Above this post is a tweet that the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, actually posted this morning at 9:34 a.m. east coast time.
President Trump posted this tweet as thousands of Americans across the country are dying from a deadly Coronavirus pandemic with no end in sight. He posted this amid anguished cries from the governors of all 50 states and territories that their hospitals are lacking enough basic necessities, like beds, ventilators, medication and personal protective equipment, to treat the onslaught of Coronavirus victims arriving at their doors. Trump posted this shortly after a makeshift intensive care ward was constructed in New York’s Central Park to accommodate the huge number of sick people pouring into hospitals. Trump posted this as the pandemic has almost completely disabled not just America’s economy, but the world economy.
Trump posted this on a morning when America’s national news headlines read:
Pentagon asked to provide 85 refrigerated trucks, 100K body bags for coronavirus response, ABC News
Temporary Burials Possible for COVID-19 Victims, But NYC Park Trenches Plan Denied, NBC 4 New York
“Hospitals Run Low on Supplies as the U.S. Death Toll Nears 10,000,” New York Times
“At war with no ammo: Doctors say shortage of protective gear is dire,” New York Times
U.S. death toll surpasses 10,000, CBS News
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