In an event that shows just how far out of touch with reality Colorado’s Republic Party has become, election denier Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who was indicted a month ago on multiple felony charges related to tampering with election equipment, was the runaway winner for the Secretary of State nomination at the Colorado Republican Party state assembly April 9, 2022 in Colorado Springs. Peters won a whopping 62% of the vote, making her the Republicans’ front runner for Secretary of State in the primary election on June 28. Peters will oppose former two-term Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder and former president of the Colorado County Clerks Association Pam Anderson, on the primary ballot. Anderson petitioned her way onto the ballot. (Anderson’s mother-in-law is former longtime Colorado Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson.) While Pam Anderson is a Republican, she not an election denier. Peters also faces Mike O’Donnell, a candidate from Yuma County.
For their Senate candidate, the GOP chose Rep. Ron Hanks, who claims without proof that Trump actually won the 2020 general election. Hanks not only attended the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but admits to crossing police barriers during the attack. Hanks also claims to believe without proof that Trump supporters didn’t storm the Capitol, but instead that Antifa and Black Lives Matter agitators perpetrated the deadly insurrection in what Hanks calls a “false flag” operation.
Peters is mired in a slew of criminal and ethical charges
In addition to facing multiple criminal charges for breaching election security, Peters is currently the subject of a civil lawsuit filed by her ex-husband, Thomas Peters, who claims she stole his house from him by falsifying a power of attorney form and using it to illegally file quit claim deed that put his house solely in her name. She is also facing an obstruction charge for kicking a police officer, a contempt of court charge for video recording a court proceeding in violation of court rules and multiple investigations by the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission over charges that she accepted gifts well in excess of the amount elected officials are allowed to accept under state law, (pdf) and that she is using her criminal defense fund to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money in violation of Article 29 of the Colorado Constitution, (pdf) the “Ethics in Government” law, an anti-corruption measure that strictly limits how much elected officials can accept in gifts and contributions while in office to $65 per donor, per year. Peters tried to evade the second ethics charge by closing her original legal defense website,, based in Colorado, and switching her legal defense fundraising out of state to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s “Legal Offense Fund” based in Wisconsin. However, as long as Peters remains a Colorado elected official, she remains subject to Article 29, no matter where her fund is based or where the money comes from. As long as she accepts donations of over $65 per donor, per year, for any reason, Colorado’s Ethics law will render Peters liable for fines equivalent to twice the amount of funds she takes in while violating the Article. So far, based on a recent reports of donations to her legal fund by Mike Lindell, Peters could be liable for a fine of at least $1.6 million. Peters’ criminal defense fund currently obscures the names of all donors, the amounts they donate, and gives her a way to accept illegally large donations from supporters, corporations, wealthy celebrities and lobbyists nationwide who may be attempting to curry favor with her.
and over on Jeff Bezos blog , the WaPoo’s Max Boot says
regarding Musks juicy offer for twitter
“… for democracy to survive , we need more moderation”
574 misplaced votes, not added with zero effect or consequence?
still… I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant
and fill him with a terrible resolve.
All ballots must be counted. No one’s ballot should be intentionally excluded. Election integrity, remember?
firstly ; all LEGAL ballots must be counted.
ie no fake ballots, no legally harvested ballots, no illegally cast ballots.
… just thinking out loud for those who can’t
Now if some numbskull didn’t empty the ballot box and those ballots were discovered months later, and the ballots ~when examined~ were immaterial to any election results, what benefit you ?
Useless Investigation now closed. But moving on to material investigations;
Or c) dont you want to know ?
A. No.
B. No.
C. All of your “evidence” is from unreliable “experts” and has been refuted by people who aren’t Tina’s slavering followers.
Trump lost.
Tina’s a soon-to-be convicted felon and a proven liar.
Putting things in ALL CAPS doesn’t make them true.
seamy ol chap I was beaming with father-like pride at you connecting the House of Saud with 9/11, low budget operation that it was , on surface. We might discuss raising your training wheels and inch or so!
That implies you might be aware that Bin Laden was a creation of the CIA. A proxy vs. russiarussiarussia in another ancient & hopeless battleground. How did that Afghanistan thing turn out anyway ? Where it took 20 years , 5K dead & trillions $$ to replace the Taliban with … the Taliban ! Maybe the Taliban will hold up their end of the 85B arms deal & curtail the poppy trade, but I wont hold my breath. With China pumping out enough fentanyl to kill entire inner cities & back water burbs, what’s the point though ?
