KREX-TV last night ran a 5 minute news segment about Red Rock dealerships, which are currently under investigation by the state for problems including forgeries of customers’ signatures on legal/financial documents like contracts, Powers of Attorney, title and loan documents, and the addition of thousands of dollars worth of extras to customers’ contracts without their knowing, like extended warranties and special coatings.
Below is the full statement of a former title clerk who worked at Red Rock. This person asked to remain anonymous. This statement was included in the KREX news segment, but it merits fuller attention because of its gravity. This person’s employment at the dealership has been verified, and they had experience with the Mesa County Department of Motor Vehicles before going to work for Red Rock:
“During my employment with Red Rock Auto Group I witnessed sales manager and finance managers forging customers’ signatures on Power of Attorney forms, title applications, Colorado Certificate of Title and loan documents.
Paperwork came to me after the sale was completed and loans were acquired.
I was tasked with assuring all title paperwork was complete and accurate before sending to Mesa County Clerk and Recorder for processing. I often found documents without the required signatures. Many times entire documents were missing from title paperwork.
When presented with incomplete paperwork, I would then request from the Sales Manager and Finance Manager involved with sale, to contact customer for required signatures and/or missing documents. Several times I witnessed the manager signing documents themselves in customer’s name. I refused to accept fraudulent documents. I was told by my direct supervisor that “Every dealership does it and it’s no big deal.” I believed they just refrained from forging documents in my presence after I made my position clear.
Eventually my employment was terminated, in my opinion because I refused to play along.”
KREX-TV 5 deserves praise and recognition from the community for courageously bringing this important information to the public, even though, like the other local TV stations and the local newspaper, they, too accept advertising from Red Rock dealerships.
KREX elevated the importance of serving their community’s needs over their need for profits, and for that they deserve a prize. Thank them if you can.
Thank you fir all the work you do, Ann! Thank you.
As well they should! (KREX) That’s what good journalism is all about. And it is getting much harder to find these days. Thanks to both you and KREX for making this community aware of this fraudulent practice. I hope this former title clerk is part of the dual investigations. She has excellent information.
Oh, and Anne, watch your back. I can’t think that Red Rock dealerships count you as a favored person! And revenge seems to be the preferred response these days.
Exactly why we must keep cursive writing taught in the earlier formative years of education There is a thing as handwriting analysis which would help solve this case.
My applause for excellent investigative research and reporting. You are AWESOME ! Thank you.