Category: Pop culture

Post-Election, Angry Citizens Seek Secession

In the week since the general election, multiple online petitions have appeared asking the Obama Administration to allow certain states to secede from the union.  The petitions seek independence for Utah, South Dakota, West Virginia, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Nevada and New York. There are two separate petitions for Ohio. Utah’s petition, created on November 11, states,

“We the people of the great state of Utah, do see that in today’s world the Federal Government has not led our citizens justly and with honor. We therefore as free men and women of our great state do believe that it is time to take matter [sic] upon ourselves to ensure our continued freedom, and to enact our own laws and here buy govern ourselves without the federal government’s involvement in our internal matters from this day forward.”

In response, someone created a petition asking the Obama Administration to strip the citizenship from, and peacefully deport each American citizen who signed a petition for any state to secede from the USA.

Need Some Entertainment?

A new Twitter hashtag has appeared: #RepublicanBooks. Suggested titles include, “Fifty Shades of Nay,” “The Agony Without the Ecstasy,” “Dog on a Hot Tin Roof,” “Animal Factory Farm,” “Crime and No Punishment,” and children’s books like “One Fish, Two Fish, Three for Me, None for You Fish.” Another new hashtag is trending, “DemocratBooks.” Some suggested titles there include, “Little Foreclosed Home on the Prarie,” “Community Organizing for Idiots,” “Sophie’s Mandate,” and “Who Moved my Government Cheese?”