You might even have questions as to why the lightly damaged WT#7 building fell, end-to-end, at free fall speed. Im just a dumb ol enginer but that looked like a well-done & planned demolition. You wonder if WT7 collapse had anything to do with the records collected there exposing the trillions of missing Pentagon money ? The investigation disappeared into history.
Still I bet I knew before you that Iraq was going to be a large scale long term disaster, and doubted all along the WMD bowlsheet.
See pardner, I voted for Trump in part because hiLIARy promised to shoot russian migs from the skys over Syria – yes THAT Syria, one of the comparatively ‘modern’ & progressive Middle East mid east nations has been sacrificed to clear the crooked path for a Suad pipeline to Europe.
I say ‘lets look at evidence’ . Seamy says ‘ orangemanbad’.
Your training wheels stay where they are … Be better
Wow, just when I thought we’d hit rock bottom with Tina fans’ lunatic theories, you kids manage to dig even deeper. Amazing. The problem with pretending to troll by spinning the comically unhinged yarns is that too many of your ilk believe them. Like Tina’s election BS. Now tell us about Roswell.
seamy – you really don’t know bin laden was developed by the cia?
This is established fact. dude come on. Or was it the WT7 dropping in demolition form after miniscule damage to one corner? You didn’t see ON VIDEO ? You dredged up 9/11. Are you just showing off how much you don’t know ? are you sure you have internet in your walk up? KNow how to work it ? What have you been doing all these years , beside hurling snark, insults and the occasional heard-it-on-☭ИИ link ?
Lets do an easy one – why would a board refuse to allow a shareholder vote to sell twitter for a good mark up. Is it perhaps a TOOL not a business ?
What “sleeping giant”? Tina’s Qanon nutballs? Despite their strong words and comical posturing around a 12-top at Golden Corral, when faced with actual resistance, their resolve melts as fast as a spring snow on asphalt.
Letter from Jan. 6 Prisoner to Americans ‘Don’t Do Nothing!’
Jeremy Brown, believes his arrest and prosecution are payback for his refusal to become a confidential informant.
In a letter obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, a Jan. 6 prisoner asks, “are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Then don’t do nothing!” The letter, dated December 30, 2021, is revealed here in its entirety for the first time.
“My name is Jeremy Brown,” the letter begins. “I am a 20-year retired U.S. Army Special Forces Combat Veteran. On January 5th and 6th, 2021 I was in our Nation’s capital as part of an all-volunteer protective detail tasked with providing security for organizers and speakers at a legally permitted political rally. On September 30th, 2021 I was arrested at home in Tampa, Florida by approximately 30 to 40 heavily armed Federal Agents and local law enforcement. They came in full force to serve a misdemeanor arrest warrant for being in an ‘unauthorized area.’ These were no ordinary agents. They were agents working as part of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Oddly, in the nine months prior to that day, I had never been contacted or questioned by any investigators about this case. Stranger still, the arrest warrant and search warrant had only been granted one day prior. This, despite numerous members of my Protective Detail having been arrested many months prior. While this may sound unusual to you, I know exactly why it happened.”
According to Brown, the same JTTF agents who arrested him on Sept. 30, 2021, had tried to recruit him as a Confidential Informant (CI) on Dec. 9, 2020. Their “pitch,” he said, was intended to gauge his “willingness to infiltrate law-abiding citizen groups that had no criminal history and certainly were not designated “terrorist groups.”
Brown declined their offer. But, having what he calls “a healthy mistrust of Federal law enforcement,” Brown made an audio recording of the exchange, which—after many efforts to delete it from the internet—has been shared and reposted by numerous others, keeping it alive. The most current iteration was shared by The Gateway Pundit.
On Jan. 6, as Brown stood next to the stage waiting for President Donald Trump to address the crowd, he described how he was again contacted by phone by one of the same JTTF agents. Brown explained to the agent where he was and what he was doing. “So, on January 6th, 2021,” he wrote in his letter, “they were well aware of my location and reason for being there.”
On Jan. 7, Brown said he sent a video of unarmed female Air Force Veteran, Ashli Babbitt, being shot by a Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd in a text message, saying, “here is a contact report for you!” The agent acknowledged watching the video with a “Wow…” That was the last direct communication Brown had with that agent or the JTTF until he was arrested on Sept. 30, 2021.
