Category: Pop culture
Activism, Homophobia, Human rights, Intolerance, LGBT issues, Local business, politics, Pop culture, Propaganda, Racism, Trump Insanity
Tractor Supply throws LGBTQ+ customers and investors under the bus
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• •Tractor Supply Company, a farm, ranch and feed company which previously had touted its efforts at diversity and inclusion, did an about-face June 27 after it issued a press release saying it will stop sponsoring events like gay pride festivals and voter registration drives, stop submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign, eliminate its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) roles, “retire” its DEI goals and will “withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts.”
The company says they “work hard every day” to “represent the values of the communities and customers we serve. We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart.”
Education, Pop culture, Public health
Have you used psilocybin (“magic”) mushrooms in the last year? You might be eligible to participate a study by CU Denver’s Anthropology department and get a $50 gift card to City Market
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Dehydrated psilocybin mushrooms
The Anthropology Department of University of Colorado-Denver is looking for Black, Indigenous people, people of color and/or low-income people in Colorado between the ages of 21-75 to participate in a cutting-edge study aimed at learning more about patterns of psilocybin use, indigenous knowledge about psilocybin, and reduction in the stigma surrounding its use.
In 2022, Colorado became the second state in the country to legalize the use of psilocybin at state-regulated centers and under the supervision of licensed facilitators.
Participants in the study will complete an hour-long videotaped interview about about their use of psilocybin to improve wellness, address trauma or increase spiritual development. In exchange for their participation they will receive through regular U.S.P.S. mail a $50.00 King Soopers (City Market) gift card.
Activism, Coronavirus pandemic, Good Republicans, Good things about Mesa County, Local scut, Pandemic, Pop culture, Tim Foster, Weird Grand Junction Stuff, Worker advocacy
7th Street Deli saved by Tim Foster
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The 7th Street Deli has been at the same location on 7th Street and Bookcliff for 15 years
The 7th-Street Deli has been saved!
The deli was threatened with eviction in mid-January for non-payment of back rent. The owner had suffered a prolonged 50% loss of business due to back-to-back renovation projects that took place on 7th Street in 2019 and 2020, and then got hit with the no-indoor dining order in 2020 from Covid. Deli owner Debbie Allen had made it through all those obstacles and was finally getting out of her debt when the property owner slapped her with an eviction notice and a lawsuit for tens of thousands in back rent. The deli started a GoFundMe account and donations poured in. By the end of January they had raised about $8,000, but it wasn’t enough to pay off all the back rent.
Cringeworthy, Ethics, Extremism, Greg Haitz, Health, Health care, Lies, Pandemic, Pop culture, Public health, Quackery, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Another Rimrock Wellness Center chiropractor dispenses dangerous medical disinformation
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Charles Daniel Vaden
For many people, chiropractors are de facto primary health care providers, particularly in medically underserved rural areas like the western slope. Many people find it easier and more affordable to see a chiropractor than an M.D., and tend see their chiropractors far more often than they do M.D.s., generating familiarity and a relationship of trust with these health professionals. This puts chiropractors in a unique position to deliver vital public health information to a good portion of the community. They could, for example, be educating people about positive health behaviors, informing them about what’s scientifically proven to keep people safe from contracting Covid-19, telling people what works best to keep them of the hospital if they get Covid-19, and helping them know when to seek further medical care.
But instead of using their valuable position to benefit public health, it turns out many Grand Junction chiropractors are dispensing egregiously false medical information about vaccines and how to prevent Covid-19. And these chiropractors aren’t just flushing their value as a community public health asset down the toilet. They are lying to the people who support them financially and trust them the most, misleading people in very dangerous ways and often doing it for profit.
Deplorables, Embarrassing Republicans, Ethics, Firearms, Gun violence, Lauren Boebert, Pop culture, Religious hypocrisy, Vile Republicans
Lauren Boebert mocks the death of 42 year old woman accidentally killed by prop gun on film set
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Halayna Hutchins, a 42 year old cinematographer killed by the accidental discharge of a firearm on a New Mexico film set. She left behind a husband and 9 year old son. (Photo: Instagram)
Denver news anchor Kyle Clark in a commentary November 17 on his show “Next, with Kyle Clark” said journalists are holding Republican Colorado House Rep. Lauren Boebert to a lower standard than every other legislator because:
“If we held her to the same standard as every other elected Republican and Democrat in Colorado, we would be here near nightly chronicling the cruel, false, and bigoted things that Boebert says for attention and fundraising.”
