Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers (WCAF), the western slope’s longest-established secular organization, will run a holiday billboard to commemorate the 2023 winter solstice.
The digital billboard will be up from 12/20-12/26 on the northeast corner of First Street and Ouray Ave., across the street from Bicycle Outfitters and Thai No. 9. There is plenty of free parking on the street so people can stop, get out of their cars and admire the billboard, and plenty of sidewalk space to stand on to take pictures of it.
WCAF was established in 2007 to provide community and a voice for atheists on the western slope
Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers was established in 2007 to give a voice to atheists and other nonreligious western slope residents. WCAF also serves as a watchdog for separation of church and state locally. The group has a page on their website where people can report violations of separation of church and state.
WCAF successfully fought mandatory student participation in religious high school baccalaureates, awarded a $4,325 scholarship to a Delta High School student who exposed the Christian proselytizing in Delta County public schools, prevailed in a fight over on-campus Bible giveaways at Colorado Mesa University, successfully stopped CMU from forcing nursing students to accept Bibles at their pinning ceremonies, pushed the City of Grand Junction to allow anyone, not just religious people, to offer invocations at City Council meetings, donated money to the Food Bank of the Rockies, held road cleanups, exposed the anti-atheist bias of long-time former Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce President Diane Schwenke, and much more.
The group holds meetings monthly, usually at a local coffee bar. You can also connect with WCAF and follow the group on their Facebook page.
Now do one that says the earth is 4.5 billion years old and since its beginning the “climate” has been “changing”.
It has. Are you under the impression that someone thinks it hasn’t?
Pretty hard to understand the tortured red language, but it seems you are saying that climate always changes and therefore we just live with it. But you forget to look at why it changes and once you know why, you can bring us back to a better clImate, one without 20+ year droughts, radically more potent storms, dangerous heat—etc. That will take decades, but that is better than what is happening now.
Definitely plan on donating money to this group!
I wish I was there to see the billboard. I’ll ask my daughter who lives there to take a photo for me. Thank you for this information. Whenever I move there, I’m going to join this group!
Yahoo. Thanks for the good news.