“In the days and weeks that followed the events of January 6th, I was disgusted and appalled at the blatant lies that were coming from the media, politicians, and the Department of Justice,” Brown wrote further in his letter. “In particular, it was FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony (pdf) on the House floor that made me realize I had to go public with what I knew.”
That was when Brown contacted podcast host Brandon Gray who conducted the two-hour interview where he exposed the recording of the JTTF’s recruitment effort and provided his professional assessment. “I knew I was making myself an FBI target, but I had sworn an oath to the U.S. Constitution so the choice to speak out was an easy one,” Brown wrote.
Brown cites the June 8, 2021, investigative article by Darren Beattie of that exposed evidence of the FBI’s potential involvement in staging the events of Jan. 6. The article also uncovered how the Michigan governor kidnapping plot seemed to be a dress rehearsal for the FBI for Jan. 6. While trying to blame a pro-constitutional group the FBI labeled as “Far-Right Militia,” Brown noted how most of the “players” in the plot “turned out to be FBI informants or actual agents. Ooopsie!”
Knowing how correspondence is monitored and often censored by authorities, Brown’s girlfriend, who spoke to The Epoch Times under the condition of anonymity for fear of being harassed, said she is surprised his letter managed to slip through their scrutiny unscathed.
“That came through the mail, “she explained, noting how the focus of prison officials monitoring emails and phone calls may have enabled his letter to slip through. “He wrote that in jail and was allowed to mail it out. Everything they bring up in court is about phone calls.”
For her, the repeated visits by the FBI, Joint Terrorist Task Force, the ATF, and Homeland Security have been done for no other reason than to intimidate her and cause fear. “It is the biggest violation of every single privacy I have ever had,” she said. “They have been to my house. They searched our house for five and a half hours initially. Then they came back and did another search. They took samples of carpet. They took dog hair. They subpoenaed all of my bank accounts and accessed the trust I have set up for Jeremy. I have absolutely no privacy. They know everything about me and I’m not the one being charged. I’ve done nothing but they have infiltrated every aspect of my life. In the last two weeks, I have had two black SUVs with heavily tinted windows just sitting at the end of my street. My neighbor knocked on the window and asked them to roll it down. They wouldn’t.”
She noted how Brown had previously written another letter and sent it to The Epoch Times. According to the Jan. 14 report, Brown wrote: “On Dec. 11, 2020, the exact same Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) agents that (later) arrested me attempted to recruit me as a confidential informant,” and told The Epoch Times he believes his arrest and prosecution are payback for his refusal to become a confidential informant.
She added that, while Brown has been arraigned, he has not been to trial or formally charged with anything. “He’s in limbo,” she said. “No hearing dates have been set. We are still in appeal for the bail and there’s motion to suppress the original search warrant.”
In the meantime, Brown remains a prisoner of his own country:
“As I write this account on December 30, 2021, I mark my 92nd day of being held in the maximum security section of the Pinellas County Jail as an FBI whistleblower and Political Prisoner. To date, these are the crimes the FBI and Department of Justice are guilty of committing under Title 18 U.S. Code, Section 242, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law:
Violations of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights by criminalizing Free Speech and peaceful assembly for attending a permitted rally on public grounds.
Violations of Article 2 of the Bill of Rights by passing and enforcing unconstitutional gun laws that violate the letter and intent of the ‘shall not be infringed’ clause.
Violations of Article 4 of the Bill of Rights by deceptively obtaining an unreasonable and illegal search warrant by lying to the issuing judge. When asked by me and my girlfriend to produce the warrant at the time of arrest, they refused. One agent was even recorded stating, ‘We don’t know what we are looking for…yet.’ They should look for a copy of the Constitution and read it.
Violations of Article 5 of the Bill of Rights by not reading me my rights prior to arrest and questioning. They are currently still depriving me of my life, liberty and property without due process of law.
Violations of Article 6 of the Bill of Rights by making sure nothing is speedy, attempting to deny me access to any of the evidence against me, by denying my right to a public trial by claiming everything is ‘sensitive’ or ‘highly sensitive,’ yet leaking information to media outlets such as the Daily Beast who had my search warrant before I did. They are denying me the right to ‘face my accusers’ by citing numerous ‘unnamed witnesses,’ many likely to be FBI informants. Because I am locked away in jail, I do not have complete access to witnesses in my favor and all my contacts with legal counsel are on monitored systems. So far I have been denied access to my attorney six times due to ‘COVID.’
