AnneLandmanBlog received the following email from Bradley Turpin, Milk and Institutions Program Manager in CDPHE’s Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability saying the company that performed the post-remediation testing for lead at the new Ascent Classical Academy building (the old Rocky Mountain Gun Club at 545 31 Road) did in fact use a test that they are allowed to use in this instance. He apologized for the confusion caused by their former statement that bulk testing would be appropriate in this situation. The official did not comment on the current lead levels in the building, but CDPHE does appear to be involved in overseeing the remediation.
Ascent Classical Academy’s administration seems to realize the old shooting range building will not be ready for occupancy by September 5 and is currently setting up portable, prefabricated buildings on site for the start of school. It is unknown if the buildings contain restrooms or whether they will be incorporated into these portable buildings. There are currently two porta-potties alongside the permanent building, off the parking lot. As of August 26, 2023 the “Rocky Mountain Gun Club” signs remain on the building.

Ascent Classical Academy mobile classrooms being set up in the parking lot. Porta-potties are at the left of the photo, behind the orange posts.
Isn’t this a situation where state or federal OSHA should be involved? This is a workplace for the teachers.
Bottom line, OSHA involvement here would have to be complaint-driven. Employees can file a confidential complaint about an unsafe workplace to OSHA online here: