Colorado House Rep. Lauren Boebert’s teenage son called 911 on Sunday, December 11, 2022 to report that his father, Jayson Boebert, was “throwing me across the house.” The son sounded hysterical, and was sobbing and breathless at the beginning of the call.
“He just started yelling at me and he started throwing me,” the teen said. He then added that his dad had told him to leave the property and yelled at him to get away.
The teen added, “He just does this to me so much.”
Shortly after that, the teen made a second 911 call in which he essentially recanted his story of abuse. Lauren Boebert can be heard talking in the background of the second call, in which the boy explains that he and his dad were starting to yell and and “he didn’t really get physical with me. It was just like, I was just overwhelmed.”