Andrea Haitz’s Feb. 15 mass email violates an ethics rule that says school board members must refrain from using their board positions for partisan gain
District 51 School Board President Andrea Haitz violated the School Board’s ethics rules by sending out an overtly partisan, political mass email February 15, 2023 using her position as School Board President to promote her husband Greg’s bid to get a seat on Grand Junction City Council this April.

Andrea Haitz
Haitz wrote,
I am writing to you today because, despite our victory, the LEFT is still here seeking majorities in local government to make Grand Junction the Denver of the Western Slope.
We can put a stop to this by voting for conservatives in the April 4th Grand Junction City Council Election like my husband, Greg Haitz, who is running for District B. [Underlining emphasis in original.]
Haitz’s email violated Mesa County Valley School District 51’s Code of Ethics for School Board Members (pdf), Policy BCB-E, which says school board members will
Avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest and refrain from using my board position for personal or partisan gain.
Haitz has made headlines for her divisive, red meat “us vs. them” politics when running for school board.
Changing demographics have been turning Mesa County more blue since the 2016 election, a situation some local politicians including Andrea Haitz and Tina Peters are having a difficult time coming to terms with.

Mesa County trended more towards Democrats in the 2020 election
Has anyone reported this to an official like the Independent Ethics Commission. I don’t know personally who is involved on this Commission and or if they can be trusted but maybe worth a shot? And attach a copy of that email she posted.
Bad move.
She should address the issue and apologize…sincerely.
PS this is what I mean by proof. So much more compelling than mud slinging.
Alice, she’ll apologize. To do so costs her nothing.
…just as soon as she’s done counting those 50$ billz…
Hey Alice. Check out this info about Ascent Classical Academy and the Network that extracts millions per year from these schools for management services. Especially interesting is the images of the resignation letter from the Douglas County Ascent school talking about how the Network basically provides no services while enriching itself at local taxpayer expense.
This is not a bug in the Charter school movement. It is one of it’s recurring features if you dig a little deeper.
For all the nonsense, I think there’s something to her email. $50 for a city council donation? Maybe the Haitzes realize their campaign is pretty weak? Is this an indication of blood in the water?
“Despite our victory the left is still here….” That, children, is what we call demagoguery. Always and “Us vs. Them” and “we” are always the good guys…
Ah, another grift from the team that gave us Lauren Bobert….
Oh, the irony. “Don’t let the left turn Western Colorado into Denver. Send me money.” Bringing big city politics to my small community. No shame at all.
Shocked–shocked!–to see another politician decry teaching about MLK and Rosa Parks whilst skirting ethics and morals.
This is bull$&!?. If a D51 teacher even approached doing what Haitz did they’d be fired. I don’t like recalling democratically elected officials, but this is clearly a violation of school board policy. And that she identifies as “Christian”… Wow. Shame on her and shame on D51.
As a math & logic problem:
Andrea can’t be bothered to read her own job description AND/OR she read it, prayed about it, and received a “WORD” that it doesn’t apply because Andrea+Greg are led by God to “do this work” which = biblical prohibition against lying and cheating (Lv19:11) doesn’t apply to them.
There will likely be a special prayer during this Sunday service to pray this attack by the LEFT away, magically erasing the reality of her cheating.
It is more of the same. When these three amigos ran together, that should have been a sign of what would come next. And it is now here. Do not vote Mr. Haitz into office, ever!
So why am I not surprised? This couple are dangerous and should not be allowed to be in public service at all, in my estimation. They seem to not understand the constitution, and many laws.
Isn’t it rich that Andrea Haitz seems to think ‘’the left’’ is running Mesa County when all three commissioners and all three state legislators are from our area are conservatives? Most of them are ultra-conservative.
We have a non-partisan city council, which I hope stays that way.
Can’t trust them, can’t trust them, can’t trust them.