The front page of this Saturday’s Daily Sentinel featured an article about the debate held recently between the two candidates running for Mesa County Sheriff in the Republican primary election coming up June 28: Bob Dalley and incumbent Sheriff Todd Rowell.
At the debate, Dalley cited statistics about alarming increases in crime within the county, without giving any sources for his statistics, while Sheriff Rowell cited Colorado Bureau of Investigations data that show Mesa County actually has lower crime rates than the rest of the state as a whole.
That Dalley would quote statistics, as he does on his campaign website as well, without citing even a single source for any of the information, is always a red flag, since he could be making up this information, but the biggest bombshell in the Sentinel article was really near the end, and was presented with little fanfare or attention:
It was this:
“Dalley said he doesn’t believe Joe Biden fairly won his election to president of the United States in 2020.”
Dalley is an election denier, exactly like indicted Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, and we’ve seen the damage putting someone in elected office who believes this has done to our county, and the expense it’s caused taxpayers.
Dalley believes in The Big Lie, Trump’s myth that the election was stolen from him through massive, coordinated election fraud, a claim that’s been completely debunked from top to bottom, from coast to coast, over and over again through the dismissal of over 70 different court cases claiming this nationally, as well multiple recounts, audits, in-depth investigations, including a recent one here in Mesa County, and many other methods of examination.
So what is the significance of a candidate who wants to head the Mesa County Sheriff’s Department believing a completely debunked lie, or even just thinking it’s okay to tell the entire public a lie?
Well, if Bob Dalley is willing to lie to the public about the 2020 election, maybe he’ll also feel comfortable lying to the courts to obtain a conviction. He might set a bad precedent by tacitly making it okay for MCSO officers to lie. Under Dalley’s leadership, would MCSO officers be okay with saying, for example, that they saw a weapon in someone’s waistband when they didn’t? Or that they witnessed a shooting, or a drug deal when they didn’t?
Lying by law enforcement officials, especially someone in charge of an entire law enforcement agency, bolsters the norm of lying throughout that agency, and throughout society.
Lying by law enforcement officers increases the probability that the innocent will go to prison. It damages the credibility of law enforcement as a whole. And when legal cases are ultimately dismissed after lies by law enforcement officers are discovered, it can result in the guilty going free.
This is probably not what we want in Mesa County.
Add to that the fact that Dalley has zero endorsements on his campaign website by any local individuals, and we see problems forming. His only endorsement is by the national group Gun Owners of America, and his platform seems to be primarily about having very few regulations on all guns and keeping very few restrictions on gun possession. He also makes it a point to say repeatedly on his campaign website that he’s a Christian, which has zero bearing on his ability to perform as Sheriff.
Also two other small but significant things:
1) Dalley’s campaign website links to his account on the conservative social media platform Gettr, a Twitter clone launched by former associates of Trump after Trump was kicked of Twitter, that has developed a reputation for hosting racist and antisemitic content and terrorist propaganda.
And 2) Dalley is a bad speller, which seems to be a hallmark of far right wing extremists:
Dalley also isn’t thorough. Even though a website is a primary communication tool for a political campaign, he couldn’t be bothered with filling in key information on his website, as evidenced by the template instructions he left unchanged:
Wow, Anne. I know objectivity left journalism a long time ago, but seriously? If anything, your slanted writing makes me want to vote for Dalley simply because there must be a reason that you’re so opposed. Let’s start with the most ridiculous–clearly you haven’t seen some of the atrocious spelling that’s out there by the far Left. As far as politicians lying to us, what about getting this new and unproven vaccine so that everyone will be completely safe from COVID? That worked well. Thanks for not helping. I know an excellent journalism professor. Let me know if you’d like his contact info.
I don’t think anyone wants an elected official who thinks it’s fine to lie to the public.
Your right Biden has to go along with the rest of the career politicians.
Lisa, I believe you would agree that poor spelling, improper grammar and a general lack of appreciation for the English language have become quite common in American society, especially on social media platforms. However, when individuals are promoting themselves for public office, the standards must be higher.
Regarding this blogger’s perspective and keen observations re this candidate’s public posts, her post is highly relevant and objective. Dalley failed to take the time to present himself in a professional manner, either by choice or by ignorance. Either way, this is unacceptable.
The sheriff is an elected county representative and a law enforcement official. Their actions reflect on the county, its constituents and the judicial agencies it would interact with. No public official with this much responsibility should be illiterate or so lazy as to not care about how they communicate- with the general public or their staff. Their failure to use proper grammar confirms their lack of education, lack of attention to detail(s) and sets an extremely poor example for their staff.
I hope you have noticed that I haven’t even touched on the fact that Dalley’s willful disregard for facts re the false narrative of election fraud is foundation in and of itself to disqualify him for ANY public office. We are now finding out that trump KNEW, from his own legal counsel, that his public narrative of election fraud was unfounded.
So, after ~61 losses in courts across the fruited plain, compounded by new disclosures that confirmed that trump was just ~blowin smoke up the tailpipes of his followers, anyone who still promotes this ‘big lie’ is intentionally attempting to destroy our democracy & the rightful, peaceful transfer of power.
The klan is back. I don’t believe Republicans have been about Law and in Order since before Nixon. No wait – that was klan, too. Seems like people should have taken a closer loo at that “America First” slogan.
Running for sheriff in a conservative county used to be about law and order, and a candidate’s relevant experience. Across Colorado, it’s now about subversion from the rule of law. Electing Daley can only happen if reasonable people vote to keep him out of office.
Agree- these individuals are ELECTED and are propped up by special interests, just as we see with the ‘local activists’ propped up to ‘show concern’ at local school boards.
These politicians with badge & gun are as dirty as their predecessors of western lore- in cahoots with Big $$$ & white nationalists.
Yep. John Birch Society (rebranded “Tea Party”/Ron Paul/Libertarian). Polis backed the morons as well back in 2011. He’s not a Democrat. But hey! Dope is legal, right? Between a rock and a hard place we are. Entire 2-hour long presentations about what was coming back in 2012, but everybody said “Meh” (something, something, “love your enemies”…). And here we are.
It’s not as though everybody wasn’t warned when the Tea Party took over the GOP. Meanwhile Polis was tweeting out Ayn Rand and suggesting we Dem voters get behind Teabag nutter Rand Paul, (it’s still up on his twitter feed). Now he’s pretending to be a Democrat. I’d say this state is fairly screwed.
well SOMEBODY has to put this place back together after the left looniverse damaged it so badly. So if we replace or tighten up a few loose screws, its all in a Good Days Works
Sheriffs across the country are nothing more than politicians with a gun. They are propped up by special interests who have ZERO interest in We the People.
Look at their stance following squatter rancher Cliven Bundy in 2014. “constitutional sheriffs”- double-speak for F the constitution
psst there is a BIG BIG world outside Mesa. get bold
“Let’s entertain for argument’s sake, that the US government and media are telling the truth this time about the Biolabs in Ukraine, and these facilities are truly being used exclusively for “defensive” research.
There are approximately 330 documented US DoD funded biolabs worldwide, in addition to the CDC, the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pfizer, Moderna, etc.; all of which are pouring billions and billions of dollars into “preventative” biological research and vaccines.
All these global resources, and what did they accomplish? How did they do anything to deter, prevent, treat, or cure C19? And now Monkeypox? Whatever they are doing with the billions and billions of our tax payer dollars, doesn’t appear to be working. In fact they only seem to make it worse.
So for those who still refuse to subscribe to the inconvenient reality that the US biolab network is malicious… you cannot deny that the US biolab network has been at least completely incompetent, if not willfully negligent.
And this malice/negligence caused Russia to use military force to intervene in US biological activity near the Russian border, because the US has clearly shown they are not to be trusted with our biological capabilities.
Keep in mind, the US government and western media denied the existence of these labs at all. Only for them to reluctantly have to admit the labs exist days later. If these labs truly were defensive and they have nothing to hide, why did they vehemently deny the existence of the labs in the first place? Why did they launch a mass censorship and smear campaign against me for pointing out these labs existed? Why did 43 separate publications label me by name and label my story as a “conspiracy theory”? Why put forth so much effort to cover up something if there’s nothing to cover up?
The US government and media are admitting they lied to you earlier about there being no labs… but they are being super serious and honest THIS time when they tell you the labs they said didn’t exist, are actually 100% defensive, not nefarious at all, and nobody needs to investigate it or talk about it in any way, shape, or form.
You don’t need to be a psychologist to recognize rudimentary tells of human dishonesty and deception. The People can smell bullshit from miles away, and everything pertaining to the US biological network reeks of fresh manure.
To Klandestine:
Wow, your wordy screed just doesn’t sound accurate. Why? Because it ain’t.
In the future, please simply stick to hawking Orange Kool Aide. It’s work in years past and it’s working now.
An Unadmirer
Let’s entertain for argument’s sake, that the US government and media are telling the truth this time about the Biolabs in Ukraine, and these facilities are truly being used exclusively for “defensive” research.
There are approximately 330 documented US DoD funded biolabs worldwide, in addition to the CDC, the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pfizer, Moderna, etc.; all of which are pouring billions and billions of dollars into “preventative” biological research and vaccines.
All these global resources, and what did they accomplish? How did they do anything to deter, prevent, treat, or cure C19? And now Monkeypox? Whatever they are doing with the billions and billions of our tax payer dollars, doesn’t appear to be working. In fact they only seem to make it worse.
So for those who still refuse to subscribe to the inconvenient reality that the US biolab network is malicious… you cannot deny that the US biolab network has been at least completely incompetent, if not willfully negligent.
And this malice/negligence caused Russia to use military force to intervene in US biological activity near the Russian border, because the US has clearly shown they are not to be trusted with our biological capabilities.
Keep in mind, the US government and western media denied the existence of these labs at all. Only for them to reluctantly have to admit the labs exist days later. If these labs truly were defensive and they have nothing to hide, why did they vehemently deny the existence of the labs in the first place? Why did they launch a mass censorship and smear campaign against me for pointing out these labs existed? Why did 43 separate publications label me by name and label my story as a “conspiracy theory”? Why put forth so much effort to cover up something if there’s nothing to cover up?
The US government and media are admitting they lied to you earlier about there being no labs… but they are being super serious and honest THIS time when they tell you the labs they said didn’t exist, are actually 100% defensive, not nefarious at all, and nobody needs to investigate it or talk about it in any way, shape, or form.
You don’t need to be a psychologist to recognize rudimentary tells of human dishonesty and deception. The People can smell bullshit from miles away, and everything pertaining to the US biological network reeks of fresh manure.
Well well well…
Addendum: So why then oppose vaccines and masks? One would think this state would have taken better precautions, especially in the red parts, yes? That didn’t happen because “freeeeeedum!” Ya’ll are all over the map contradicting yourselves from one minute to the next.
Just wondering why you think it doesn’t sound accurate? Because it ain’t really is not really an answer to the question of why. Then you ended the conversation with a personal attack. Why was that?
I know this comment may get some nasty replies but eh! I say these things not to hurt or disrespect, but because I love America and my fellow Countrymen and Women.
This is a huge part of our Country’s problem. Not being able to debate with reason and logic. Attacking your opponent is not a way to solve our serious issues in America. As American’s we don’t have to all agree with one another. We are FREE to be as we choose. If we trust and respect that one notion that will lead to understanding and respect for one another even in disagreements.
My suggestion to you and many others like you is explain your reasoning, and answer the question of why it’s wrong, or why you don’t agree. Maybe just maybe you could teach someone or you could learn something yourself. Personal attacks are meant to harm and hurt another, while making yourself fell better. There really is no reason to hate, even if someone thinks or believes different than you. We all used to know that.
Brainwashing and Propaganda have taken away our minds as well as our morals. If we don’t change our ways, America will no longer be. If America falls the World falls. The politicians want us to hate one another and attack one another. Because if we are busy doing that we won’t be paying any attention to them. Thats how they remain in power. We’re being used as pawns my friend.
From one American to another with Love and Respect!
Weird. I always thought the liberal agenda was to pay taxes that fund law enforcement, fire protection, and education. Here this guy’s asserting an anti-liberal agenda…. He must be getting audited too.
Daley doesn’t actually believe the Big Lie. He knows Biden won. He knows we have a lower crime rate. He knows that those issues won’t get him elected. He knows he needs a wedge issue, just like Bobert and just like TP. Most importantly, he knows that a lack of education + lots of Fox News + incredible amounts of unemployed free time = political expediency. He wants to get elected and he lives in Bobert’s district. Hence, like every other two-bit demagogue, he is simply giving the uneducated people exactly what they want. It’s worked for years, and it will continue to work.
Remember all the cases that got extra scrutiny after Steve King was found guilty of fraud? We should have learned something from that …