cindy attends an online university because she would get laughed out of an actual one, including a community college.

      Her choice of office-District 55–is based on spite. The D51 school board wouldn’t give her application for Putting spot the time of day and so she is running (as she pronounced in her removed video) out of spite.

      Her choice of medication is based on spite. Even though that very day Donald Trump pronounced the vaccines both safe and effective(and was booed for yelling his audience he took the booster), Cindy believes that Anthony Fauci caused the pandemic and that is vaccine contains plastic or magnets radio transponders. She takes ivermectin out of spite.

      Everything that motivates this woman is negative and bad. Still, I have no doubt she’ll win the office she’s looking for. And she’ll screw it up. But somebody will write her speeches for her just like someone writes Lauren Bouberts speeches. She’ll spend every ounce of it, and the people of Mesa County that don’t have a good education won’t understand the difference that will vote for her anyways.

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