Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters takes charges of election fraud conspiracy further in new video

Embattled Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters doubled down on her wild, unfounded claims of election fraud in a “Thursday Night Patriot” Zoom call held November 18 that featured both her and Sherronna Bishop, just days after law enforcement executed legal searches on both their homes pursuant to ongoing criminal investigations into Mesa County’s compromised election equipment.

Bishop posted a recording of the hour-plus long Zoom call on her Facebook page. Over 100 attendees joined the call, and the video has had over 5,800 views. The video excerpt above is the roughly four minutes in which Tina Peters spoke.

Peters, who is still collecting a salary as Clerk, has been banned by a court from carrying out elections in Mesa County because of actions she took that compromised the County’s elections equipment.

Officials are “selected,” not elected, are “lording over us” and “imposing illegal sanctions”

In the Zoom call, Peters again asserts without providing any evidence that election officials “cheated,” “destroyed election records” and are “allowing influences to come into our computers, changing votes.” She then takes it further than she has before by asserting that unnamed officials are “not elected” but rather “selected,” without saying by whom, and that “they are the ones that are lording over us and imposing these laws, these illegal sanctions.”
About 43 minutes into the video, Bishop says the Mesa County Commissioners are “afraid” and that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold should be “sitting in a federal jail cell right now.” Bishop praises Peters as hero and defends her, saying:
“Once they saw an opportunity to remove a conservative clerk and recorder from Mesa County … and a DA that would go along with it and a sheriff that would stand down … wow. A trifecta for the progressive left here in Mesa County.”

Appearing with Three Percenters

Peters appears in the video alongside Three Percenters Cory and Jacqueline Anderson.

Cory Anderson is the person who last January gifted House Rep. Lauren Boebert with a Glock pistol that was illegally engraved with a Congressional seal and that exceeded the maximum value an elected official is allowed to accept as a gift. Jacqueline Anderson, Cory’s wife, is the former First Vice Chair of the Mesa County Republican Party, who recently resigned so she could speak her mind “freely and truthfully.”

Three Percenters are a sub-ideology of the radical right whose believers harbor extremist anti-government ideology and believe in violent resistance to, or overthrow of the U.S. government by armed militias.

Peters starts to speak at about minute 44:00 of the video (edited slightly for clarity). She says,

“…If this is allowed to be buried … what these machines are capable of, I fear for our country. This is it. This is the tip of the spear that’s going to bust this thing wide open nationwide. And Shawn [Smith, another election fraud conspiracy theorist involved in the “Election Integrity Project”], you know that, and it’s, you know, and they’re so afraid. And that’s why they’re attacking us, … they want us to go away, or go to jail. It is … We’ve GOT to get the word out. We’ve got to let the people know that they’re the ones that cheated. They’re the ones that destroyed election records. They’re the ones that are that are allowing influences to come into our computers, changing votes, and doing all these things. And I keep saying we, these selected, not elected, are the ones that are lording over us and imposing these laws these illegal sanctions, and I’ve never seen this. None of us in our lifetime have seen this, but this is the proof and we’ve got to stand up and we’ve got to get more people to put the pressure on them, because if this is allowed to be swept under the rug, which is what they want to do, and I’m willing … I don’t want to go to prison, I’m 66 years old. But you know what? …Whatever it takes to get to get the word out, and to stop this madness. Stop it, expose the lies, expose how they’re they’re cheating. You know, these people are not elected, they are selected.”

  3 comments for “Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters takes charges of election fraud conspiracy further in new video

  1. 1. Thank you for watching, recording and reporting on this stuff. I sure’s hell couldn’t do it.
    2. Why do these people think Mesa County elections are being stolen? The folks doing all the complaining got all the wacky wingnuts they wanted.
    3. There is nothing like a good conspiracy theory to give a shitty, insignificant life a little meaning.

  2. If these idiots don’t like it here, they should leave! I think I remember that the Anderson’s moved here not long ago from the front range and I thought America’s Mom lived in Silt. She should go back to Garfield county and try to change things there. Oh wait, Garfield county leans more to the liberal side, so…Tina sounds like she is drugged and it gets worse every time I see a video of her. It’s like she can’t put a complete sentence together. Personally, I am grateful for Dan Rubenstein, who has the courage to proceed with investigating Tina for the crimes she may have perpetrated against the good people of Mesa County. That is his job!!!

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