The First Congregational Church sign (Photo: Shirley Zimmerman Kodis)
After the uproar over anti-transgender memes District 51 School Board President Andrea Haitz posted recently on her personal social media accounts, the First Congregational Church at 5th and Kennedy in Grand Junction took steps to make it clear to the public that their church welcomes transexual kids. The church is directly across the street from Grand Junction High School.
Church Administrator Beth Rakestraw said on her social media account that “Transkids are loved and welcomed at my church!” The church describes itself on its website as a “progressive Christian community” and says “We welcome all people regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender preference, ability, and disability…At our church you don’t have to check your brain at the door. We believe that science and religion are not mutually exclusive. … No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.”
Haitz tried to walk back her posts by telling the Daily Sentinel that people had “misinterpreted” her memes because they “don’t understand satire,” but that was disproved after Heidi Hess of One Colorado revealed to the Daily Sentinel that Haitz belonged to the Facebook group Reboot 2022, whose mission statement says “Transgender is not an option.”
How do we get rid of people like Haitz who actually are against public education as our Constitution gives all the right to? Haitz closed our magnet and high achieving East Middle School, then promptly allowed Hillsdale religious organization to put their Ascent Academy in GJ, no matter that the building still has lead priblems in its walls.
This is welcome news.
Bullying isn’t new and Haitz’s hatefulness is not original.
Worse yet, she’s clearly incapable of understanding (or caring) that her behavior toward teachers and children is just plain cruel.
It sure would be great if the local leaders who are cashing paychecks for mental health, suicide prevention, and public health advocacy would come out publicly against Haitz’s type of rhetoric.
Bullying is a serious public health issue. Hate us a serious public health issue. Suicide is a serious public health issue.
The silence of leaders, especially those whose job it is to care, is complicity.
Hatred of an “other” (Blacks, Jews, LGBTQIA+, Women who aren’t brainwashed Xtian cultists, or anyone who’s “different”) makes weak people feel strong. What they don’t know is that there are more allies than they know of in this valley, and we’ll take care of (and take in) the ones they want to abuse.
And we’re Coloradoans…we fight back.
the “fighting” is done through love, support, compassion, and information. and wisdom.