Mesa County Commissioner Janet Rowland has reported on her personal Facebook page that on the evening of February 24 after getting home from work, she suffered a type of stroke called a subarachnoid hemorrhage. She recognized the signs, called 911 and was rushed to the emergency room. Serial CAT scans over the next 24 hours showed no additional bleeding. The bleeding was found to be from a single vessel, not an aneuryism. She has suffered no paralysis and all her cognitive functions are intact. She has been assessed by physical, occupational and speech therapists who all concluded she does not need any ongoing therapy. She was released from the ICU to a main floor room on March 2, but says she was told that after that type of stroke, another can possibly occur shortly after, typically happening around day 6-7 after the initial stroke. She is doing well, however, and reported she had an ultrasound done on March 9, but she has not yet reported on social media that she has been discharged.
Rowland has had a stressful last 7-8 months, having to deal with persistent attacks on her integrity from Mesa County’s far right wing election conspiracy fringe, including groups like “Stand for the Constitution,” “Mesa County Concerned Citizen” and “Stop the Mandate GJ. The County was also forced to spend over a million dollars on the last election to appease this group. Rowland has also had to deal with Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, whose steadily escalating, loony antics have forced the County have to decertify its voting equipment and replace it, at an even greater cost to the county and its reputation.
We wish Commissioner Rowland a fast recovery.
ah, “thoughts and prayers”, something to say when you’ve got nothing to say but still want to say something
I just got an update from one of Janet’s relatives and she is home and has family caregivers helping out, and it sounds like she is recovering nicely. It’s a good thing that Janet knew the warning signs of a stroke and got immediate care. Although I don’t always agree with Janet, she has been a strong voice in the nonsense with Tina Peters, and we need Janet to continue to advocate for us. Warm wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks, Mary, for the update.
If the antivaxxers would just shut up and do as they are told this would have never happened.
Do they really think they are smarter than a doctor or scientist?
Thoughts and prayers.