So in an attempt to keep up with Rep. Boebert’s avalanche of cruel and vile behavior in the name of fundraising, here’s a recent one for you, and it’s about as cruel as you can get:
Crazy Republicans, Embarrassing Republicans, Extremism, Generic idiocy, Inept Republicans, Lauren Boebert, politics, Pop culture, Stupid Republicans, Weird western slope stuff
Jimmy Kimmel convinces people videos posted by CO House Rep. Lauren Boebert are Saturday Night Live skits
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• •On his late night TV show November 12, Jimmy Kimmel showed passers-by clips of actual videos posted by Colorado Republican House Representative Lauren Boebert, like Boebert’s “Fauci eats puppies alive” video, told them the videos were shown on Saturday Night Live last weekend and asked people if they thought SNL had too mean in lampooning her.
All said they thought SNL had gone too far.
Then Kimmel revealed the truth, that all the videos were actual videos of Boebert.
Conservatives, Crazy Republicans, Dangerous Republicans, Domestic terrorism, Embarrassing Republicans, Ethics, Extremism, Fake patriotism, Health care, Lauren Boebert, Lies, Marketing, Pandemic, Pharmaceutical, Pop culture, Public health, Religion, Safety, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Orchard Mesa Baptist Church to host Covid-19 misinformation event by liars and grifters at $20 a ticket
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The Eventbrite invitation to the Covid-19 disinformation event at Orchard Mesa Baptist Church tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrow afternoon the Orchard Mesa Baptist Church at 2748 B 1/2 Road will host a Covid-19 disinformation event for $20 admission featuring three discredited and fake “doctors” and Sheronna Bishop, who was bumped from Rep. Lauren Boebert’s campaign last year after Bishop publicly endorsed the Proud Boys, a far right, white nationalist organization. The Proud Boys was one of the violent extremist groups targeted by the FBI in its investigation of the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Billed as the “Truth and Freedom Tour,” the event at the OM Baptist Church features three people who are well known for disseminating false, misleading and dangerous information about the Coronavirus pandemic.
Embarrassing Republicans, Pop culture, Racism, Weird western slope stuff
Rep. Lauren Boebert’s mother and friend complain about all the “brown people” in the Rifle WalMart
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• •In this cringeworthy December, 2010 “things we hate” YouTube video reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live skit, Colorado CD-3 House Rep. Lauren Boebert‘s mother, Shawna Bentz (on the left), and a friend who identifies herself as “Lauren,” (not Bentz’s daughter, House Representative Lauren Boebert) complain about Mexicans and all the “brown people” in the Rifle Walmart on Sundays.
Beneath the video, Bentz wrote, “In noway way Do we hate brown people, We love all of Gods People….This is just a Rant of the everyday life.”
Activism, Education, Ethnic/Minority, Pop culture, Racism, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Central High’s team name may be in for a change
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• •The Cleveland Indians baseball team announced yesterday that they will be dropping their team’s name after 105 years, because it has long been considered racist.
Cleveland’s move follows the NFL team, the Washington Redskins’, announcement last July 23 that after 87 years they are changing their name for the same reason: the name is outdated and racist.
What of our local schools’ racist athletic team names?
Activism, Democracy, Deplorables, Embarrassing Republicans, Extremism, Fake patriotism, Gun violence, Magical thinking, Pandemic, politics, Pop culture, Safety, Stupid Republicans, Trump Insanity
Why the Republican candidate for 3rd Congressional District, Lauren Boebert, is batsh*t crazy
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• •In May, 2020, Lauren Boebert, the Republican candidate for House Representative in the 3rd Congressional District (our district), was a guest on an online right wing political talk show called “Steel Truth” hosted by Ann Vandersteel.