Most egregious are the violations of Article 8 of the Bill of Rights by denying me bond and keeping me locked in maximum security.
All illegal acts by the FBI and DOJ are meant to silence me and keep me from exposing their lies and corruption. Their fake charges and overzealous arrest were meant to intimidate not only me but also the American people. They think that this illegal imprisonment will break my will and allow them to coerce me into pleading to a crime I did not commit or that will bolster their false narrative of Jan. 6. But, how did we get here?
“As I sit here in my jail cell being denied justice and my Constitutionally-protected, God-given rights, I wonder, Is anyone irate or tireless enough to save our Republic? … Will our children and our children’s children wonder what it was like to be free?
If you’re reading this, are you irate? Tireless? Are you willing to risk it all to set brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Are you willing to risk everything? Or, will we just wait for some other ‘good men’ to come along and do that ‘something?’ The time to look in the mirror and answer that question is NOW! Trust me, the time to fight is NOT after the tyrant locks you in a jail cell.
My name is Jeremy Brown and I am a January 6th Political Prisoner being held in the very country I spent my entire adult life defending at the highest level I could achieve. As a Green Beret I am trained and prepared for this and as an American I was born for this. I will fight until my dying breath before I surrender one letter of my Liberty. I am only one man, but if I’m the only man, so be it! I know there are millions like me and so I ask you, are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Then don’t do nothing!”
De Oppresso Liber!
Jeremy Brown
U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.)
This story originally appeared on The Epoch Times.
Google “Jeremy Brown + Capitol” and get the real story, complete with pics of him in combat gear at the Capitol, and his own incriminating statements. He went there with intent.
Jeremy Brown f*cked around.
Jeremy Brown found out.
Epoch Times is propaganda nonsense. You can quote it all you want, but that doesn’t make it true. Now, the Business Times? That’s the real deal…
yup an intellectual coward. censored again. Cant scratch the glass house!
always amazes me how the ‘liberal’ attitudes of decades ago which formed the basis of my outlooks has mutated into a censoring, pro-war, autocratic dictatorial behemoth of mandated but ever changing requirements. sad really.
Funny how the rational, responsible, “conservative” ideals of decades ago have given way to idolatry, corruption, bootlicking, and childish tantrums whenever someone dares to fact-check them.
So what do you have to say about Tina? Do you think someone who breaks the laws right and left, should be in any kind of office of leadership? Honestly! speak.
well Anne is a semi-coward, heavily censoring me ,
but here is a start, lets see if she has any ethics left
Strange how people in a community have reason to block and censor these days. Thank God we all think individually.
So the Republican party is counting on mindless pea brains inspired by Fox fake news to support a platform that doesn’t exist.
We only need to vote to suppress ignorance. And to encourage thoughtful people to vote likewise.
Her hair always looks so flat. Does she know what conditioner is? Or does she spend all her money on guns, meth, and MyPillows?
Tina Peters, whistleblower extraordinaire, assumed personal risks in exposing the Co SoS Griswold’s complicity in Dominions illegal coverup & destruction of 2020 election data.
She was arrested and charged for her tactics by a few power mad officials in an awesome but predictable display of “weaponizing the judicial system” .
Tina Peters will be vindicated and with any REAL justice, may be the next CO SoS who will repair the damage done by the Soros-backed mob. Leftist’s heads exploding at getting caught corrupting the election and abusing law enforcement is merely the sprinkles on the cake.
So far, the only thing Saint Tina has “proven” is that there are enough ignorant, deluded, slack-jawed fools who will gladly keep sending her money if she keeps feeding into their desperate, wishful delusions.
Beats workin’, I guess.
$5 says she’ll claim she was chased off/robbed of the run for SoS by Soros himself, announce her candidacy for President, and just keep cashing those checks with the flag and Jesus on them.
Tina supporter: Let me I thank you for your, uh, stuff. Please elaborate.
Dear Bill
I want you to read for yourself.
Some people demand to be your sole source, even to the point of censoring legitimate viewpoints if they differ with their own.
