Tag: Impeachment
Consumer advocacy, Corruption, Elections, Ethics, Extremism, Impeachment, politics, Propaganda, Trump Insanity, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
The Daily Sentinel abdicates its mission, caves to Trumpism
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• •In an editorial January 23 the Daily Sentinel announced it is giving up reporting on Donald Trump’s impeachment. The Sentinel says since they’re not going to change any minds, they’re just going to throw up their hands and give up reporting on it entirely. The paper blames readers, saying “There’s nothing rational about the way people feel about the president.” The shocker here is that the Daily Sentinel is openly abdicating its mission of disseminating information because of Trump supporters.
But it’s also a major false equivalency to say that Trumpers and those who support his impeachment and removal from office are all equally irrational.
They are not equivalent, and the Sentinel knows it.
Activism, Crazy Republicans, Democracy, Embarrassing Republicans, Extremism, Fake patriotism, Impeachment, politics, Safety, Security, Trump Insanity
Republicans have one last-ditch chance to save themselves, and the country
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• •The President’s defenders deny any reason exists to remove Donald Trump from office. There’s nothing to see here. Everything is fine and normal, the President’s call with Ukraine President Zelinsky was “perfect” and he did absolutely nothing wrong. The impeachment is all a big hoax.
Meanwhile, House Impeachment Managers have presented days worth of detailed evidence, including the President’s own damning words, testimony from alarmed government employees, timelines and tweets detailing the totality of the President’s corrupt behavior, how he put his own interests above those of the country, intimidated witnesses, hid evidence of his wrongdoing, invited foreign governments to influence our elections, violated the Constitution and his oath to protect national security.
The difference is stark.
In the words former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele:
“When national polling shows that these folks think that Donald Trump was a better president than Abraham Lincoln, you know this is fucked up.”
Activism, Democracy, Impeachment, politics, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
State House Rep. Janice Rich (R) attended 12/17 rally held to support President Trump’s impeachment
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State Rep. Janice Rich (R-Mesa County), left, at the rally on Rood Ave. and 4th Street on 12/17 held to support Congress impeaching President Trump.(Photo credit: YouTube)
State Representative Janice Rich (R-Mesa County) attended the “No One is Above the Law” pro-impeachment rally at the federal building on Rood Ave. December 17, 2019. The rally was held to demand Congress impeach President Trump for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. The President was formally impeached by Congress the next day.
Congressman Scott Tipton’s Constituent Services Representative Brandon Bainer also attended the rally in support of impeachment.
Activism, Deplorables, Embarrassing Republicans, Fake patriotism, Impeachment, Safety, Security, Trump Insanity, Weird Grand Junction Stuff
Woman reports she was injured at “No One is Above the Law” pro-impeachment rally
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• •A woman was pushed to the ground by a Trump supporter at the pro-impeachment rally Tuesday evening in front of the federal building on Rood Ave. at 4th Street in Grand Junction. The woman hit her head on the concrete and was injured. She recognized Congressman Scott Tipton’s Constituent Services Representative Brandon Bainer standing nearby and asked him to call 911 for her. She says he didn’t help her but instead said “I am on my own time and after 5:00.” The woman recognized Mr. Bainer because she goes to Congressman Tipton and Senator Cory Gardner’s offices frequently and has met him there many times.
Activism, Corruption, Crazy Republicans, Democracy, Embarrassing Republicans, Ethics, Impeachment, politics, Trump Insanity
Pro-impeachment rally most raucous in G.J. history
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• •A rally at 5:30 p.m. yesterday (12/16) in front of the federal building at 4th and Rood Ave. to support the impeachment of President Trump turned out to be the loudest, most energetic rally in the city’s history as some raucous Trump supporters turned out to counter the demonstration.
About 200 sign-and placard-holding impeachment supporters were met by about 40-50 raucous “Bikers for Trump,” State Representative Janice Rich and other assorted self-styled “Deplorables for Trump” on the steps of the federal building at Rood and 4th Street. Trumpers amplified the volume of their comparatively small crowd by using bullhorns to try to overpower the pro-impeachment chanting, to no avail. Their actions just energized the impeachment crowd even more, who yelled ever more loudly and in unison chants like “Impeach Trump!,” “Lock him up!” and “Flush the turd!” At one point, the entire crowd started chanting “USA! USA!”
Democracy, Extremism, Fake patriotism, Impeachment, politics, Republicans violating laws, Trump Insanity
Rallies to support impeachment planned in G.J. and across the nation
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• •A rally to urge Colorado’s elected officials to impeach and remove President Donald Trump is planned in Grand Junction on Tuesday, December 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the parking lot behind the federal building at 400 Rood Ave. Senator Cory Gardner’s office is in the federal building on Rood and House Representative Tipton’s office is in the Alpine Bank Building next door.
This national mobilization is scheduled the day before the House of Representatives is expected to vote on adopting two Articles of Impeachment (pdf) against President Trump that the House Judiciary Committee approved on Friday, December 13. The articles describe high crimes and misdemeanors the President has committed while in office:
Crazy Republicans, Democracy, Education, Elections, Embarrassing Republicans, Ethics, Extremism, Fake patriotism, politics, Republicans violating laws, Trump Insanity
Why Trump is being impeached: a helpful explanation for western slope Republicans
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President Donald J. Trump
The large number of Trump supporters living on Colorado’s western slope no doubt vehemently oppose his impeachment. This blog is to help them understand why impeaching the President is imperative to protect our country, our democracy and our national sovereignty.
Trump has broken important U.S. laws, multiple times. In so doing, he has demonstrated that he poses a profound threat to our country. One of the laws he violated protects our country from foreign interference at very high levels of government:
Soliciting foreign interference in our elections
Trump has repeatedly invited foreign interference in our elections to benefit himself, an act that violates 52 U.S. Code § 30121, titled “Contributions and donations by foreign nationals.” This law states it is illegal for a person to solicit or accept “a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value” from a foreign national, “or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election” with a foreign national.