We can now add Lauren Boebert to the ever-growing list of QAnon supporters who are running for Congress.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 18, 2020
Corporations, Economics, Media, Pop culture, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Bonsai Design sued over injuries incurred on Vail’s Game Creek Zipline
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A platform at Vail Resort’s Game Creek Canopy Tour zipline attraction.
A lawsuit** (pdf) was filed in District Court last July against Las Colonias Business Park anchor tenant Bonsai Design and Vail Resorts for injuries a guest incurred on Vail Resort’s Game Creek Zipline Tour on July 7, 2017.
Lisa Cowles of Wisconsin filed the lawsuit (pdf) on July 22, 2019, challenging the “unreasonably dangerous and defective design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of the ‘Game Creek’ zip-line course in Vail, Colorado.” Bonsai manufactured and installed the zipline course in 2015, and Vail Resorts operates it.
Activism, Diversity, LGBT issues, Pop culture
Thousands attend Pride Parade 2019 in downtown Grand Junction
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It was all about love and acceptance for the crowds lining Main Street for downtown Grand Junction’s annual Pride Parade on Saturday, June 23, the biggest and best yet, with thousands of people attending. The weather was clear, sunny and a perfect 75 degrees. The parade route went from First and Main and Streets east along main to 6th Street.
Attendees cheered 23 floats, including entries from the First Congregational Church, the American Lutheran Church and the Grand Valley Interfaith Network. Residents of Delta had a float in this year’s parade, as did a Cosplay group, and a group called Coffee and Civic Action (CACA) that meets Thursday mornings at Main Street Bagels to write to elected representatives and advance progressive causes. The costumes were exotic and spectacular and rainbows were everywhere.
Activism, Advertising, Democracy, Liberals, politics, Pop culture, Trump Insanity, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Pickup of the “Impeachment Now” banner: History made in western Colorado with first-ever banner flight
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• •Deplorables, Equal rights, Ethics, Ethnic/Minority, Extremism, Fake patriotism, Fake Religiosity, Hate, Human rights, Intolerance, Pop culture, Propaganda, Religious hypocrisy
More on the hate culture in Grand Junction: “If you don’t like it, leave”
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We came home from our anniversary dinner last fall to find this sticker slapped on our mailbox. President Trump has emboldened nasty behavior among Mesa County right wingers.
Note: I first published this article in August of 2018, but given President Trump’s recent racist statements toward four female freshmen members of Congress, it seems appropriate to re-post it. — AL, July 21, 2019
Anyone on the western slope who has pointed out hatred, bigotry, unequal treatment or violations of people’s constitutional or civil rights in our area has heard the phrase over and over: “If you don’t like what’s going on here, you can just leave.”
That’s what many western slope residents say to people who live here who aren’t just like them, who may have moved here from somewhere else, or who disagree with them or assert their constitutional rights.
Activism, Crazy Republicans, Deplorables, Education, Equal rights, Ethics, Ethnic/Minority, Extremism, Hate, Intolerance, Pop culture, Propaganda, Religious hypocrisy, Trump Insanity, Xenophobia
How the President’s racism affects the western slope
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• •President Donald Trump spent years spreading the racist lie that President Obama was born in Kenya. He’s publicly described Mexicans as rapists, called for a “complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” said immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS,” used the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants and called African countries “shitholes.”
Sad to say, but there are people in our own community who actually believe these things, and worse, and Trump is empowering them to more freely express their racism and xenophobia.
Advertising, Pop culture, Propaganda, Religion, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Dare to Care Auto Sales’ Weird Gay Business Sign
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• •A large sign graces North Avenue that appears to promote homosexuality.

Dare to Care Auto’s business sign at 2914 North Ave., on the north side of the street
Pop culture, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Cavalcade in Fruita: a Unique, Enchanting Local Entertainment Venue
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Cavalcade at 201 E. Aspen in Fruita
It’s no secret that there are a few ways in which Fruita has been blowing the doors off Grand Junction lately. Their property values are increasing faster than those in G.J., they’ve got a fantastic rec center, they’ve attracted a young, fun, creative crowd by emphasizing outdoor activities and now there’s another little surprise that makes the place even more special.
It’s a wonderful little locally-owned, non-profit entertainment venue called Cavalcade, located on Fruita’s main drag, at 201 E. Aspen.