I stand on the strength of my thoughts. Others stand on the force of their DEL button
Other folks here just throw insults around the scattered remnants of their straw men, as seamy as that is …
sorry censored again , Bill . you wont get alternative views here, this hohum blog is run by a petty tyrant modeling her behavior on tyrants that will devour her type soon enough if permitted
here is another look into the Mesa situation. Anne censored this post before but see if she still manipulates her loyal readers
My concern is with your posting false, misleading or information taken out of context on my site.
Dear Intellectual Cowards
MESA COUNTY, Colo. — In the 2019 election, more than 500 Mesa County ballots were found uncounted, having been left in a Grand Junction dropbox until they were discovered mid-February – more than three months after they had been cast. To find out exactly what happened with the ballots, 9NEWS filed an open records request for surveillance video from Nov. 5, Election Day.
The above video shows a Mesa County Elections employee checking his phone. After polls closed at 7 p.m., the worker puts the closed sign on the box and locks it – with all 574 legally-cast ballots left uncounted inside. The ballots were first discovered when the first presidential primary ballots were collected at Mesa County’s election office at 200 Spruce Street. The ballots were still in the box from when they had been dropped there months earlier.
Once the mistake was realized, the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office was contacted immediately. Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters issued a news release alerting the public Feb. 20. In the release, Peters wrote that “…had the ballots that were left in the dropbox been counted, it would not have produced a different result in any of the elections.”
“This was a big surprise to find out that the person who actually closed the box at 7 p.m. did not actually collect the ballots out of it,” Peters said. “We can train our election judges, which we do. We can train staff and our elections managers, but when it comes right down to it, the only variable that we can’t control is human error. That’s exactly what happened in this case.”
Peters could have petitioned a judge to have the ballots counted and included in the certified total. She refused, making her the first county clerk in Colorado history ever to knowingly refuse to count hundreds of legitimately cast ballots, and the first clerk in Colorado ever to knowingly disenfranchise hundreds of legitimate voters. That’s as close to a massive vote fraud as you will ever find in Colorado.
Yeah, because when you think trustworthy, you think “Grifter who’s under indictment, and cheated her husband out of his own house”.
Those are some high standards, there.
I love it. An obviously mentally ill elderly woman with a predilection for taking the law as merely a suggestion forgets to count 500 votes, commits multiple felonies, and embarrasses an entire county….. And the GOP wants to give her even more responsibility because the Epoch Times and some 5-times bankrupt real estate/celebrity wanna be whine about losing an entirely fair election. Good grief.
Tina refused to count 574 legally-cast ballots. She could have petitioned a judge to count them, but refused, disenfranchising 574 Mesa County voters.
er and so, what ?
” In the 2019 election, more than 500 Mesa County ballots were found uncounted, having been left in a Grand Junction dropbox until they were discovered mid-February – more than three months after they had been cast. To find out exactly what happened with the ballots, 9NEWS filed an open records request for surveillance video from Nov. 5, Election Day.
The above video shows a Mesa County Elections employee checking his phone. After polls closed at 7 p.m., the worker puts the closed sign on the box and locks it – with all 574 legally-cast ballots left uncounted inside. The ballots were first discovered when the first presidential primary ballots were collected at Mesa County’s election office at 200 Spruce Street. The ballots were still in the box from when they had been dropped there months earlier.
Once the mistake was realized, the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office was contacted immediately. Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters issued a news release alerting the public Feb. 20. In the release, Peters wrote that “…had the ballots that were left in the dropbox been counted, it would not have produced a different result in any of the elections.”
“This was a big surprise to find out that the person who actually closed the box at 7 p.m. did not actually collect the ballots out of it,” Peters said. “We can train our election judges, which we do. We can train staff and our elections managers, but when it comes right down to it, the only variable that we can’t control is human error. That’s exactly what happened in this case”
So am I doing this right, left ?
a) Griswold & Dominion erase election records after the fact, and apparently secretly altered election databases DURING THE ELECTION,
but no big deal.
b) therefore Tina is a mentally ill criminal who should burn for not including 500+ ballots left behind by a lunk head, when found months later.
Perspective, people. keep your perspective
this is what accountability looks like ; Tina Peters’ Statement
“Sorry about that, but I’m still not going to do my job”.
That’s about as accountable as a Republican in Mesa County will get.
p.s. Send Tina Money
Anderson’s TV ads will have plenty of content to choose from.
The party that’s always bleating about “Law and Order” and “Back the Blue” is supporting a candidate currently under indictment.
Spineless, witless, worthless traitors to everything they claim to hold dear.